Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Franklin D. 'Frank' Vawter, 32, ofWaitsburg, passed away unexpectedlyAug. 7, 2010. Frank was born in Greeley, Colo., on April 19, 1978,to Cleo Saenz. The family moved to Dayton in 1987.Frank attended Dayton School District schoolsthrough graduation. He was active in band, wrestlingand football. Frank was selected as an all-state foot-ball player his senior year. After graduation in 1998, Frank attended CentralOregon College on a football scholarship until a kneeinjury cut his career short. He returned to Dayton fora football coaching position with Dayton High School. Frank was employed by Spence Tire Factory ofWalla Walla, where he greatly enjoyed the camarade-rie with his co-workers and eight years of service tohis community. Frank loved to spending time at homewith his family. He enjoyed snow skiing, fishing, danc-ing, music and BBQs with good friends and family.Frank was the ultimate football fan. GO CHIEFS! Frank is survived by his wife, Bitsey D. HarshmanVawter, at the home; son Levi L. Hatfield of Waits-burg; three sisters and two brothers-in-law, Paulaand Jesse DeLarosa of Greeley, Brenda and MikeChoate of Kansas, and Nayeli Saenz of Dayton; threebrothers and a sister-in-law, Paul DeHoyos of Greeley,Mike DeHoyos of Des Moines and Eddie and PaulaDeHoyos of Elkhart, Iowa; numerous nieces andnephews. Frank is preceded in death by his belovedstepfather, Saul Saenz. Memorial contributions may be made to the FrankVawter Memorial Fund at Sterling Savings Bankthrough Herring Groseclose Funeral Home, 315 W.Alder St., Walla Walla, WA 99362. Funeral Services will be held Friday, Aug. 13, 2010,at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of the Herring Groseclose Fu-neral Home with Pastor Mike Ferrians of the FirstChristian Church of Waitsburg officiating. Intermentwill follow at the Dayton City Cemetery in Dayton.


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