Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Coroner Race Includes Encumbent Write-In

Walla Walla County Coroner Five Walla Walla County residents are running for county coroner, including in­cumbent Frank Brown, who has decided to run again as a write-in for this election.

Recent controversy in­volving law enforcement complaints about Brown left the busy coroner "disheart­ened," but after encourage­ment from friends, family and community members he has decided to run again.

"I was being harassed be­cause I wasn't doing things 'the way we used to do it,'" Brown said Tuesday. "I'm sorry. Just because that's the way we've always done it doesn't mean that's the way it should be done. The RCWs lay out what the coroner's jobs are. It's pretty straight­forward." Brown, whose platform has always been "families come first," was a night charging nurse at St. Mary's emergency room for 28 years and worked as deputy coro­ner previous to being elected coroner starting in 1994. Jim Schmerer, of Walla Walla, has experience in both the funeral industry and own­ing and operating his own re­tail and restaurant businesses. In addition to receiving a degree in mortuary science, Schmerer has worked for several funeral homes where he has come into contact with coroners and patholo­gist

including assisting with autopsies.

As county coroner, Sch­merer has promised to be "compassionate, organized and approachable."

Ken Hall, a Waitsburg res­ident, worked as a concrete laborer for many years prior to relocating here in 1978 and studying to become a respira­tory therapist.

Hall worked as a respira­tory therapist, responding to respiratory emergencies for several large Portland hospi­tals and spent 26 years at St. Mary's prior to retirement in 2008. "I have witnessed death in all its forms," Hall said. "As county coroner, I would be a good steward of the budget. I would not be inves­tigating

every death in Walla Walla County. There's just not enough money. I would respect the professional opin­ion of physicians as I could and only perform autopsies where required by law." Virginia Romine, of Prescott, has 25 years of experience as a registered nurse. She was director of nursing services for the Co­lumbia County Health Sys­tem until she resigned during in June.

"I will not violate the con­fidentiality of other employ­ees," she said. "I can just say that I did exactly what my ad­ministrator

and board asked me to do. It is always difficultto be a change agent." Romine has experience in emergency rooms and medial detox units as well as correc­tional,

physical rehabilitation and administrative nursing.

Richard Greenwood is a He has served on many boards and in many capacities in the county. His desire for the coroner's officeis to stay within the county's budget and also bring 21st century technology to the department.

"As the Walla Walla County Coroner, I would strive to cooperate and assist other responders in death investigations," Greenwood said. "I would also encour­age educating our youth on preventable death."

Republican, Walla Walla

Age: 56 Family: Wife, Charlene Brown; Dustin, 29, Missti, 26 Occupation: Walla Walla County Coroner Education: Registered Nurse, Board Certified in Fo­rensic Investigations, Blood-Spatter Investigator, Ameri­can Board Medical Legal Investigations,

Previous Electoral Experi­ence: Served as county coro­ner for over six years

Republican, Prescott Age: 58 Family: Husband, Jim Romine, five grown children, six grandchildren and two on the way Occupation: Registered Nurse

Education: ADN in nurs­ing, honors college at Univer­sity of Oregon

Previous Electoral Experi­ence: Brogan, Ore., school committee four years, Vale, Ore., elementary school bud­get board for six years

No Party Preference, Wal­la Walla

Age: 34 Family: Wife, Jennifer Sharp Schmerer; children Ethan, 7, Logan, 5, and Brax­ton, 3

Occupation: Self-em­ployed own retail stores in Utah

Education: Associate of science in mortuary science, Dallas Institute of Funeral Service

Previous Electoral Experi­ence: None

Republican, Walla Walla

Age: 55 Family: Wife, Darlene Greenwood; children Riley, 25, Jared, 21, Kendra, 19 Occupation: Driver with Basin Disposal, Walla Walla Education: High School Diploma, attended Walla Walla Community College for agriculture-related stud­ies, studied industrial safety at Eastern Washington Uni­versity

Previous Electoral Experi­ence: Board of Directors for Consolidated Water District 14, in rural unincorporated area near College Place No Party Preference, Waitsburg

Age: 61 Family: Wife, Judi Fenno; four grown children, seven grandchildren

Occupation: Retired, re­spiratory therapist 26 years - Providence St. Mary Medical Center Education: Walla Walla University, 2 years; Mt. Hood Community College, respira­tory therapy

Previous Electoral Experi­ence: None


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