Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

News / Dayton & Columbia County

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  • Touchet Valley Golf Club board sets a vision

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jul 11, 2019

    DAYTON—The Touchet Valley Golf Club board has developed an aggressive five-year strategy, and is now working on implementation of one of its first priorities, which is to raise money for an underground irrigation system at the golf course. Golf course concessionaire Bill Ayotte said the June 22 First Annual Gene Crothers Memorial Golf Tournament was hugely successful in raising money for the irrigation system. “This is the first time there has been a project to benefit the club,” he said. But i...

  • Evening at the Depot is Aug. 3

    the Times|Jul 11, 2019

    DAYTON—Tickets are now on sale for the Dayton Historical Depot Society’s annual Evening at the Depot auction on Aug. 3. Social hour and the silent auction begin at 6 p.m. in the Depot courtyard with music by Bobby K and Mike McQuary. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres catered by Grassroot Gourment, wine by Dumas Station, microbrew by Chief Springs Fire and Irons, all courtesy of McDonald Zaring Insurance. The live auction begins at 7 p.m. This year’s featured auction package is a seven-night Mexican Paradise vacation. The winner will choose from five lu...

  • Art in the Garden

    the Times|Jul 11, 2019

    On Saturday, the Boldman House Museum garden was in full bloom and local artists adorned the garden with their watercolor, pastel, oil,and acrylic creations during Art in the Garden....

  • Community health benefits from grants

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jul 11, 2019

    DAYTON—Columbia, Asotin and Garfield counties will share an award in the amount of $110,000 from Greater Columbia Accountable Communities of Health to be spent on social determinants of need, said Columbia County Public Health Care Director Martha Lanman, last week. Lanman said Columbia County’s share is $58,763 and the award will be split between the County Health Department and Columbia County Health System (CCHS). Of that share, $10,013.96 will benefit the public health department’s insur...

  • Columbia County Newbies Eaton and Strickland assess and prioritize

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jul 4, 2019

    DAYTON-Since Charles Eaton and Ashley Strickland have stepped into their respective roles as the county's Public Works Director and Emergency Management/E-911 Director, they have been busy assessing and tackling the issues in their departments. Eaton told the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), on Monday, that his department is seriously understaffed. He said Public Works Lead Inspector Robert Yates announced his retirement from the department that very morning. Yates has worked for the...

  • New judge to preside over Orozco trial

    the Times|Jul 4, 2019

    DAYTON—The Columbia County Prosecutor’s office received notice on June 19 that Hon. M. Scott Wolfram of Walla Walla County will be appointed as the trial judge to hear State vs. Benjamin Orozco. Orozco had previously filed a motion for an new judge. Hon. Gary Libey of Whitman County had previously been appointed. The trial date remains set for Aug. 12-23. Orozco faces charges arising from the 1996 shootings of Lance Terry and David Eaton, who were shot in downtown Dayton. He is charged with second-degree murder for shooting Terry, who died fro...

  • Bye takes action against Dayton library district

    Dena Martin, the Times|Jul 4, 2019

    DAYTON—After several months of attending negotiations, board meetings and public meetings, former Dayton Memorial Library employee Shakira Bye has taken formal action. On June 13 Bye’s attorney, Jane Richards, filed a tort claim on Bye’s behalf. In Washington, a tort claim is required when filing an injury claim against the government and must be filed 60 days prior to a lawsuit being filed. The claim names the Columbia County Library District (CCRLD), Board of Trustees, each trustee, the Librar...

  • Gene Crothers Memorial Golf Tournament

    the Times|Jul 4, 2019

    The Gene Crothers Memorial Golf Tournament, held over Father's Day weekend, was a great success according to TVGC board member Bill Ayotte. "Got everyone together to honor Gene and the golf course and got the fundraising started, which was the main emphasis. It was a wonderful day," Ayotte said. "Fifty-six players, 29 hole sponsors and many volunteers made the day truly special." Funds raised through the event will kickstart fundraising efforts on a much-needed irrigation system at the golf...

