Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

News / Dayton & Columbia County

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  • Columbia County Commissioners rescind agreement with Rural Library District board of trustees

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    DAYTON—The Columbia County Board of Commissioners (CCBC) has rescinded a nine-year-old agreement with the Columbia County Rural Library District Board of Trustees, regarding how appointments to the CCRLD board of trustees are made. In the past, interviews have been conducted by the CCRLD board of trustees, and their recommendations have been brought before the CCBC for tacit approval. Commissioner Ryan Rundell said he didn’t believe the agreement was adequate in the first place. He said it rem...

  • Blue Mountain Counseling Center offers tips

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    DAYTON—The staff at Blue Mountain Counseling of Columbia County have been discussing ways to maintain good emotional health during this time of required social distancing, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinic Director Chrisann Christensen said she has some ideas to share. First of all, check in with friends and family routinely through phone calls, FaceTime, through text messages or by snail mail. Limit media coverage. “Information can be good, but there is so much information being pus...

  • Columbia County Board of Commissioners concerned about budget

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    DAYTON—A revenue shortfall associated with the costs for mitigating damage to county infrastructure due to the recent flood, and from economic impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the Columbia County Board of Commissioners to take an early look at cutting department budgets. County Treasurer Carla Rowe said she is anticipating a possible 15 to 20-percent loss of sales tax revenue which could impact distributions for May, June, July, and possibly August. The revenue from sales taxes...

  • Port of Columbia seeks commissioner

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    DAYTON—Fred Crowe, Port of Columbia Commissioner representing District 3, has resigned from the Port Commission effective Thursday, April 9. “It has been a pleasure and honor to serve with the current and past staff and commissioners of the Port over several years,” Crowe said in his resignation letter. “We together have accomplished many worthy projects in support of economic development in Columbia County.” “I am supportive of projects currently in development and am confident the Port will c...

  • Columbia County Health System seeks financing options

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    DAYTON—Columbia County Health System officials have been concerned about the financial health of Dayton General Hospital, the Waitsburg Clinic, Columbia Family Clinic and the Booker Rest Home, because of the high costs associated with preparing for a possible surge in patient care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their concerns were reported in the Times on Apr 2. A special emergency meeting of the Health System Board of Directors took place on Wednesday, April 8. The purpose of the meeting was t...

  • Local resources available

    the Times|Apr 16, 2020

    Project Timothy (509) 382-2943: Financial assistance for rent, utilities, and food can be provided to those of you that have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 crisis. At our request, the Blue Mountain Community Foundation has awarded a special grant to Project Timothy just for this purpose—to serve the members of our community who don’t usually ask for help. Project Timothy has “phone” hours Tuesday - Friday from noon to 2 p.m. You can call for assistance and then a volunteer will ar...

  • Dayton Depot Museum manager busy behind the scenes

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 9, 2020

    DAYTON—Dayton Historic Depot Manager Tamara Fritze is busy with important behind the scenes museum work, pending museum reopening on May 4. She said work continues on inventory of the museum’s entire collection of artifacts. Fritze said thorough historical research must be completed and a written description of all that is known about the artifact will be included in their database. “This helps us create interesting exhibits and helps us provide answers to our visitors’ questions,” Fritze sa...

  • Potential for COVID-19 outbreak has hospital district officials concerned

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    DAYTON—At the Columbia County Health System board meeting last week, CEO Shane McGuire shared his concerns about financial stability, emergency preparedness, and possible impact on patients and health system staff, in light of the potential for a serious local outbreak of COVID-19. McGuire said, “We have stopped all non-essential visits in physical therapy, imaging, and the clinics. This volume generates about half of our monthly revenue. . .This is happening at the same time that we are spe...

  • Amy Rosenberg is the new Boldman House Museum manager

    the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    DAYTON-What does it mean to be the new Boldman House Museum manager in a museum that is closed through May 1 because of the concerns around the novel coronavirus? Amy Rosenberg is now conducting virtual live tours of the museum on Facebook, every Saturday at 2 p.m. "I'll be exploring different areas of the house and the collection every week," Rosenberg said. "There's so much to see, I'm sure I have months of content." Rosenberg has been a museum volunteer for the past couple of years and is...

