Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

news briefs

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  • Face masks become mandatory in Washington starting Friday

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    OLYMPIA—In a media update on Tuesday, June 23, Gov. Jay Inslee announced that facial coverings will be mandatory statewide, in all public places and will take effect this Friday, June 26. Inslee added that a willful violation of this order is a misdemeanor. Inslee noted Washington State’s recent rise in COVID-19 cases, particularly in Eastern Washington, as prompting the directive. Inslee stressed using common sense regarding this mandate, noting that what type of mask you wear is up to you, and that you do not need to wear one when you are...

  • Providence St. Mary Foundation grants $20,000 in scholarships

    Jun 25, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—In a move to support local healthcare workers during an uncertain, stressful and unpredictable time, Providence St. Mary Foundation has awarded $20,000 in scholarships to locally-employed Providence St. Mary caregivers. Thirteen applicants received awards to help pay for courses and degrees that are relevant to their current role or their professional development. Awardees include: Alanna Dodds, Mariah McQuown, Lorraine Tilstra, Doreen McCulloch, Brooklyn Scott, Sherri Greenwald, Lauren Mason, Amy Johnson, Guy Einig, Ashley L...

  • Lions Club BBQ canceled

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    WAITSBURG—On Wednesday, June 17th the Waitsburg Lions Club Salmon BBQ committee met and determined the fate of the annual event for 2020. Originally scheduled for September 19th, the committee decided to cancel due to the uncertainties concerning large public events during the Coronavirus pandemic. The second of the Lion’s Club’s two annual fundraisers, the Salmon BBQ’s cancellation follows the cancellation of the Club’s Rib Feed, which was to be held on March 20. Ross Haman, the Club’s outgoing president said the Salmon BBQ typically r...

  • In-person services to begin again at Waitsburg Presbyterian

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    WAITSBURG—Pastor Stan Hughes of Waitsburg’s Presbyterian Church announced that the church will welcome congregants back for worship in their sanctuary on Sunday, June 28 at 10 a.m. Pastor Hughes met with the Session of Elders last week where the decision was made to begin meeting again in person. “We will be ready to greet you in a safe and sanitary church building, with plenty of hand sanitizer, and the explicit reminder to maintain safe social distancing,” said Pastor Hughes. “Some of you may still be cautious about church gatherings. We unde...

  • General operating grants on offer from BMCF

    Jun 25, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—Nonprofit organizations addressing food and hunger, housing and homelessness, health and mental health, and child and youth programs will be the focus for the Blue Mountain Community Foundation’s (BMCF) general operating discretionary grants in 2020. The online application opens July 1 at BMCF will consider applications as they are received on a rolling basis. The goal is to award the initial grants in early August 2020. Eligible applicants are tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organizations and pub...

  • Columbia County Comprehensive Plan docket items due Aug. 1

    The Times|Jun 25, 2020

    COLUMBIA COUNTY—Columbia County is beginning the annual consideration of amendments to its Comprehensive Plan. This process is designed to provide an opportunity for citizens to register comments on the plan and associated development regulations (county code). The docket is open continuously, but the deadline for consideration for the 2021 annual review is Aug. 1. Docket forms may be picked up at the Planning and Building Department at 114. S. 2nd St., Dayton and are available online at under the Planning and Building D...

  • K-12 students eligible for Pandemic EBT

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    Students in grades K-12 are eligible for Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) cards to help with buying groceries while school is closed for the summer. Families can apply by calling (877) 501-2233 or online at The application will be open by June 30th. (Application is not currently open). If your family receives Basic Food through DSHS and your children receive free or reduced-price school meals, you do not need to apply for P-EBT. You will automatically receive these one-time benefits on your EBT card....

  • Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days board discusses cancellation

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—The Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days board of directors met Thursday, June 11 via conference call. The board discussed the decision to cancel the 2020 fair, and how they can help livestock exhibitors that raised market animals intended to be sold at the event. Commissioner Todd Kimball wanted to clarify that it was the Frontier Days Foundation, not the board, that suggested cancelling the 2020 fair. Director Kevin Smith suggested that the board explore options for a virtual animal sale for livestock exhibitors. All members of t...

