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News / Dayton & Columbia County

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  • Civil Service Commission Rules Foley Firing Justified

    Aug 16, 2018

    DAYTON—On Monday, the Columbia County Civil Service Commission ruled that Columbia County Sheriff Rocky Miller was justified in firing deputy Don Foley earlier this year. Foley was terminated by Miller in May for overstating his time on timesheets. A letter signed by commission members Craig George, Richard Di Lorenzo, Jeff McCann and Bonnie Williams said, “Mr. Foley’s termination was made in good faith, and his dismissal was substantiated.” At an August 8 hearing in front of the commission, Foley’s attorney, David Rose, said that the Sheri...

  • Jim Pearson is Ready to Launch 'The Club'

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 9, 2018

    DAYTON-Jim Pearson, Program Director at The Club, Dayton's new after school activity center, has been busy helping the team get the program up and running for a Sept. 4 opening. Pearson said building construction at The Club has entered its final phase. "Last week a lot of elements have come together," he said. Pearson said the goals for the program are to help students take pride in ownership, develop healthy self- esteem, and learn how to get along well with others. While students will...

  • Snowbird Quilting is Open for Business

    Aug 9, 2018

    DAYTON-Since purchasing the old Dayton Chronicle building at 358 East Main St. in September, Vonda and Mark Anderson have put in long hours, and have used lots of elbow grease, to renovate the building to accommodate their residence and her quilting business. It took three months to strip everything down to the floor joists and expose the original brick walls, said Vonda Anderson. During that process a 130-year-old fireplace was discovered on the main level, and another, older stone foundation...

  • The Watercolors of Joyce Anderson

    Aug 9, 2018

    If you're outside, look up. If you're inside, look out the window, and up. What do you see? Sky, hopefully. And probably, somewhere, clouds. Poofy or wispy, blazing white or thundering grey, here and there or blanketing the air, clouds are so ubiquitous that we frequently forget they're there. Artworks in the sky, clouds shift and change their shape in a moment, never staying long in one place. They're fascinating. "I find myself easily distracted now when I see clouds," says Walla Walla...

  • Dayton Alumni Association Provides Funding for Students

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 2, 2018

    DAYTON-Newly elected Dayton High School Alumni Association President Cara Watts has some ideas about how to infuse the association's coffers with some much-needed cash so that giving back to DHS students can continue. "I don't think people understand how much the Dayton Alumni Association gives back," she said. Historically, the association has provided funds through membership dues, donations and memorials, for Youth and Government, FBLA, uniforms for Dayton cheerleaders, and scholarships for...

  • Connor Ehr is New Columbia County Deputy

    Michele Smith, The Times|Aug 2, 2018

    DAYTON--Because he is already a Certified Patrol Officer Connor Ehr will be patrolling Columbia county roads, as soon as he goes through orientation, and gets his new uniform, he said. "Luckily I don't have to go back to Academy. This will cut a lot of time for the Department," said Ehr. After graduating from Richland High School in 2010, Ehr said he did a short stint as a new housing plumber in the Tri-Cities before joining the Army. Ehr's basic training was at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri,...

  • Alumni Parade Winners

    Jul 26, 2018

  • Lunch Continues at Blue Mountain Station Market

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 26, 2018

    DAYTON--Patricia Sacha, Blue Mountain Station Marketing Manager has announced new plans for daily lunches at the market. "Our goal is to have soup, salad and sandwiches, and there may be occasional special items," said Sacha. "We'll use as much local ingredients as we can." Mary's Candy's and Catering had been providing lunches to the market, but they have closed their business. A new group of volunteers will be working out of the commercial kitchen at BMS to provide lunches during the days the...

  • Dayton School Board Adopts Budget for Coming Year

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 26, 2018

    DAYTON— At their July 18 meeting, the Dayton School Board adopted the district’s 2018-19 budget, which was based on a conservative estimate for student enrollment for next year of 394. At that meeting, Business Manager Paula Moisio said the district is on track to end the 2017-18 schoolyear with close to $400,000, which will be “depleted considerably” due to a $223,501 budget deficit for next year. Moisio said, “We will definitely be tightening up our belts, in every area we can. Then it will be open to ‘wait and see,’ until we get to mid-year....

  • 2018 DHS Alumni Parade

    Jul 26, 2018

  • Moratorium Placed on Marijuana Businesses in Columbia County

    The Times|Jul 19, 2018

    DAYTON--The Columbia County Commissioners have placed an immediate six-month emergency moratorium on new marijuana production, processing and sales in the county. The moratorium will give the County Planning Commission time to address deficiencies within the Columbia County Code, according to Planning Director Meagan Bailey, speaking at the regular commissioners’ meeting on Monday. A public hearing on June 28 regarding a request from Walla Walla resident Meri Bush for a conditional use permit to open and operate the county’s first grow fac...

  • Report from Dayton City Council

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 19, 2018

    DAYTON—At the regular meeting of the Dayton City Council on July 11, the council approved the following: Resolution No. 1345, Certifying that the city meets the requirements to apply and accept a public works assistance account low-interest loan for wastewater treatment facility land acquisition for up to $1 million. Repayment of the loan will be built into the rate structure, which could be spread over as little as five years, or up to 20 years, said City Administrator Trina Cole. Cole said that if no land is found for the treatment plant the...