  • Facebook caption contest declares a winner

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    One of the Dayton Depot Gallery exhibits this year is called “Romping in the Blues,” and features photos, camping gear and journal entries from the early 1900s. Membership and Events Coordinator Shellie McLeod has kicked that off on Facebook with a Caption Contest. This photo from the G.F. Jackson Family Photo Album from 1910, yielded the most likes for Paisley DeSiga’s caption, which read “When It Came to Setting Up Camp, Harold was always draggin’ his behind.” DeSiga won a $10 gift card t...

  • Columbia County Public Health offers a weekly newsletter and COVID-19 resources

    Michele Smith, the Times|Apr 2, 2020

    DAYTON—On Tuesday, Martha Lanman, Columbia County’s Public Health Director, discussed the Health Department’s response and activities regarding COVID-19 with the Board of County Commissioners. She stated that there has only been one positive case of COVID-19 in Columbia County as of March 30. This individual has since recovered. Thirty-five tests have come back negative and there is one test pending. The department goal is to “be prepared”, she said. Department staff has been getting the word...

  • Port of Columbia County and Dayton Chamber of Commerce offer assistance to small businesses

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    DAYTON—Washington State Governor Jay Inslee’s March 15th proclamation calling for the mandatory closure of bars, restaurants, recreational facilities and large social gatherings, is scheduled to run through March 31. The Port of Columbia County’s Executive Director, Jennie Dickinson and the Dayton Chamber Manager, Molly Weatherill-Tate, are busy locating resources for business owners who are impacted by the closures and are making a plea to the community to shop locally. “Many local busines...

  • Columbia County businesses and services impacted by coronavirus policies

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    DAYTON—Government, businesses, and services are being impacted by COVID-19. Here’s a run- down of impacts: On March 18 the Dayton City Council closed the Dayton City Public Works Facility and the City Hall to the general public. Permit applications, and other City business can be conducted via telephone at: (509) 382-2361. Utility bills can be placed in the payment drop box located along the alleyway adjacent to the City Hall. The City will waive any late fees for utility accounts as a result of...

  • Dayton school board approves graduation date and shares student meal schedule

    Dave Schreindl, the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    In a meeting held virtually, the Dayton School Board met to discuss a few items including the impact of the health crisis on the schools. When discussing the budget, board members noted that district costs have gone down with travel out of district being cancelled, and there being no substitute teacher costs to pay. The key date for the Dayton School Board is April 27. That is currently the scheduled date that all students are expected to return to school following Governor Inslee’s mandatory school closure. The return date is important to s...

  • Theater Manager offers a heartfelt message

    Mike Ferrians, the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    DAYTON-Closing the doors of the Liberty Theater, clearing the marquee, wiping everything down with sanitizer, cancelling all our film bookings for the time being and issuing notices of postponement for all the live shows we have been planning...none of this is happy work. It is sobering. It wakes you up to the things you took for granted and hope you won't ever take for granted again. Michael and Cathy Lee Haight of Dayton, have generously responded to the crisis with a gift of $10,000 to...

  • Coronavirus infection strikes close to home for Times staff writer

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    DAYTON—The thought never crossed my mind that COVID-19 would infect anybody at the senior living center where my 92-year-old mother lives. I just didn’t think it was likely because most of the infections have been concentrated on the West side of the state. But, last week an 80-year-old resident at the Bonaventure of Tri-Cities, senior living community in Richland, Wash., where Mom lives, died after contracting the infection probably through travel to the West side of the state. Mom said she...

  • Columbia County 4-H Robotics Club placed fifth in combined league competitions

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 26, 2020

    DAYTON-Jeanne Walter, Coach of the FIRST Tech Challenge and Columbia County 4-H leader, said the 4-H Robotics Club will be focused on fundraising activities during the 2020-21 school year. The Club will need to pay for new robot parts, controllers, a 3-D printer, and state and national registration fees, so they can continue to compete in local, state, and national robotic competitions. To help offset costs, there will be an 'Egg Your Yard' fundraiser for Easter Sunday. For twenty dollars the...

