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News / Dayton & Columbia County

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  • For the love of Dayton

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 8, 2021

    When I first landed in Dayton in 2012, I didn’t know anybody and wasn’t sure how I was going to find out anything about my new community. I got my first insight into the community through reading a copy of Ken Graham’s news magazine, Blue Mountain News. I want to thank Ken for that and for hiring me at The Times in 2015 to be the Dayton reporter. That put me on a fast track to knowing Dayton and being embedded in the community. I have had the good fortune to cover some pretty big stories for C...

  • Local Prosecuting Attorney drafts ordinance to replace overthrown possession law

    Michele Smith, The Times|Apr 1, 2021

    DAYTON—Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack has wasted no time heading off a headache for local law enforcement due to the State Supreme Court ruling Washington State v. Blake on February 25, 2021. As reported in the March 18 edition of the Times, the ruling struck down as unconstitutional Washington’s strict liability drug possession statute, RCW 69.50.4013, which made possession of a controlled substance a felony. The Court’s ruling said the state law was unconstitutional becau...

  • County Commissioner Ryan Rundell speaks to the city's reluctance to approve ILA

    Michele Smith, The Times|Mar 25, 2021

    DAYTON—At their meeting on March 10, the Dayton City Council expressed reluctance to sign the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the County for Law Enforcement, Dispatch, and Municipal Court services. Columbia County Commission Chair Ryan Rundell went on record last week to talk about his frustration over the protracted negotiation process between the county and the city. He also addressed opinions expressed by some city council members at that meeting. Rundell explained the need for an updated I...

  • New deputies hired in the Sheriff's Office

    Michele Smith, The Times|Mar 25, 2021

    DAYTON-The Columbia County Sheriff Office has hired David Walling and Riley Conahan as new deputies for the county. David Walling was raised in the Ellensburg area, graduating from Kittitas High School in 2014. He served as a missionary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for around six months before turning his focus to Pastoral Ministry, receiving a B.A. from Northwest University in 2018. After graduation, he began looking into Law Enforcement as a career. He was hired at the Benton...

  • Washington State v. Blake has big impact on communities

    Michele Smith, The Times|Mar 18, 2021

    Columbia County Prosecutor looks for options to mitigate ruling's impact on county. DAYTON—On Feb. 25, the Washington State Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a law that makes it a felony to possess illegal drugs, even if a person didn’t know they were in possession. The court’s ruling said the state law was unconstitutional because it criminalized passive, unknowing conduct in violation of due process protections. Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack said the Supre...

  • County still working to repair damages from the February 2020 flood

    Michele Smith, The Times|Feb 18, 2021

    DAYTON-The Feb. 2020 flood that caused $7.2 million in damages at more than 120 locations has added extra work, time, and stress for County Engineer Charles Eaton and staff in the public works department. While much has been accomplished to repair flood-related damage over the past year, there are still roads, bridges, and levees in need of repair. Eaton said Wolf Fork Road, Robinson Fork Road, Tucannon Road, and South Patit Road's upper reach, where the road washed out, are still in need of...

  • Hospital District runs short on COVID-19 vaccine for this week

    Michele Smith, The Times|Feb 4, 2021

    DAYTON—The COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Columbia County Fairgrounds is working well. However, only 110 doses will be administered this week, according to Stephanie Carpenter. Carpenter is the Columbia County Health System Chief Operating Officer and is in charge of the Columbia County Hospital District vaccination plan. Carpenter said Dayton General Hospital Pharmacy Manager Cheryl Pell requested 400 doses of the vaccine for use this week but only received 100 doses. There are ten doses l...

  • County Treasurer provides 4th quarter finance report

    Michele Smith, The Ties|Feb 4, 2021

    DAYTON—County finances have “definitely” been affected by the flood and COVID-19, said County Commissioner Ryan Rundell, following an update on fourth-quarter finances from County Treasurer Carla Rowe last week. “As Carla said, because we are a bare-bones taxed county, we have been less affected by COVID-19 than some counties who rely on extra taxes, like an entertainment tax, with large venues, and the like. However, the flood coupled with COVID-19 has done visible damage to the county and its...

