Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

August 17, 2000

The Washington Conservation Crew workers com­pleted beautification of the entrance to the camping side of Lewis Clark Trail State Park last Thursday in preparation of the re-opening of the campsites for the first time since the 1996 floods. Area farmers should be wrapping up grain harvest in about a week, if the weather holds, according to J.E. McCaw, branch manager of Northwest Grain Growers in Waitsburg. Several people got a chuckle out of the noon whistle on Tuesday, Aug. 1. Waitsburg Fire Chief Brandt Kleist was in the Touchet Valley Hardware and heard the comical sound along with Tom Baker and Lynn McCambridge. It appears the siren pureed one of Waitsburg's feral pigeons. Kleist, city employee Tim Pettichord, and off-duty Brian Bush cleaned out the siren's cowling.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 1, 1985 Several eighth-grade girls attended the volleyball camp in Waitsburg this week. Judy Hausmann, assis­tant

coach of the University of Idaho volleyball squad, gave the young players some scoring points. She was assisted by Robin Jordan and Kelley Neely, head vol­leyball coach Dinah Lindsey was helped by Margie Fanciullo and Karen Huwe. A moisture-laden air mass moved through the area Monday and Tuesday, and the warm days spawned late afternoon thunder showers that brought the first rain since the first week in June. Although the rain disrupts the harvesting operations, it was a welcome relief after nearly two months of dry.

Fifty Years Ago

August 5, 1960 Marking the 25th anniversary of the signing of the original Social Security Act by President Roosevelt, Lowell Angell, district manager of the Walla Walla So­cial Security office, noted that 25 years ago about half of all persons aged 65 or over were mainly or wholly dependent on relatives and friends. Today, over 72 per­cent are drawing old-age and survivors benefits. Captain and Mrs. John Davis and children, Bryan and Ember, have arrived here after a three-year tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force at Wiesbaden and Berlin, Germany. Superintendent Gerald Maib announces that the Waitsburg school faculty is now complete with a con­tract signed by Gladys Bueoy to teach the third grade. Other faculty members are Lloyd Perry, Ellen Carson, Nadine Gerkey, Tryphena Fisher, Kenneth Milhol­land,

Gordon White, James Stow, Ernest Rohde, Aleta Combs, Gladys Keve, Allene Wills, Jim Swanger, Mar­garet Jensen, Gary Fredericks and Lora Mae Bowles.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

August 2, 1935 A crowd, conservatively estimated at between 800 and 1,000 people, were down on the street Saturday night either to participate in or to look on at the big, free street dance.

About 9:30 Wednesday night a gasoline popcorn machine on the grounds of the Scott Shows on lower Main "blew up" and caused considerable excitement until a force of tent hands dragged the flaming machine out into the street and extinguished the blaze. Operations are being pushed by night as well as by day, Sundays included, in an effort to take care of the peas on the foothills to the south and east of this city before they become too old.

One Hundred Years Ago

August 5, 1910 Mayor M.O. Pickett and wife, Will Segraves and wife, W.H. Ingalls and Dr. R.E. Butler arrived home Sunday from their Salmon River trip. They report a fishcatch of 1,300 or 1,400 and brought back with them their last day's catch so that some of their friends were remembered with choice trout.

Some of the prominent hay raisers on Jasper Moun­tain are erecting a warehouse at Coppei for the storage of bailed hay. The new building is 200 feet long and large enough to contain at least 50 carloads of timothy hay. Darn Hamilton arrived Friday from Montana and will visit relatives and friends here for a month or so before returning to his homestead.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 14, 1885 J.H. Morgan will go to Vancouver this evening to attend the Territorial Teachers' Institute, which will be the 17th.

R.H. Orsmbee informs us that after racing J.E. Frick, a Pomeroy banker, he positively will not run another race. We are glad to hear him make that declaration and hope he will stick to his resolution; foot racing and practicing law do not work well together.

A young cyclone hit a narrow gauge wood yard in Walla Walla last week, completely demolishing about 50 yards of shedding. Mrs. O'Rourke's pigeons and chickens were caught and some, no doubt, are traveling yet.


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