  • Columbia County school closures, coronavirus concerns

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON—On Monday, March 16, Dayton Schools Superintendent Doug Johnson announced Dayton schools, athletics, activities, and clubs are closed to student participation beginning on Tuesday, Mar. 17 through Friday, April 24. In his statement to the community Johnson said, “We know this mandated closure may create hardships for many families, and we plan to do our best to serve you during these challenging times.” Johnson said parent teacher conferences will most likely take place remotely, via p...

  • Dayton City Council report for March

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON—Special Guest Juan Sanchez, Columbia County Census Coordinator, discussed Census 2020 at the Dayton City Council meeting on March 11. Sanchez said census letters will be mailed out in mid-April and will provide a website for people to answer the ten questions asked. He said a paper form can be requested. If necessary, an enumerator will come to the door in person. Sanchez said he doesn’t like to use fear as a tactic to get people to fill out the census. “If we can help people fill it ou...

  • Columbia County Port commissioners discuss Touchet Valley Trail, broadband

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON—On Wednesday of last week, the Port of Columbia Commissioners addressed a request from a small group of community members who came before them in February, seeking an advisory vote of the people to determine whether, or not, the proposed Touchet Valley Trail will be allowed. Commission Chairman Earle Marvin read a prepared statement to a handful of people who returned on Wednesday, to hear their decision. Marvin said he would prefer to have Anderson/Perry & Associates complete the planning study for the trail. “At that point the Por...

  • Sarah Hlebichuk becomes Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON-2001 High School Graduate, and former Dayton resident Sarah (Anderson) Hlebichuk LCSW has earned the prestigious Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor (RPT-S) credential conferred by the Association for Play Therapy (APT) according to its CEO Kathryn Lebby. To receive this credential, applicants must have earned a master's or higher mental health degree from a higher education institution. Then they must have 150 hours of play therapy training, plus five years and 5,000 hours of...

  • Port of Columbia has hired a new economic development coordinator

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON-"I'm very excited to become part of the Port family. I have a lot of great ideas and creativity and look forward to working with other community partners in Dayton," said the Port's new economic coordinator Jennifer DeLannoy. DeLannoy has many years of retail and restaurant management experience under her belt. She also has experience in accounting and finance and is working toward a BA in Accounting. For the last six years DeLannoy has been a small business owner, marketing Kid Hub. She...

  • Health District has steps in place to deal with the novel coronavirus

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 12, 2020

    DAYTON-Public Health Director Martha Lanman told the county commissioners on Monday that steps are in place to deal with a possible COVID-19 outbreak in Columbia County, and that her department is following guidelines issued by the State Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Board of County Commissioners processed a request by Lanman, which will allow her to hire additional staff and acquire supplies as needed. Lanman said one local person is in the...

  • Columbia County Hospital District update

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 12, 2020

    DAYTON—During the February meeting of the Hospital District commissioners, Columbia County Health System CEO Shane McGuire said John McLean of Blue Room Architecture in Spokane has submitted the sole bid for architecture services for the planned dental office project. The dental clinic for Medicaid patients will be located at the Columbia Family Clinic, adjacent to the hospital. McGuire said construction bids will be solicited, shortly. The clinic should be operational at the end of 2020. A n...

  • Dayton School Board examines grad requirements, coronavirus, and the mascot issue

    Dave Schreindl, the Times|Mar 12, 2020

    A normally low-key Dayton School Board meeting took a turn for the serious Wednesday Mar. 4 when talk of the coronavirus and the naming of the Dayton-Waitsburg athletic combine mascot came up after not being on the initial agenda. With it being the overwhelmingly consuming news topic, it only seemed appropriate to discuss how the Dayton school district is handling the potential of threat of an invading illness. Currently the district has not seen an impact on attendance. Superintendent Doug Johnson wanted to reassure the board and the public...

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