Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Carl W. Henze

Waitsburg resident Carl W. Henze, 89, of 250 W. 6th St. Waitsburg died August 14, 2010, at the Booker Rest Home in Dayton. Funeral Services will be 10 a.m., Thursday, August 19, 2010, at the Waitsburg Christian Church with Pastor Mike Ferrians officiating. Burial will be in the family plot in the Waitsburg City Cemetery. Carl was born February 3, 1921, in Lima, Ill., to Frederick and Beulah Murfin Henze. He attended school in Marceline and Ursa, Ill. He suffered with chronic asthma and at an early age moved to Tucson, Ariz., where he found relief. He later moved to Colton, Calif., where he worked for a dry-cleaner and learned that business.

In January 1942, he vol­unteered for Army Service in what turned out to be WWII. He was first assigned to March Air Force Base CA, then Ontario, CA Air Base. It was in Ontario where he met Ardath Pierson who years later became his wife. In October 1942 he was as­signed

to Casper Wyoming, where he trained troops in aircraft identification. After two years of training, Carl was sent to Assam and Mo­hambai, India, with the 1332 A.A.F. Base Unit Air Trans­port Command as company clerk. In December 1945 he was honorably discharged with the rank of Staff Sgt at Ft. Lewis, Wash. He went to Bingen-White Salmon, Wash., where Ar­dath had moved to be with her family, and on January 1, 1946, they were married in a ceremony held in White Salmon. A year later they moved to Waitsburg with her parents, Roy and Katherine Pierson. They operated a dry-cleaning business for 25 years. They raised 7 children, 4 girls and 3 boys, and during that time Carl coached Little League Teams and attended their sports events. He was active in the American Legion and served at the local and district levels and Voiture 271 40et8. He was a charter member of the Waitsburg Lions Club and a member of the China-Burma-India Veterans Assoc. After closing the dry-clean­ing

business, he drove school bus for 18 years and was town marshal for 17 years. He also was night watchman for Green Giant for several seasons. He served as Mu­nicipal

Judge for the City of Waitsburg to fill a vacancy and was a Waitsburg Volun­teer Fireman. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. Carl is survived by his wife, Ardath, of 65 years at the home. 2 sons and daugh­ters

in-law; Dan and Diane Henze of Aberdeen, WA and Neil and Linda Henze of Waitsburg. 4 daughters and sons-in-law; Neta and David McKenzie of Spokane, WA, Lorna and David Zajac of Chehalis, WA, Lana and Gus Salloum of Rochester, WA and Carrie Mae and John Higgins of Medical Lake, WA. 2 brothers; Clifford Henze of Finley, WA and Harold Henze wife Ruth of Quincy, IL. 15 grandchil­dren, 13 great-grandchildren, numerous nieces nephews and cousins. He was pre­ceded in death by his parents, twin infants, a son, Brian Henze, 2 brothers and a sister. Those who wish may contribute to the Waitsburg Fireman's Assoc. Memorial Scholarship Fund through Hubbard-Rogg Funeral Home 111 S. 2nd St. Dayton, WA 99328.


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