  • Board of County Commissioners object to governor's new COVID-19 recovery plan

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    COLUMBIA COUNTY—The Board of Columbia County Commissioners has gone on record to let Washington State Governor Jay Inslee know they are displeased with the COVID-19 Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery plan. The Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery plan is using a regional approach for a phased recovery. The state has designated eight regions, with Columbia County part of the South-Central Region, Kittitas, Yakima, Walla Walla, Benton, and Franklin counties. All eight regions start...

  • Inside the Columbia County Planning Dept.

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    DAYTON—2020 was a busy year for staff inside the Columbia County Planning and Building Department, primarily due to the Feb. flood. Work has continued apace, despite the COVID-19 slowdown. Planning Manager Dena Martin provided a synopsis for the county commissioners at their meeting last week. The Planning and Building department oversees county land use, zoning, comprehensive plan updates, and environmental uses. The department also provides building services for Columbia County, the City of Da...

  • Dayton School board report for January

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jan 28, 2021

    DAYTON-The Dayton School District kicked off the second semester of the school year on Jan. 21. Report cards will be mailed home for middle and high school students on Jan. 27 and for elementary school students on Jan. 26. Dayton School District Superintendent Guy Strot provided an update about the elementary school at the school board meeting last week. He reported challenges were keeping some elementary classrooms open during the two weeks after Christmas break because some of the staff were...

  • Inside the Sheriff's Office during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jan 14, 2021

    DAYTON-Columbia County Sheriff Joe Helm's overarching goal is to get back to the fundamental basics of law enforcement; through proper staffing, handling calls appropriately, providing deputies with the proper equipment, and establishing a good relationship between his office and members of the community. When Helm took office on Jan. 1, 2019, he began to implement his goals and ideas and was well into it, early in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and social distancing guidelines began...

  • CCHS CEO Shane McGuire provides capital project update

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jan 7, 2021

    DAYTON—On Dec. 16, Columbia County Health System CEO Shane McGuire provided the hospital board of commissioners with an update on projects designed to improve the hospital’s ability to treat COVID-19 patients, as previously reported in The Times on Dec. 10. McGuire presented the commissioners with “firm” cost estimates for four of the five projects. The Medical Vacuum project, Medical Air project, and the Medical Gas projects came in close to, or below, budget. The new hospital generat...

  • Administration of COVID-19 vaccine in early stages

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jan 7, 2021

    DAYTON-On Dec. 29, Dayton General Hospital Pharmacy Manager Cheryl Pell administered the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to DGH employee Mike Paris, kicking off vaccinations for essential health care workers and first responders, according to Phase 1A guidelines from the Washington State Department of Health. Pell said 200 doses of the Moderna vaccine were received at the hospital pharmacy on Dec. 23, followed by another 100 doses on Dec. 28. She said each vial of the vaccine contains ten...

  • CCHS receives 300 doses of Moderna vaccine

    The Times|Dec 31, 2020

    DAYTON—The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Columbia County. The Columbia County Health System (CCHS) has received 300 doses. At this time, CCHS has started giving immunizations to healthcare workers and first-responders, and will advance to Phase 1B when given guidance to do so by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). Columbia County Public Health will be organizing a list of interested individuals who would like the vaccination and fit into Phase 1B, which is currently d...

  • County adopts $24 million budget for 2021

    Michele Smith|Dec 31, 2020

    DAYTON—The Columbia County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) met on Dec. 21 to adopt various budgets, sign the ILA with the City of Dayton for Law and Justice, Dispatch, and Court services, and hire an attorney for the Indigent Defense contract. During the meeting, the BOCC adopted a 24 million budget for 2021, including a 2-percent cost of living adjustment for county employees. The BOCC also signed the five-year contract agreement with the City of Dayton for Law and Justice, Dispatch, and Court s...

  • Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney's Office adds new Deputy Prosecuting Attorney position

    The Times|Dec 31, 2020

    DAYTON­-The Columbia County Prosecuting Attorney's Office has announced that Cindy L. Horowitz will be joining the office as Deputy Prosecuting Attorney on January 1, 2021. Horowitz has served as an Assistant District Prosecuting Attorney from the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office in New York. Since 2017, she has served in the Domestic Violence and Appeals divisions of that office. Before working as an ADA in Brooklyn, Horowitz was a securities regulations attorney and an attorney for the...

