Sorted by date Results 76 - 100 of 526
Ten Years Ago November 14, 2013 [Photo Caption] The Waitsburg Historical Society has been applying for grants to help fund the replacement of an unreliable HVAC system in the Wilson-Phillips house. To date, they have received a $1000 grant from the Earl and Lucille Blake Endowment Fund and a grant for $2,875 from the Pacific Power Foundation. Together, the two grants pay for nearly half the cost of a new system which will allow the society to keep the facilities open for board meetings and...
Ten Years Ago November 7, 2013 On November 8, 1899, a 30-foot high arch draped in patriotic colors stood in the center of Waitsburg's Main Street. A bell – brought from the Philippines – hung from the center of the arch and was rung continuously by a boy dressed as Uncle Sam and a girl dressed as Columbia. A crowd welcomed home the soldiers of Waitsburg's Company K as they passed ceremonially beneath the arch before taking part in a town-wide celebration that included a banquet, fireworks, and a...
Ten Years Ago October 31, 2013 In spite of the defection of the opposing team's coach to their team, the WP Alumni Team was no match for the Lady Cards at Thursday night's Homecoming game. Youth won out over experience with the younger ladies winning the game in a three-set match. Spirits were high as fans – some unsure of which team to root for – filled the bleachers. The flag was lowered, and Mikala Deruwe transfixed the crowd by singing a stirring rendition of the National Anthem. Amidst che...
Ten Years Ago October 24, 2013 [Photo Caption] One-year-old Brailyn Stearns of Huntsville helped her grandma, Lisa Stearns, sell pumpkins in front of grandma's house on the corner of Highway 12 (Preston Avenue) and Harmon Street in Waitsburg on a bright Sunday morning last week. The 22-month-old girl lives on the pumpkin patch and thinks all the pumpkins are hers, grandma says. The Stearns began growing pumpkins two years ago, but this is the first year they've tried selling them to passers-by...
Ten Years Ago October 17, 2013 Waitsburg-Prescott running back Chance Leroue averaged more than 10 yards per carry and scored two touchdowns Friday, as he led the hometown Cardinals to a lopsided 41-7 win over Dayton. Besides gaining 135 yards on 13 rushes, Leroue also caught one pass for 11 yards. WP quarterback Owen Lanning added 62 yards on five keepers and scored two TDs of his own. Taking advantage of multiple Bulldog turnovers, the Cardinals racked up five touchdowns in the first half,...
Ten Years Ago October 10, 2013 Coach Joanna Lanning admits that her initial expectations for the WP boys' cross-country team were relatively low, especially as compared to last year's successful season. Of the five runners – the bare minimum required to qualify as a team – only E. J. Meserve was a seasoned runner, and he had yet to run to his potential. Meserve is joined by junior Tyler Shafer, who has never before competed in X-C and three freshmen: Kyle Gradwohl, Jared Farley, and Skylar Woo...
Ten Years Ago October 3, 2013 [Photo Caption] Jack McCaw, Lowell Richter, Bob Budig and Fred Gritman (seated) pose at the World War II Memorial in D.C. (as part of the Inland Northwest Honor Flight program). Twenty-Five Years Ago October 8, 1998 The experiences, friends made, and the small-town charm encountered as a seasonal employee of the Green Giant cannery during the summers of 1958-1960 made an indelible impression on young Phil Edwards of Silver City, North Carolina. So much so that Edwar...
Ten Years Ago September 26, 2013 Doug Warnock, a retired WSU/Extension Agent, received the National Association of County Agricultural Agents’ Hall of Fame Award at the association’s annual meeting in Pittsburg, Penn. on September 19. Warnock served in three Washington Counties: Walla Walla (1961-1973), Asotin (1973-1978), and Kittitas (1978-1996). He now lives near Prescott. Warnock’s 35-year career with Washington State University began in 1961. He started the “Steer, Lamb and Hog of Merit...
Ten Years Ago September 19, 2013 [Photo Caption] WP's Emily Adams performed admirably in her first-ever high school XC race, the Island Run Invitational in Clarkston. Adams placed fourth out of 45 runners overall, and number one among District 9 runners. Twenty-Five Years Ago September 24, 1998 A Waitsburg High School senior who is torn between pursuing an agricultural engineering career and a career in music has been honored as TCI's Student of the Month for September. Amanda McKinley, 17, daug...
Ten Years Ago September 12, 2013 When it comes to pumpkins, Charlie Brown's got nothing on Waitsburg gardener Gail Broom, whose very own 'great pumpkin' placed first in the weight class at the Walla Walla County Fair. Broom can't wait to compete again next year and is hoping to have some area youngsters join her and step up the competition. "I decided to plant a pumpkin patch because I thought it would be neat for kids to be able to grow big pumpkins and enter them in the fair," said Broom....
Ten Years Ago September 5, 2013 “I’ve always been intrigued by trains. In fact, I would jump the train that ran behind the store and ride it to Dayton so often the crew got to know me and would invite me to ride up front with them,” said Wade Wolfe, recalling memories of his childhood in Huntsville. Born and raised in Huntsville and a graduate of Waitsburg High, Wolfe is the Pioneer of the Year honoree at this year’s Fall Festival. The twists and turns of life have resulted in Wolfe living...
Ten Years Ago August 29, 2013 Waitsburg Senior Beka Adams' childhood dream of serving as Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days Royalty – a reality she's spent the last year fulfilling – culminates this week at the Walla Walla County Fair. With only a few post-fair events on the itinerary, Adams is amazed at how quickly the year has flown by and how much she has learned. Adams earned her spot on the court last October. Returning home from a National FFA convention in Indianapolis the night bef...