  • DGH Auxiliary donates $1,500 to Health Fund

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jul 4, 2019

    Last Thursday, Dayton Hospital Auxiliary Treasurer Dorothy Croft and President Laura Thorn presented Bob Hutchens with a check in the amount of $1,500 for the Dayton Waitsburg Community Health Foundation Fund. The fund was established by Bob and Anita Hutchens and Dolores Hutchens Cole in 2016 and is managed through the Blue Mountain Community Foundation. Interest in the fund is withdrawn annually to be used specifically for Columbia County Health System facility and equipment improvements in...

  • Former Frontier Too building remodel is underway

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jun 27, 2019

    DAYTON-Since it was built in 1882, the building at 211 East Main Street has been a mercantile, drug store, bank, survived a fire, and has been an International dealership, a Pontiac car dealership, and a tavern called the Frontier Too, until that closed in 2008. For eleven years it has been an eyesore, now sandwiched between Snapdrag Floral and Gifts, and Winter Rose Café and Boutique. But it has a promising future, according to Kim Lyonnais and Blaine Bickelhaupt, who were on hand at last...

  • Dayton School Board Update

    the Times|Jun 27, 2019

    Submitted by Superintendent Doug Johnson Good News in Dayton Schools 2019 graduation was a success Heather Clarys and Monica Chapman were honored as GEARUP Community Leadership recipients The Consolidated Program Review is nearly completed Consent Agenda Approved the Dayton High School ASB Constitution Approved Nicki as the new DW Combine Athletic Director Accepted the following resignations/retirements: Elementary Para Pro Debbie Witt, Grounds Custodian Jim Gallaher, Shane Robins Head High School Softball Coach Approved Cal Martin as High Scho...

  • Columbia County to receive $385,583 in PILT funds

    Dena Martin, the Times|Jun 27, 2019

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — On June 21, eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) announced the 2019 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program disbursements totaling more than $3.5 million for eastern Washington counties. Because local governments are unable to tax the property values or products derived from federal lands, PILT payments help support necessary government services such as education, solid waste disposal, law enforcement, search and rescue, health care, environmental c...

  • Dayton City Council Update

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jun 27, 2019

    DAYTON— On May 28, City Administrator Trina Cole attended a meeting with representatives from the state Dept. of Ecology, the Washington Water Trust, the Confed. Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), local water resource officials, and Jake Hollopeter from Anderson Perry & Assoc., to talk about a new direction for the city’s wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater Treatment Instead of offsite application, which is currently being proposed and planned for by the city, the Tribes wou...

  • Dayton terminates county planning and compliance contracts

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jun 20, 2019

    DAYTON—The Dayton City Council voted last week to terminate interlocal agreements with the county for Planning Department and Code Compliance Services. City Administrator Trina Cole said the reason behind last week’s decision is so the city can hire a full-time planner to focus on growing the city and increasing the tax base. Mayor Zac Weatherford noted that when the City initially contracted with the County for services, the County had three full-time planners. They now have one planner that is providing all services for both the City and the...

  • Port of Columbia update

    Dena Martin, the Times|Jun 20, 2019

    COLUMBIA COUNTY-One of the Port of Columbia's many projects was helping to organize a successful Career Day event, with representatives of twenty-seven different careers, at Dayton High school in May. It is hoped that the event will serve as a launching pad to rebuild the former Dayton High School internship program. Earlier this month, the Port recognized Starbuck/Lyons Ferry Marina KOA owners Wally and Joanne Knouff for passing a U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's inspection with zero findings. "A...

  • BOCC approves creation of Flood Control Zone District

    the Times|Jun 20, 2019

    DAYTON—On Monday the BOCC adopted Resolution 2019-34 establishing a countywide Flood Control Zone District (FCZD) and Resolution 2019-35 adopting a ballot measure establishing a general excess levy for the operations and maintenance of that District. In November, voters will be asked to approve a permanent general excess levy of 10 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, to fund the FCZD. The ballot measure will require a supermajority (65%) to pass. County Engineer Charles Eaton, who is the administrator of the FCZD, said the $100,000 generated e...

  • Columbia County adopts a panhandling ordinance, county road resolutions

    the Times|Jun 20, 2019

    DAYTON-An ordinance addressing panhandling in Columbia County is on its way to being codified into law after unanimous approval by the Board of County Commissioners, on June 3. Panhandling The ordinance covers panhandling, begging, and solicitation, and states there has been an increase in aggressive panhandling and begging throughout the county, which has become extremely disturbing and disruptive to citizens at both residential and business properties and is contributing to the loss of access...

