Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Specials / Recipes

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  • Mexican Chicken Soup

    Teeny McMunn, Waitsburg Times|Nov 12, 2020

    This came into my email so I thought I’d share. I didn’t make it. I’m not a big fan of Mexican food. I am trying not to put in only those recipes that appeal to me, which is why not many with sour cream or cream cheese get into the paper. And I like when readers send me their recipes. So if you make it or tweak it, let me know please. It does have 5 stars, if that helps. I appreciate those who let me know they tried a recipe and those who share what they did differently. INGREDIENTS: 2 tsp olive oil ½ c. onion, diced 2 stalks celery, sliced...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Nov 5, 2020

    These were sent to me by Bill Rodgers. The same guy who gifts us with great photography and shares his abundance of unique irises. Bill had brought over a salad for us who stay late on Tuesdays to get the paper out. When I tasted the Roquefort dressing, I knew right away this was not a bottled dressing. It was the difference between homemade bread and store bought bread, the difference between greenhouse tomatoes and vine picked tomatoes. I asked him to share. These amounts are for 4 -6 servings, approximately. Roquefort Dressing 2 tsp Saco...

  • Apple Puff Pancake

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Oct 29, 2020

    I shared this before and it was one of the most popular ones. It uses a lot of eggs and milk so it makes a great breakfast dish, or if you are like me, I like a breakfast dinner. What surprised me the first time I made it, was the way the apples start at the bottom and end up on the top.  If you wanted to slice and bag the apples the night before, mix the rest of the ingredients, then it should go together quickly in the morning, if time is an issue. All that would be left is melting the butter and putting the brown sugar on top. P...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Oct 22, 2020

    Seriously, a pie crust.  Everyone has their favorite recipe, many handed down. In Home Ec, we were taught the basic 1 cup flour, 1/3 cup shortening, salt, water version. This one is similar, but has different portions, and is very pliable. Let me tell you how I came to make it. My youngest son requests an apple pie for his birthday dessert. Making pies is my least favorite thing. I almost never make them. They're time-consuming and don't last long. So I say to myself, I'll get those easy, readymade pie crusts. But Saturday, I didn't want to g...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Oct 15, 2020

    Who doesn’t like an apple fritter? As I mentioned, I wanted to make it first. Well, the loaf is half gone!!!! Thank goodness I have an in-house taster.  I saw a recipe come to my email for a salad using baked beets, avocado, tomatoes, red onion, and blue cheese. I do want to try this also, but after the brussels sprouts recipe I thought I’d put something sweet in. It’s a keeper. INGREDIENTS: ⅓ c. light brown sugar 2 tsp. cinnamon (divided) 2 med. Granny Smith apples, peeled and diced ⅔ c. suga...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Oct 8, 2020

    I almost put in a recipe for Apple Fritter Bread but wanted to make it first! For those who love Brussels sprouts, this will give you something new to do with them, those who don’t (thinking of Bill), will have to pass on it. I had the slivered almonds in the freezer as well as the bacon. I had to send Joe to the store to get Brussels sprouts (by the way, Brussels does have an s at the end.  INGREDIENTS: 4 pounds Brussels sprouts, trimmed and thinly sliced 6 slices bacon, chopped ½ c. slic...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Oct 1, 2020

    I didn't make this and I'm not sure I will because I'd probably eat the whole thing. Or I might make it and put it in baggies to give away, if there is enough left over to do so.  I think one could use apple pie spice mix as well. I'm thinking most anything could be added or subtracted. The Harvest Mix Candy is the candy corn, pumpkin candies that are so sweet, but taste good about this time of year. INGREDIENTS: 4 c. Rice Chex cereal 3 c. mini pretzel twists 3 c. Bugles 1 c. dry roasted peanuts ½ Reese's candies ½ c. M & M c...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Sep 24, 2020

    Don’t be turned off by the list of ingredients. This goes together quickly. It had a five-star rating and we really liked it. Since rice takes 20 minutes, get that started first. I got the ingredients for the sauce ready to go. Once the garlic is sautéed, the rest of the ingredients are added and it quickly thickens, in about four minutes. The frying of the chicken is a little more time consuming but the wider the pan, the more you can fry at one time. Add it to the sauce and serve with the ri...