Ten Years Ago August 22, 2013 For those who are familiar with Markeeta Little Wolf’s unique personal style, the way she views her garden should come as no surprise. “It’s like the way I dress,” she said during a recent interview at her home on Fourth Street. “Cowboy boots and a silk dress. Not everyone would dress like that. But I know what looks good on me.” As part of their monthly meeting Saturday, 20 members of the Waitsburg Garden Club toured the former entertainer’s lush landscape a f...
Ten Years Ago August 15, 2013 [Photo Caption] Joe Patrick sights a guitar neck. Resurrecting that old guitar is what Joe does, and like a phoenix from the ashes it can go from a dusty relic to a star performer. Twenty-Five Years Ago August 20, 1998 A recent addition to Weller Public Library will now allow the general public to browse the Internet without forking out thousands of dollars for a computer. Thanks to a grant from the Washington State Library and support from the Friends of the Librar...
Ten Years Ago August 1, 2013 [Photo Caption] Firefighters mop up a harvest fire that began Saturday afternoon south of Dixie and spread quickly across the hills off Spring Road east of Highway 12. The three-alarm was the fourth mutual aid call in six days to which Waitsburg firefighters responded. Twenty-Five Years Ago August 6, 1998 Thanks to a lot of pantomime and extensive employment of an English-Japanese dictionary, communications between two Sasayama, Japan high school students and...
Ten Years Ago July 25, 2013 Bruce Abbey is a fourth-generation wheat grower who runs a seed farm operation on the Lower Whetstone near the Menoken elevator. His farm has been operating for nearly 150 years. A homestead certificate signed by President Ulysses S. Grant hangs on the wall of the family home near the spot where his great grandfather fist set down roots. The late June rains weren’t perfect for Abbey, but he is still satisfied. “This time of year, you get a rain, you never know if it...
Ten Years Ago July 18, 2013 A childhood’s worth of memories floods back for Kay Baker as she peruses the photos and memorabilia that she and friend Mary Phillips set up two weeks ago as part of the Huntsville history exhibit now showing at the Wilson-Philips house on the grounds of the Bruce Mansion. “When most people drive from (Waitsburg) to Dayton they don’t even know Huntsville is there,” said Baker. “They don’t know it exists. And I want them to know there was actually a town there. It w...
Ten Years Ago July 11, 2013 At five minutes 'til noon here this July 4, a small cadre of servicemen advanced with Old Glory and service flags to an agreed upon rendezvous point – the intersection of Main Street and Third. Once assembled, the eight men spread the width of the street – six hoisting the colors, the other two bookending the group as rifle bearers. At the sounding of the noon siren, the unit advanced in patriotic reverence two blocks toward the hardware store to the sound of the app...
Ten Years Ago July 4, 2013 There’s something new cooking at Ye Town Hall these days – Tamales! Anita Hernandez of Granny’s Hot Tamales is utilizing the commercial kitchen at Town Hall as home base for her new tamale business. No stranger to the food business, Anita, who is originally from the Grandview/Prosser area and her husband, a Walla Walla native, have spent the last several years in Corpus Christi, Texas. There they helped Anita’s mother, the “Granny” behind Granny’s Hot Tamales, mana...
Ten Years Ago June 27, 2013 Wesley Hoskins grew up on a farm on Whetstone creek in the 1920s and 30s. During those years he witnessed some amazing changes. In 1930, there was no electricity on the farm. By 1940, the REA co-op had brought electricity to farmers on the Whetstone, and throughout Columbia County. In 1930, Hoskins' family – and all their neighbors – plowed, harrowed, and harvested wheat using draft horses or mules. By 1940, many farmers in Columbia County were using Caterpillar tra...
Ten Years Ago June 20, 2013 Though their numbers have declined over the years, the dedication and patriotism of Waitsburg's American Legion members has not. Current club members, mostly World War II vets, are hoping younger generations of men and women will join them in their quest to support veterans and families. One of Waitsburg's oldest service clubs, the Samuel W. Southard Post #35 was chartered in August 1919. The post was named in honor of 23-year-old Samuel W. Southard, the first...
Ten Years Ago June 13, 2013 Graduation ceremonies are typically solemn occasions steeped in tradition and pomp, so the audience was at first startled, then delighted when the entire Dayton High School class of 2013 started singing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” during salutatorian Samantha Harting’s commencement speech. Harting was describing various shared memories of the class that, for the most part, has been together since kindergarten. “I had asked a couple of classmates to start sin...
Ten Years Ago June 6, 2013 There are few occasions in life more filled with expectation than high school graduation. This ceremony, more than any other in our society, marks the shift from childhood to adulthood. The parents and teachers who have thus far provided care, authority and tutelage, step into a background role and watch as the young adults take the lead. Waitsburg Valedictorian Samantha Moss (3.972 GPA) spoke to those expectations as she addressed the crowd and the 29 other graduates...
Ten Years Ago May 30, 2013 The Dayton school district will say farewell to three very special ladies at the close of this school year. Elementary school principal Katie Leid, first grade school teacher Julie Howard, and school secretary Dallas Dickinson are all set to retire. Combined, these women have well over fifty years experience in education, and for them the decision to begin a new chapter in their lives is bittersweet. Leid, who was born in Walla Walla and raised in Waitsburg, has...