Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


07/01/10 State of WA DSHS against Diga Maricar D lien $ 2,258.94 Paul Teresa C de est to Criss Jeffrey E, Criss Brenda M qc deed land in wwco Citicrop Trust Bank to Sluarenko Andrew A recon 05-13636

UPF Washington Inc to Schab Michael B, Shab Lin­da J recon 07-00174 Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Brodhun Karie recon 06-04069

Trustee Services Inc to Franckiewicz Cash, Frackie­wicz Nancy recon 09-08675 Trustee Services Inc to McMillan Laine, McMillion Carol A recon 03-01960 Gowdy David, Gowdy Sharon to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer Na­tional

Bank Bene d of t $ 47,000.00

07/02/10 Martin Brooke C to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Jpmorgan Chase Bank Bene d of t $ 377,280.00

Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Keels David C, Keels Norma C recon 98-15029 Guerra Edgar R, Guerra Debbie L de est to Croft Rob­ert P, Croft Kim M w deedlandinwwco Croft Robert P, croft Kim M to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer Na­tional

Bank Bene d of t $ 200,000.00

Walla Walla Title Co to

Jake M, Oltman Crystal recon 07-06342 UPF Washington Inc toS R Homes LLC precon 06- Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Petty Jer­emy W, Petty Emily C recon 06-03920 Northwest Financial Crop to Housing Authority of the City of Walla Walla, City of Walla Walla Housing Au­thority p recon 07-02120 Northwest Financial Corp to Stanley Michael G, Stan­ley Jerilyn K recon 09-01391 Flumer Robert, Flumer Sandy de est to Johnson Shir­ley qc deed land in wwco

Demaris Michael L, De­maris Francisca M to North­west Financial Crop Trustee, Banner Bank Bene d of t $ 8,500.00

Ramirez Maria L, Burgue­no Maria L, Burgeno AlfredoF de est to Harvey Chase O w

Harvey Chase O to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Netmore America Inc Bene, Home Loan Center of WA Bene d of t $ 101,631.00

Allison Homes LLC deest to Davis Kay M w deed Smith Scott, Smith Karen to Northwest Trustee Ser­vices LLC Trustee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 115,183.00

07/07/10 UPF Washington Inc to Garden Gates LLC p recon 08-00279 Davin Harold L, Davin Kelly R recon 05-15834 Martinez Janet V to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer Na­tional Bank Bene d of t $ 144,000.00 State of WA DSHS against Cortes Antonio Mendosa, Mendosa Antonia Cortes lien $ 1,742.00 State of WA DSHS against Rodriguez Jose Leobardo lien $ 835.00 First American Title Co to Flaa Jeffery D, Flaa Julia A recon 06-0168 U S Bank Trust Co to Hayden Homes LLC precon 07-13132 Bishop White Marshall Weibel P S to Carlisle Daniel

Wells Fargo Financial Na­tional Bank to Malde Evelyn M Trust recon 09-03748

Flaa Jeffery D, Flaa Julia A to First American Title Trustee, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 241,864.00

Christopherson Jo Ann de est to Christoperson Johnnie M qc deed land in wwco. Ralston Michael, Ralston Trina de est to Christopher­son Johnnie McCree w deed land in wwco Christoperson Johnnie M to Land Title Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Cobalt Mortgage Inc Bene d of t $ 340,000.00

Donahey Ron, Donahey Bev A to First American Trustee, Ally Bank Corp Bene, GMA Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 176,433.00

Kelly Leone E Trust deest to Kelly-Frank KimberlyI Kelly-Frank Kimberly I w State of WA DSHS against Pensina Doroteo Jr. Pesina Dale lien $ 1,990.00 UPF Washington Inc to Edward John R, Edward Phyllis recon 08-10646

UPF Washington Inc to

Well Fargo Financial Na­tional Bank to Campell Scott L, Campell Lisa R recon 06-05827