  • DGH Chief of Staff discusses COVID-19 vaccine distribution

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 24, 2020

    DAYTON—Dr. Kyle Terry, Medical Chief of Staff at Dayton General Hospital, touched briefly on vaccine distribution and safety protocols for patients and staff when he spoke to the hospital board of commissioners on Dec. 17. Terry said COVID-19 vaccines would be distributed according to population numbers. With 2-percent of the national population, the state of Washington State will receive 2-percent of the vaccine. He thought Walla Walla County would receive the first distribution of the Pfizer v...

  • Stakeholders participation at Port's annual economic development strategy meeting

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 24, 2020

    DAYTON—The Port of Columbia held the annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) stakeholders’ meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 16. The forum gives community stakeholders a chance to discuss projects they are involved in and provide input into the five and ten-year CEDS project list. Each year, at the end of the meeting, stakeholders are asked to prioritize economic development projects for the community. Fifty-seven stakeholders attended last week’s CEDS meeting and voted for the proje...

  • Washington State Department of Health announces COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 17, 2020

    DAYTON-The Washington State Department of Health expects to receive and distribute 62,000 doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to 17 sites across 13 counties, beginning this week. According to DOH, the state should receive another 222,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and 183,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine, by the end of Dec., with regular shipments beginning in Jan. About 190 organizations across the state are enrolled as COVID-19 vaccine providers. The majority of enrolled facilities are hosp...

  • Six-year transportation plan approved by Board of County Commissioners

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 17, 2020

    Emergency repairs only, in 2021 DAYTON—The Board of County Commissioners approved and adopted several resolutions presented by the Public Works Director Chuck Eaton at their December 11 meeting. Resolutions include the County Arterial Preservation Program, the Annual Construction Program, The Capital Facility Plan, and the 2021-26 Six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Eaton said 31 projects, a higher number than usual, are listed on the TIP. The increased number of projects is due to d...

  • City of Dayton adopts 2021 Budget

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 10, 2020

    Budget includes water/sewer utility rate increases DAYTON—The Dayton City Council adopted the 2021 City Budget at their meeting on Tuesday, Dec.1, and Mayor Zac Weatherford presented the following: Built into the Budget are proposed water and sewer utility rate increases for all service types. The average residential customer will see an increase in their utility bill of $10.65 each month. Weatherford said the City Council delayed an increase in these rates in 2020 in exchange for deferring c...

  • Bluewood ski area opens Friday, December 11

    The Times|Dec 10, 2020

    DAYTON­—The 2020-21 season at Bluewood opens the weekend of Dec. 11-13 as the winter sports area welcomes skiers and snowboarders to the mountain. As of Monday, Dec.7, there are 24 inches of snow at the base and 24 inches at the summit. On Friday, opening day, the first chair will be at 9 a.m. Throughout the weekend, hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, with the Skyline Express, Triple Nickel, and Easy Rider conveyor lifts all scheduled to be spinning. “We’re super excited to welcome everyone back up on the mountain,” says Kim Clar...

  • Columbia County Extension agent to retire

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 3, 2020

    DAYTON—WSU Extension Agent Paul Carter is retiring, effective Jan. 4, after over fifteen years of service to Columbia County. Carter came to Dayton in April 2005, as a 52-year-old college graduate, from southern Indiana. He said he was looking for an Extension position somewhere in the west. He found that opportunity in Columbia County. “For me, it could not have turned out better, one of my passions is farming, and this position has given me the opportunity to be very close to that occupation a...

  • Columbia County Public Health reports rise in COVID-19 cases

    Michele Smith, The Times|Nov 26, 2020

    DAYTON—On Sunday, November 22, the Columbia County Public Health Department reported sixteen new positive cases of COVID-19; two cases are associated with Dayton schools. Dayton schools were closed on Monday, and the Dayton School District board of directors met Monday evening to discuss next steps. It was decided to move to distance learning on Tuesday and re-evaluate the situation over the holiday weekend, as more data becomes available. On Monday, November 23, there were 26 tests pending r...

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