  • Free document shredding June 27

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    DAYTON—HomeStreet Bank is sponsoring a shred day on Saturday, June 27 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Just sit in your car while Dayton Kiwanis volunteers take the material to be shredded out of the trunk for disposal....

  • Columbia Pulp brings back twenty employees

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    STARBUCK—Columbia Pulp, LLC Vice President Mike Schock informed The Times that the straw-fiber pulp mill in Starbuck has brought back twenty employees since the company let go 93 workers in March 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 crisis. “We are bringing back people in maintenance, operations and at the office,” Said Schock. Eight employees with the mill were kept on at that time, and Shock reports they have 28 people currently working at the mill, with plans to bring more back each week. Columbia Pulp suspended operations on Tuesday, March...

  • Mill Creek construction

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—Construction projects at Mill Creek will cause a number of closures to Bennington Lake and the Mill Creek area over the summer. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District (Corps) will be replacing the division works fish ladder and hand railings at the Division Works (yellow bridge) and repairing the supports of the yellow pedestrian bridge. Security fencing will be installed June 18, creating a detour around the paved section of the levee next to the fish ladder. Work is expected to last until the middle of Oct...

  • Hospice to host two different online grief support groups

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—Walla Walla Community Hospice (WWCH) just successfully completed its first 10-week online adult grief support group. This pilot group used the Zoom platform to connect individuals experiencing the grief of having lost a loved one. The support program is called, “Understanding Your Grief” and uses the book and journal of the same name written by Dr. Alan Wolfelt as a guideline. To ensure safety and comfort, the group was closed to new members after the second meeting. Once confident with the online platform, the team of WWCH socia...

  • Liberty Theater announces re-opening plans

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    DAYTON—Columbia County is celebrating its recent approval for Phase 3 of Governor Inslee’s Safe Start plan in Washington State. The Liberty Theater is hard at work preparing to re-open their doors and welcome back their community of fans. The theater’s current projection is to open in July, which would allow some of their Summer Children’s Enrichment Program (SCEP) to be salvaged. In the past, the Theater has run six family films in June/July. This year it will be limited to four. When re-opened, the theater will be obligated to operate...

  • Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office May 23 Adult male reported discovering his shop located in the 26000 block of Ice Harbor Drive had been entered and multiple tools taken, as well as his safe. He stated the burglary occurred within the last two days. Burbank, WA June 1 Adult male reported discovering his home, located in the 100 block of Cherry Street, had been burglarized and electronics taken. Burbank, WA. June 3 A citizen called to report illegal dumping at an address on Braden Road and Two Acre Lane. Walla Walla County. A burglary and t...

  • Menopause the Musical® to extend online streaming through June 21 in support of racial justice

    the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    NEW YORK, NY-GFour Productions has decided to extend online streaming of their hit show Menopause the Musical through June 21, 2020. The stream can be accessed and purchased at GFour Productions announced they will donate 10% of all sales to organizations working to dismantle systemic racism and racial injustice in the United States. The organizations and charities chosen are: Campaign Zero, the Center for Transformative Change, Color of Change, Greyston, Minnesota...

  • Overnight camping reopening at some sites in Washington

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    SPOKANE—With the lifting of public health and safety restrictions enacted by Washington State officials, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced on Monday, June 8, that the Spokane District is opening certain developed sites in Washington to overnight camping. The BLM is working with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and is using a phased approach to increase access on a case-by-case basis. This week, the following sites will begin to reopen access to overnight camping: • Bli...

  • Providence's annual fundraiser moves to the virtual clubhouse

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—In light of restrictions surrounding large gatherings, Providence St. Mary Foundation’s annual themed golf fundraiser will head into the virtual clubhouse for a ‘Fiesta off the Green.’ Instead of gathering for golf, participants can choose from one of two donation levels to support the cause while receiving fiesta-themed goodies served curbside at the Walla Walla Country Club on Friday, July 17. From July 6 – July 17 at 8pm, supporters can preview and bid on creative auction packages including wine, trips and other experienc...

