Ten Years Ago
August 10, 2000 Reports indicate an excellent yield and quality for crops as grain farmers are in the thick of Harvest 2000. Fire and harvest mishaps have been very few.
Some 30 soccer enthusiasts are participating in the Sixth Annual Waitsburg Soccer Camp directed by Joanna Lanning this week.
Twenty Five Years Ago
July 25, 1985
Bob Abbey, Touchet Valley Grain Growers' manager, said it appears that the wheat crop in the valley will be approximately 30 percent off from last year's crop.
Timothy James Gray, a 1985 graduate of Waitsburg High School, has been offered a Washington State University Distinguished Scholars Award. Designated scholars who attend WSU are awarded a stipend of $500 for the academic year. A visitor to the office last Friday was Harlan Waite of Los Angeles, Calif., who is searching out his family tree and stopped in Waitsburg to investigate the town name connection.
Fifty Years Ago
July 29, 1960 A foursome of Jims at the Creswell ranch is slightly confusing except at meal time when the call for "Jim" is answered by four of them including J.H. Creswell Sr., J.H Creswell Jr. and his son James Scott and "Slim" Jim Young.
A swimming party and picnic for the Green Giant team was held Wednesday when coaches Pete Howe and Bob Wardrip were presented gifts from the team, and Dan Butler was presented with a trophy for winner of the team batting contest. Dan batted an average of .510.
Members of the Christian Church will be bidding goodbye to the Rev. Tom Stratton and family following the Sunday service. He will be enrolled at Whitman College this fall.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
July 26, 1935 Frank Zuger has the honor this season of getting the first wheat to the warehouse. Trucks commenced hauling Tuesday of last week. Through the courtesy of Frank P. Kindler, district manager of the Kansas City Life Ins. Co., a 15-foot bench with comfortable back has been provided this week for loafers in front of the Exchange Bank Building. Billy Dickeson, son of Wm. Dickeson, left last week to return to Seattle after spending a few days vacation with his parents in the "old home town." Billy spent the first half of his vacation on a cruise up the west coast of Vancouver Island.
One Hundred Years Ago
July 29, 1910 There are 143 autos on the assessment rolls of Walla Walla County this year. Last year there was $11,590 worth of diamonds in the county, and the new assessment shows this has increased to only $12,940. The City Council seems to be having more than its share of trouble in building the new Preston Avenue Bridge. All the lumber necessary for the wood span is on the grounds now, although it has just arrived and had the cement work been satisfactory a delay up to this time would have been necessary anyway.
Huckleberries are reported very scarce in the Blue Mountains this season by parties who have been looking for a patch in which to camp.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 7, 1885
The much-talked-of foot race between R.H. Ormsbee of this city and J.S. Short of Walla Walla took place at Russell's driving park on Saturday last in the presence
of about 150 spectators, about 20 of whom were from this city and ready to bet any sums at almost any odds on Ormsbee. Ormsbee made a beautiful dash and came abreast the string fully three feet ahead, amid much cheering from his backers who succeeded in wagering off with only about $200 of the Walla Wallans. Mayor Powell and family, Dr. Hudgin and family and L.B. Sanders and family will probably leave tomorrow for a month vacation at Hayden Lake.
Wheat wanted on accounts by J.W. Morgan. Mrs. M. Weller and children, Mrs. A.L. Maikeny and child and Mrs. J.M. Denney will go into camp in the mountains.
Chas. Marvin left last Monday for Pampa, W.T., where he will make his future home. Like a sensible man he, before leaving, ordered the Times to visit him once a week for at least twelve months.
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