  • Ranger districts provide updates

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jun 20, 2019

    DAYTON-Personnel from the Pomeroy and Walla Walla Ranger Districts of the Umatilla National Forest hosted a public meeting in Dayton last week to share information about the Districts and discuss upcoming projects during the 2019 field season. The meeting was facilitated by Tyson Albrecht Fire Management Officer with the Pomeroy Ranger District. "Both Pomeroy and Walla Walla are unique in the Pacific Northwest, in that we manage land in both states, Oregon and Washington," said Walla Walla...

  • All Wheels Weekend 2019

    the Times|Jun 20, 2019

    Skies were clear and the weather was warm for Dayton's 25th Anniversary All Wheels Weekend....

  • Orozco trial is delayed again

    Dena Martin, the Times|Jun 13, 2019

    DAYTON—Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack notified the public that the Benjamin Orozco murder trial has been re-set from July 8 to August 12, following a June 5 hearing. In his update, Slack said that Division II Court of Appeals Judge George B. Fearing, who sat by special appointment of the Supreme Court, made the decision based on a lack of disclosed evidence from the defense. Slack said that, prior to the afternoon of the hearing, the defense had not filed discovery, including witness lists, witness statements, expert witness r...

  • 1st Annual Gene Crothers Memorial Golf Tournament is June 22

    the Times|Jun 13, 2019

    DAYTON—The recently advertised TVGC Scramble Tournament has been renamed the 1st Annual Gene Crothers Memorial Golf Tournament in honor of Gene Crothers, who recently passed. The tournament format has changed slightly and the event, formerly a guest/member tournament, is now open to the public. It is still a two-person scramble, with three flights including men’s, ladies and Jack & Jill (mixed). The event is a kick-start fundraiser for a new sprinkler system for the golf course. Registrations will be accepted through June 19. Entry fees are...

  • Dayton celebrates 25th All Wheels Weekend

    Dena Martin, the Times|Jun 13, 2019

    DAYTON-Organizers have been hard at work preparing for Dayton's 25th Anniversary All Wheels Weekend, June 14-16, with the theme American Graffiti. The event, which takes place each Father's Day weekend, originated in the 1990s to bring tourism to Dayton's newly renovated Main Street and has continued to grow in popularity. Friday The event will kick off at 6 p.m. on Friday evening with the Friday Night "Cruise for Gene. "Drivers will cruise through Dayton, stopping at checkpoints to collect...

  • Rolling Thunder comes to Dayton, June 21-23

    Dena Wood, the Times|Jun 13, 2019

    DAYTON-Rolling Thunder, the Blue Mountain Rocketeer's (BMR) most popular event of the year, will take place over three days, June 21-23. Model rocketry enthusiasts from all over the Pacific Northwest are anticipated to attend the event that is open to all NAR/TRA and non-members as well as the general public. BMR was created in November of 1994, as a youth and family-oriented model rocketry club, and has consistently ranked among the five best rocketry groups in the nation during the annual...

  • Dayton High School held its 138th graduation ceremony on Saturday

    Michele Smith, the Times|Jun 13, 2019

    DAYTON-Family and friends crowded the Dayton High School gymnasium on Saturday to hear Class of 2019 Valedictorian Neylan Bryan and Salutatorian Tatumn Laughery deliver their speeches, and to cheer as their loved ones graduated from Dayton High School. "This class, over four years of high school together, has seemed to bond in an incredible and almost unheard of manner," said Bryan. Bryan talked about the many unique qualities of her classmates including the diversity of talent, the diversity of...

  • Tom Schirm Takes Third Place in World Fish Carving Competition

    Dena Martin, THE TIMES|Jun 6, 2019

    DAYTON-For most people, the dream of achiev- ing Best in World status in their art is simply that – a dream. But for Tom Schirm, of Dayton, that dream is well within reach. In fact, Schirm currently holds third place Best in World Overall honors for his realis- tic fish carvings. In early May, Schirm traveled to Springfield, Mis- souri where the competed in the World Taxidermy and Fish Carving Championships. Schirm entered his 13-inch, westslope cutthroat trout carving in the T...

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