  • Viral video recipe review: Roasted sunflower head

    Brianna Wray, The Times|Sep 17, 2020

    WORLD WIDE WEB-By now, you might've seen a certain viral video floating around the web. Or perhaps not, it's a big internet world out there. The Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company posted a video to their Instagram feed of grilled sunflowers. By the end of this quick tutorial style video, the sunflower is taken in hand and eaten like corn on the cob. Sunflower seeds are a popular snack, sure, but this isn't that. The edible part is the head. It broke my brain a little. The video says to pick a...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Sep 17, 2020

    I put this into the recipe column probably last fall or so. Believe it or not, fall is almost here and this recipe is very fall-ish. Acorn squash and apples. Speaking of apples, it’s time to starting checking out apple recipes. I made blueberry zucchini bread today, during my self-induced isolation from the smoke, and realized it is almost impossible to use up all the zucchini in baking. We did add it to our chicken vegetable soup and that helped reduce the inventory a bit. I’ve made this and it is very good. I believe turkey sausage could be...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Sep 10, 2020

    Push the Staples Easy Button on this one!! I’ve done a few French toast casseroles, including a blueberry cream cheese one. This casserole makes its own syrup on the bottom with brown sugar and butter, and lots of milk and eggs. For someone like me who’s mainstay for breakfast is toast and fruit, this is perfect. I added blueberries and chopped apples. For a busy morning person, this would be ready to go for several days as it makes a large pan. We actually had it for dinner because we wan...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Sep 3, 2020

    This caught my eye so I decided to make it. I’ve never picked blackberries before. I asked my friend if she had them on her property. She said she had lots and be sure to wear long sleeves and jeans. I had heard they were stickery, and discovered it was an understatement. The thorns were more like knives. We picked for over an hour and guess what?!! She shared her bounty with me. It’s a good thing as I’m not sure I had enough for my recipe.  This called for pork tenderloin, but locally I found pork sirloin roast. It was not as tender as a te...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Aug 27, 2020

    Another one I didn't make, and probably won't as it has sour cream, but it got 5 stars. Some of the reviews mentioned adding bacon and cheese, and more seasonings. I'm sure like most salads, you can make it to your own liking. Even fresh tomatoes would be good in it or beside it. I think it would make a good sandwich also, with fresh broccoli sprouts. INGREDIENTS: 1 large head cauliflower, cut into small chunks 4 ea hard-boiled eggs (or more to taste) chopped 1 c. creamy salad dressing (such as Miracle Whip) 2 stalks celery, diced 4 ea green on...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Aug 20, 2020

    Well, this is a combination I would not have thought of, but apparently it's not uncommon. I didn't make it this weekend but I may later. I love a good peach, love a fresh tomato so the combination interested me. I had to look up whether tomato was a fruit or vegetable. It is considered a fruit so that makes this a fruit salad. The recipe had several fruit salad combinations. One was cucumbers and honeydew melons. Maybe we should rethink and try different combinations. INGREDIENTS: ½ c. balsamic vinegar ¼ c. olive oil 1 Tbsp...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Aug 13, 2020

    “These really taste like crab cakes but without the crab, and are a really good way to utilize that bumper crop,” says Patty Jo on All This recipe caught my attention for several reasons. My zucchini plant has decided to go into high gear, I have the Old Bay Seasoning, and I had a 1/3 package of “fake” crab in the refrigerator. Although the recipe doesn’t call for crab, as it’s supposed to be a kind that makes you think it has crab, but doesn’t, much like the “fake” apple...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    The Unknown Chuck Wagon Cook, The Times|Jul 30, 2020

    I never really liked Swedish meatballs all that much, until a college buddy's German mom cooked them for dinner one night while I was visiting in Bellingham. (Does this mean they are actually German meatballs?) No matter. I was sold, and I have been making these savory little flavor bombs for at least 30 years. This is comfort food and is great for a crowd on a cold wintery evening. Not to worry, they are great in the summer as well. Mrs. Doppelganger's Swedish Meatballs To make the meatballs: 1 medium onion, finely minced and sautéed in butter...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Jul 23, 2020