  • All Wheels Weekend goes virtual

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    DAYTON-When the universe gives you Covid-19, you make CarVID-20. That's right folks, the annual All Wheels Weekend car show is going virtual this year. The Dayton Chamber of Commerce invites one and all to join them online for the 26th Annual All Wheels Car Show on Saturday, June 20 from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. The online event will be held on Facebook and people are encouraged to visit the website the day of the event for a link to participate. If you would like to be involved...

  • Corps to keep Illia Dunes closed until further notice

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—The Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District announced on June 3, that Illia Dunes will remain closed until further notice. The site is located on the South side of the Snake River bank at mile 102. The Corps has been working with Garfield County Health Officials and with the sheriff’s department and a consensus has been reached that in order to ensure visitor safety, Illia Dunes must remain closed for the time being. It will reopen when it is determined safe to do so. Visitors to other Corps recreational facilities should mai...

  • Able bodied people needed at the Columbia County Food Bank

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    DAYTON—The Columbia County Food Bank needs able-bodied people who can lift up to 40 lbs. and can be on their feet for three hours to help fill boxes of food, load and distribute them every Tuesday afternoon. Judi Pilcher, who serves on the food bank executive board, said volunteers will receive on the job training at the current food bank location at the county fairgrounds. The National Guard has been providing this service, but it is not known whether they will be available after the month of June. For the past two months the food bank has s...

  • Warren Community Action Fund 2020 grant awards announced

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    DAYTON—Eleven grants totaling $52,000 have been recently awarded from the Warren Community Action Fund, which is administered by Blue Mountain Community Foundation. The fund is a project of the extended Warren Family to honor Robert and Nadine Warren. Robert Warren passed away February 11, 2017 at the age of 90. The largest grants are: $20,000 to First Christian Church of Dayton for roof and truss repairs and replacement; $8,000 to Project Timothy through St. Joseph’s to assist with COVID response funds for those in need in Columbia Cou...

  • Westside Wineries join together for a blood drive

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—Reininger Winery, Foundry Vineyards, Smoky Rose Cellars, and Three Rivers Winery have partnered together with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive in Walla Walla to help our community in need. The event will take place on June 22 from 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sign up to donate blood at Foundry Vineyards, located at 1111 Avadie Street in Walla Walla, or locate a blood drive near you. If you have recovered from Covid-19, consider donating plasma. Sign up for the blood drive at the American Red Cross website located at: h...

  • Case counts on the rise in Walla Walla County

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—Walla Walla County’s COVID-19 cases are on the rise. Since May 31, fifteen additional residents have had confirmed positive test results. These new cases, as well as the County’s threshold for number of individuals tested for each new case during the prior week will prevent the County from advancing to Phase 3. The recent rise of new cases in Benton and Franklin Counties is much more serious, with both Counties still in Phase 1, neither are eligible in any of the four metrics for advancement to Phase 2. Franklin County repor...

  • Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office

    the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    June 2 A vehicle that had been tagged for almost a month at an address on W. First and Main Street was towed in Waitsburg, WA. A Smith and Wesson handgun was reported lost in the Walla Walla River while kayaking at an address on Byrnes and Maiden Road in Touchet, WA. June 3 A victim alleged her vehicle was stolen on May 28 from an address in the 300 block of Orchard Street in Walla Walla. June 6 Fraudulent debit card charges were reported from an address on Old Milton HWY in Walla Walla County. An adult male reported three dogs severely...

  • Waitsburg Grocery vandalized in early hours

    Tracy Thompson, the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    WAITSBURG-Early morning on Monday, June 1, glass from one of the front doors as well as glass from a side door were broken in a possible attempt to gain entry at the Waitsburg Grocery on Main Street. Video from the store shows the same vehicle passing in front of the store early Monday morning nine different times, with two suspects rattling the front door at 1:45 a.m. Owner Jaime Smit-McMillen said that the glass on a side door was broken and the security bar was removed. The end caps from the...

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