Nationwide Title Clearing Inc to Porter Thomas D, Por­ter Kerri Jo recon 04-11751 Schroeder Jeffrey S, Schroeder Shelia Y de est to Schrroeder Jeffery and Shelia Family LLC Jeffery and She­lia Schroeder Family LLC qc deed land in wwco Czarnwcki Todd L, Czarnwcki Todd Czarnw­cki Shelby to Dodd Coney Bishop Lynch Inc Trustee, Navy Federal Credit Union Bene d of t $ 35,000.00 Walla Walla Restaurant Building LLC se est to West Pine Development LLC w deed land in wwco West Pine Development LLC to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Car­penter Michael C Trust Bene, Carpenter Carol E Trust Bene d of t $ 49,860.00 Bray Raymond L, Bray Nancy R, Bray Kenneth L, Bray Dianna L de est to Sa­cha William, Sacha Vicki w deed land in wwco Sacha William, Sacha Vicki to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Bray Raymond L Bene, Bray Nancy R Bene, Bray Ken­neth L Bene, Bray Dianna L Bene d of t $ 45,000.00 Wold Douglas L to UPF Washington Inc Trustee, Sterling Saving Bank Bene d of t $ 27,700.00

07/08/10 Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Walla Walla Restaurant Building recon 07-06664 State of WA DSHS against Kilgore James Edward Jr Gore James E lien $ 1,038.72 Northwwest Financial Corp to Blodgett Kathryn L recon 05-0810 Barlow Blaine J, Barlow Barbara A to Trustee Ser­vices Inc Trustee, School Employees Credit union of Wa Bene d of t $ 17,000.00 Lehan Terry E, Lehan Sandra K to Land Title of Walla Walla Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Bank of Whitman Bene d of t $ 250,000.00 Hair James Lloyd to Mers Inc Bene, Netmore America Inc Bene, Flagstar Bank Trustee, Adelita A Shubert Trustee d of t $ 78,000.00 Davis Glynn D, Davis Beverly J to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 250,000.00

Ohman Donald, Ohman Michelle de est to Huddleson Arnold, Huddleson Alice w deed land of wwco

Huddleson Arnold, Hud­dleson Alice to U S BankTrust Co Trustee, U S Bank

07/09/10 Biddiscombe Jeffery Rde est to Robert Craig R,Roberts Charlotte M w deed

Clarno Robert, Clarno Janet de est to Claring Trust qc deed land in wwco

UPF Washington Inc to Gomez Gerardo, Gomez Es­ther recon 09-00580 UPF Washington Inc to Bigler Kent H, Bigler Esther recon 09-07339

U S Bank Trust Co to Neissl Jeffery A, Neissl Ma­linda M recon 08-09967 Faragher Gwen E de est to Fragher Gwen E, Davis Joy G de est to qc deed land in wwco Davis Joy G, Fargher Gwen E to Fidekity Title In­surance Co Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Embrace Home Loans Inc Bene d of t $ 131,902.00 Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Edwards Adam J recon 07-07547 First American Title Co to Donahey Ron, Donahey Bev A recon 09-08772 Nationwide Title Clearing Inc to Juarez Jesus S, Juarez Mary L 86-06710 Obenhaus Ruby Laverne to Hanover Settlement and Escrow Trustee, Nation­wide Mortgage Concept Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 212,149.00 Thorpe Calvin D, Thorpe Tayia M to First American Title Trustee, PHH Mortgage Corp Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 146,050.00

Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Snow Mark B recon 06-15634 Kulberg Ole C, Kulberg Kim M to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 13,600.00

Trustee Services Inc to Wright Todd E, Wright Kim­berly J recon 08-06571

07/12/10 State of WA DSHS against Tunnell Paul Wesley Jr lien $ 1, 839.30 State of WA DSHS against McEachern Liberty R lien $840.10 State of WA DSHS against Cabbell Edison Consul lien $ 6,337.00


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