    I have posted this one before and made it this weekend because I harvested my first zucchini. So many choices as to what to make with zucchini! I decided, going with the theme of Farm to Table, I took my zucchini from the plant to the kitchen for baking, making me kinda like a farmer. I used local honey and had bought a sack of Joseph’s Grainery, Soft White Wheat Pastry Flour. I used 2/3 all -purpose flour needed to 1/3 of the Soft White Wheat Pastry flour, making a 2/3, 1/3 combination. I...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Jul 16, 2020

    I saw this recipe and decided to make it for a couple of reasons. First, Joe likes anything lemon, and second, those readymade pie crusts come two in a box. I made last week's recipe with one of them so there was another one to use. I already had another cream cheese so all I needed to pick up was a lemon for zesting. It goes together quickly and lemon cloud is a good description. It is light. The custard part cooks up quickly. The beaten egg whites make it fluffy, but to be honest, next time I...

  • Rustic Apricot Galette

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Jul 9, 2020

    I wasn’t sure what a “Galette” was. It’s basically a fruit tart, using whichever fruit you would like. This one used apricots. When I looked it up, there are a wide variety of variations. This one is quick, especially if you use a store bought pie crust. The filling is cream cheese and sugar. I had a piece. I like that the fresh fruit flavor comes through, but so does the cream cheese flavor!! I shared that I’m not a cream cheese fan, but many are. I can see peaches and blueberries for this recipe or strawberries. INGREDIENTS: 1 refrigera...

  • Teeny McMunn: My Recipe Box

    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Jul 2, 2020

    I have shared this before. Always I get compliments to say it is the best-baked beans they’ve ever had. There are a lot of great baked bean recipes. This one is unusual as it has pineapple, onion, apple, and molasses along with the usual beans. It makes a lot and is perfect for those get-togethers for this upcoming July 4th weekend. I am also sharing the actual recipe card. Many of us remember the old typewriter. This recipe was a collection from a garden club in Spokane. Gram Yonkie l...

  • Strawberry Spinach Salad I

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Jun 18, 2020

    I bought some local strawberries and have really been smitten by the fresh, fruity, and sweet taste. We cut them up, add a bit of sugar, and put them on whatever we can find. I recently made the rhubarb upside down cake which is even better with fresh strawberries. I think I have posted a recipe for strawberry spinach salad before but I believe this dressing is different. You could add chicken or cheese for some protein to the salad. I have poppy seeds but not sesame seeds to make this. That is...

  • Hot Fudge Pudding Cake

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Jun 11, 2020

    I'm on a roll with these old recipe cards. One of my hometown friends, Audrey, shared this one with me. She said her mom used to make it for dessert for the family. Looks like she kept the card or looks to be a cut out. I looked it up also because the card was a little hard to read. I'm putting in the new one. It differs a bit, but seems to have the same idea. If you can't read the card, and want to use those dimensions, let me know. I didn't get a chance to make this but everyone gave it great...

  • Ranger Cookies

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Jun 4, 2020

    How have I lived this long and never heard of Ranger cookies? The Cookie Monster has nothing on me when it comes to cookies. While on one of my recent walks, I chatted with Claudia (socially distant) and the subject went to hand written recipe cards, which lead to this recipe as one of the family's favorite cookie recipes. She shared that her mom added dates, walnuts and used corn flakes instead of rice krispies. For those who have been in this area for a while, Claudia shared her mom, Hazel Pen...

  • Rhubarb Upsde-Down Cake

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|May 28, 2020

    Thank you for those who give me feedback on my recipes. Katheryn sent me a note on the Pecan Sandies and said she eliminated the nuts and used all butter instead of part oil and part butter and they turned out delicious. (This was in the original post. Let me know if you want that cookie recipe.) In this one I did all sorts of wrong but it still turned out great. I read the ingredients for the topping and put it together as if I didn't need the directions. Then I started putting the ingredients...

  • Strawberry Rhubarb Butter

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|May 21, 2020

    Doesn't that sound yummy? OMG. There is also a recipe for just rhubarb butter and one that is similar that takes only rhubarb, strawberry, honey and chia seeds, mixed and put into the refrigerator. This would be good on pancakes, toast, those bran muffins, or ice cream. I'd pass on the ice cream but some like fruit on theirs. INGREDIENTS: 3-4 c. strawberries, remove stems 2 stalks of rhubarb (about 2 cups) 2 apples, cored and cut into chunks 1/3 c. honey 2 tsp vanilla ¼ - ½ tsp cin...

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