Sorted by date Results 26 - 44 of 44
House About the Clouds Patricia Keeney, who lives just down the road from the house in this photo informed Bill that the old home belonged to Art and Ernie Alford. She notes: "This is Art and Ernie's original home. The young Alford family dealt with scarlet fever early in the (last) century. Art and Ernie survived, as did an older sister, Maxine. Ernie was quite affected by the illness and Art became, for all intents and purposes, his caretaker. Art and Ernie, both life-long bachelors, later...
WAITSBURG - Bill Rodgers is a large format landscape photographer who is known throughout the area for his work in The Blues photo book series. The most recent collection, The Blues: Natural History of the Blue Mountains features an introduction written by Dr. Robert Carson, Whitman College professor emeritus. A visual celebration of the landscape and a reminder of our need to preserve and protect it for future generations, this large format book includes a foreword by Don Snow, an afterword by...
An impromptu rendition of Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer by members of the Sweet Adelines brightened up Ten Ton Coffee on Monday....
New Waitsburg resident Kyle Sickles shared this photo of his dog, Lady, giving "the Waitsburg Story" the side eye. Wayne Chabre and Jeanne McMenemy's Sesquicentennial Anniversary statuary figures remain composed....
Waitsburg local, Karen Gregutt, demonstrates how easy it is to drop off cardboard the city's recycling facility. Just pull into the building with the baler and line the cardboard off to the side. Boxes do not need to be flattened (it is easier on the baler) but flattened cardboard is also accepted. Hours for taking cardboard are Saturdays: 8am to 4pm and Mondays: 8:30 am to 10:30am....
Waitsburg resident Mary Rhoades took this photo of her grandchildren Isaiah and Corianne Berg meeting up with Batman and talking on the Commissioner's telephone at Walla Walla's downtown branch of Baker Boyer Bank. The bank pulled out all the stops in celebration of Adam West Day on Friday, September 20....
Thanks for sharing! The Times welcomes reader photos. Send your submissions to
The Times Office/Advertising Manager Teeny McMunn and Editor Dena Martin must have had wishful thinking on thier minds as both snapped these dandelion photos, recently....
We nabbed this shot of the WGI parking lot off of the Waitsburg Grocery Facebook page, with the caption: "When you really need to grab lunch before heading to the field! Love our small town!" We agree! And we would love our readers to share their fun, interesting, small-town photos with us! Send to:
Dayton photographer Ray Brown captured this photo of this full moon finishing off the first day of spring. This was the third time this year that a full moon has occured near the moon's closest approach, making it a Supermoon. This will be the last Supermoon of 2019. It is very rare for a Supermoon to coincide with the spring equinox. The next such event will be in 2144. According to the Farmer's Almanac, the moon is called a Super Worm Moon because, as the ground begins to thaw, earthworm...
Times Reporter Brianna caught this shot of a rollerblader and his dog who found a unique way of enjoying the sunshine as they headed down Waitsburg's Main Street on Monday afternoon. We're not quite sure who's walking who....
Waitsburg photographer Bill Rodgers submitted this stunning photo of Waitsburg nestled in a valley of snow-covered hills last week. He optimistically titled the shot, taken from Middle Waitsburg Road, 'Winter's Last Gasp.' As The Times is prepping for press on this March 12, I sit at my desk to once again see flakes falling from the sky. Let's hope this truly is winter's last gasp. I think we're all more than ready for spring....
“Snow in Waitsburg”. Waitsburg's grain elevator, looking north from Highway 124. "We live in a beautiful place - I live in photographer’s heaven," said Waitsburg photographer Bill Rodgers....
Dayton photographer Ray Brown took this spectacular shot of stormy skies earlier this month on the Tucannon Wind Farm. The Times welcomes reader photos. If you have a shot you'd like to share please email it to