07/01/10 State of WA DSHS against Diga Maricar D lien $ 2,258.94 Paul Teresa C de est to Criss Jeffrey E, Criss Brenda M qc deed land in wwco Citicrop Trust Bank to Sluarenko Andrew A recon 05-13636
UPF Washington Inc to Schab Michael B, Shab Linda J recon 07-00174 Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Brodhun Karie recon 06-04069
Trustee Services Inc to Franckiewicz Cash, Frackiewicz Nancy recon 09-08675 Trustee Services Inc to McMillan Laine, McMillion Carol A recon 03-01960 Gowdy David, Gowdy Sharon to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National
Bank Bene d of t $ 47,000.00
07/02/10 Martin Brooke C to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Jpmorgan Chase Bank Bene d of t $ 377,280.00
Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Keels David C, Keels Norma C recon 98-15029 Guerra Edgar R, Guerra Debbie L de est to Croft Robert P, Croft Kim M w deedlandinwwco Croft Robert P, croft Kim M to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National
Bank Bene d of t $ 200,000.00
Walla Walla Title Co to
Jake M, Oltman Crystal recon 07-06342 UPF Washington Inc toS R Homes LLC precon 06- Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Petty Jeremy W, Petty Emily C recon 06-03920 Northwest Financial Crop to Housing Authority of the City of Walla Walla, City of Walla Walla Housing Authority p recon 07-02120 Northwest Financial Corp to Stanley Michael G, Stanley Jerilyn K recon 09-01391 Flumer Robert, Flumer Sandy de est to Johnson Shirley qc deed land in wwco
Demaris Michael L, Demaris Francisca M to Northwest Financial Crop Trustee, Banner Bank Bene d of t $ 8,500.00
Ramirez Maria L, Burgueno Maria L, Burgeno AlfredoF de est to Harvey Chase O w
Harvey Chase O to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Netmore America Inc Bene, Home Loan Center of WA Bene d of t $ 101,631.00
Allison Homes LLC deest to Davis Kay M w deed Smith Scott, Smith Karen to Northwest Trustee Services LLC Trustee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 115,183.00
07/07/10 UPF Washington Inc to Garden Gates LLC p recon 08-00279 Davin Harold L, Davin Kelly R recon 05-15834 Martinez Janet V to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 144,000.00 State of WA DSHS against Cortes Antonio Mendosa, Mendosa Antonia Cortes lien $ 1,742.00 State of WA DSHS against Rodriguez Jose Leobardo lien $ 835.00 First American Title Co to Flaa Jeffery D, Flaa Julia A recon 06-0168 U S Bank Trust Co to Hayden Homes LLC precon 07-13132 Bishop White Marshall Weibel P S to Carlisle Daniel
Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Malde Evelyn M Trust recon 09-03748
Flaa Jeffery D, Flaa Julia A to First American Title Trustee, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 241,864.00
Christopherson Jo Ann de est to Christoperson Johnnie M qc deed land in wwco. Ralston Michael, Ralston Trina de est to Christopherson Johnnie McCree w deed land in wwco Christoperson Johnnie M to Land Title Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Cobalt Mortgage Inc Bene d of t $ 340,000.00
Donahey Ron, Donahey Bev A to First American Trustee, Ally Bank Corp Bene, GMA Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 176,433.00
Kelly Leone E Trust deest to Kelly-Frank KimberlyI Kelly-Frank Kimberly I w State of WA DSHS against Pensina Doroteo Jr. Pesina Dale lien $ 1,990.00 UPF Washington Inc to Edward John R, Edward Phyllis recon 08-10646
UPF Washington Inc to
Well Fargo Financial National Bank to Campell Scott L, Campell Lisa R recon 06-05827
Nationwide Title Clearing Inc to Porter Thomas D, Porter Kerri Jo recon 04-11751 Schroeder Jeffrey S, Schroeder Shelia Y de est to Schrroeder Jeffery and Shelia Family LLC Jeffery and Shelia Schroeder Family LLC qc deed land in wwco Czarnwcki Todd L, Czarnwcki Todd Czarnwcki Shelby to Dodd Coney Bishop Lynch Inc Trustee, Navy Federal Credit Union Bene d of t $ 35,000.00 Walla Walla Restaurant Building LLC se est to West Pine Development LLC w deed land in wwco West Pine Development LLC to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Carpenter Michael C Trust Bene, Carpenter Carol E Trust Bene d of t $ 49,860.00 Bray Raymond L, Bray Nancy R, Bray Kenneth L, Bray Dianna L de est to Sacha William, Sacha Vicki w deed land in wwco Sacha William, Sacha Vicki to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Bray Raymond L Bene, Bray Nancy R Bene, Bray Kenneth L Bene, Bray Dianna L Bene d of t $ 45,000.00 Wold Douglas L to UPF Washington Inc Trustee, Sterling Saving Bank Bene d of t $ 27,700.00
07/08/10 Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Walla Walla Restaurant Building recon 07-06664 State of WA DSHS against Kilgore James Edward Jr Gore James E lien $ 1,038.72 Northwwest Financial Corp to Blodgett Kathryn L recon 05-0810 Barlow Blaine J, Barlow Barbara A to Trustee Services Inc Trustee, School Employees Credit union of Wa Bene d of t $ 17,000.00 Lehan Terry E, Lehan Sandra K to Land Title of Walla Walla Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Bank of Whitman Bene d of t $ 250,000.00 Hair James Lloyd to Mers Inc Bene, Netmore America Inc Bene, Flagstar Bank Trustee, Adelita A Shubert Trustee d of t $ 78,000.00 Davis Glynn D, Davis Beverly J to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 250,000.00
Ohman Donald, Ohman Michelle de est to Huddleson Arnold, Huddleson Alice w deed land of wwco
Huddleson Arnold, Huddleson Alice to U S BankTrust Co Trustee, U S Bank
07/09/10 Biddiscombe Jeffery Rde est to Robert Craig R,Roberts Charlotte M w deed
Clarno Robert, Clarno Janet de est to Claring Trust qc deed land in wwco
UPF Washington Inc to Gomez Gerardo, Gomez Esther recon 09-00580 UPF Washington Inc to Bigler Kent H, Bigler Esther recon 09-07339
U S Bank Trust Co to Neissl Jeffery A, Neissl Malinda M recon 08-09967 Faragher Gwen E de est to Fragher Gwen E, Davis Joy G de est to qc deed land in wwco Davis Joy G, Fargher Gwen E to Fidekity Title Insurance Co Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Embrace Home Loans Inc Bene d of t $ 131,902.00 Wells Fargo Financial National Bank to Edwards Adam J recon 07-07547 First American Title Co to Donahey Ron, Donahey Bev A recon 09-08772 Nationwide Title Clearing Inc to Juarez Jesus S, Juarez Mary L 86-06710 Obenhaus Ruby Laverne to Hanover Settlement and Escrow Trustee, Nationwide Mortgage Concept Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 212,149.00 Thorpe Calvin D, Thorpe Tayia M to First American Title Trustee, PHH Mortgage Corp Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 146,050.00
Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Snow Mark B recon 06-15634 Kulberg Ole C, Kulberg Kim M to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 13,600.00
Trustee Services Inc to Wright Todd E, Wright Kimberly J recon 08-06571
07/12/10 State of WA DSHS against Tunnell Paul Wesley Jr lien $ 1, 839.30 State of WA DSHS against McEachern Liberty R lien $840.10 State of WA DSHS against Cabbell Edison Consul lien $ 6,337.00
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