  • Kristina Brown is New Dayton MS/HS Principal

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON-The Dayton School Board has approved Superintendent Doug Johnson's recommendation of Kristina Brown for Dayton Middle and High School Principal. "Kristina has a strong desire to support teachers as they seek instruction strategies...I believe Kristina will be a strong member of our school team," said Johnson. Board President Dan Butler said Brown was one of a field of 10 candidates for the position. He said three candidates were interviewed, with two advancing to the final interviews on...

  • Evening at the Depot Auction Aug. 4

    The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON – The Dayton Historical Depot Society’s annual Evening at the Depot Auction will be held on August 4, with a social hour and music by Bobby K and Mike McQuary on the Depot’s courtyard at 6 p. m. The live auction will begin at 7 p. m. McDonald Zaring Insurance is providing wine by Dumas Station, microbrew by Chief Springs Fire and Irons, and hors d’oeuvres catered by Grassroot Gourmet. This year’s major auction package is five nights at a Samish Island private waterfront vacation home, for up to six adults in three bedrooms, and with...

  • Tree and Vegetation Trimming

    Jul 12, 2018

    By Clint Atteberry, Columbia County Planning and Building Dept. DAYTON -- Sight distance standards help provide safety for vehicles entering roadways from side roads, driveways, parking lots and alleys. Vegetation should be pruned and trimmed for visibility first, and tree health and aesthetics second. Vegetation that obstructs motorist and/or pedestrian view of traffic signs or signals, or obstructs a public facility, should also be trimmed. It is the duty of the property owner of the abutting property to keep the trees on, or overhanging the...

  • Ceasar Rivera is New Columbia County Deputy

    Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON-The Columbia County Sheriff's Office has a new deputy in the making. Since he was hired on July 1, 32-year-old Caesar Rivera said he has been getting to know the ropes. "It feels good," he said. "I'm trying to remember names." Rivera is a 2002 graduate of Pasco High School and attended Columbia Basin College in 2005-06. When he was a student at CBC, his uncle, Jesse Romero, who is a Pasco Police Dept. detective, suggested he try a career in law enforcement. Rivera said after a ride along...

  • Dayton Alumni Weekend is July 20, 21

    Ken Graham, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON – The annual Dayton High School Alumni Weekend is coming up on July 20 and 21. Several classes will be holding reunions that weekend, along with the traditional parade on Saturday morning, and many other activities. Longtime DHS Alumni Association members Dell and Phil Groom will serve as parade marshals. The Alumni Association is also giving special recognition to Dayton native Eulalie Schreck, who will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of her 1938 DHS graduation. The Alumni Association has announced some important changes from its p...

  • Dayton Principal Candidates Meet the Community

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 5, 2018

    DAYTON--Stephanie Kubej and Kristina Brown are the two finalists for the Dayton secondary principal position, and they spent the day last Thursday getting acquainted with students, staff and teachers, and the community. Kubej hails from Spokane, where she is an interim elementary principal at Balboa Elementary School. She has served as an assistant principal in the Spokane School District, two years as dean of students and PBIS Coordinator in the Bellevue School District, and has 17 years of...

  • Marquee Restoration

    Jul 5, 2018

  • Astroblast 2018

    Jul 5, 2018

  • Jerry Poindexter's Wood Bird Sculptures

    Jul 5, 2018

    Birds. They come in all sizes and shapes, with plumage ranging from beiges and greys to outrageous color combinations that visually shout out their presence. For woodcarver Jerry Poindexter, of Spokane, a truly well-carved bird sculpture is one that takes into account this uniqueness of each subject, and accurately represents the many and varied details of a particular species. To artistically replicate a black-capped chickadee, say, or a snowy owl, the artist needs to spend a lot of time...

  • Community Health Conversations

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 5, 2018

    DAYTON – The last of four Community Health Conversations took place in Dayton last week and drew a crowd of about 17 interested citizens from around the community. Catherine Veninga, from the Community Council in Walla Walla, led the discussion, saying, “Today is all about the data.” Veninga presented data for established goals in demographics, education, economy, natural environment, and safety. Columbia County Public Health Director Martha Lanman presented the goals in the category for health and wellness. The goals are: The ability to acces...

  • Marijuana Grow will be Indoors Only

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jun 28, 2018

    DAYTON – A request by Cobalt Cannabis Co. for a condition use permit to develop a marijuana grow facility in northern Columbia County was the subject of a public hearing on Monday. If the CUP is approved, the facility will be located at 402 Paulson Road. After concerns were expressed by neighboring landowners about potential liability from pesticide spray drift, the business owner and applicant, Meri Bush, said she has revised her plans to limit the facility to an indoor grow only. Her application originally stated that an outdoor grow area w...

  • Dayton School Board Summary

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jun 28, 2018

    DAYTON – During last week’s regular meeting, Dayton School Superintendent Doug Johnson told the school board that no athletic director has yet been hired for the Dayton/Waitsburg athletic combine, and there is still work to be done to hire some coaches. Round one of the hiring process for the middle school/high school principal position has been accomplished, and the next round will take place with meet-and-greets for the two finalists on June 28. Johnson said several summer facility projects are underway, including replacing the boilers and...

  • Report from Dayton City Council for June

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jun 28, 2018

    DAYTON—Speaking at the June Dayton City Council meeting last week, Planning Director Meagan Bailey said dividing the city into eight zones has made code enforcement easier. Vehicles and RVs parked in the right of way is the biggest current problem, she said. Council member Matt Wiens said enforcing obstruction on sidewalks from RV tip outs is problematic for the Sheriff’s Department. He said RCWs and WACs exist, but there is no penalty attached. This issue will be referred on to the city planning commission for correction, Mayor Craig Geo...

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