Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


08/02/10 State of WA DSHS against Landeros Aaron Villanueva, Villanueva Aaron Landeros lien $ 1,738.00 State of WA DSHS against Dunleavy Jerry T lien $ 4,138.00 State of WA DSHS against Croson Douglas R lien $ 9,760.00 UPF Washington Inc to Koonz Sanford I, Koonz Dorthy M recon 03-06118

UPF Washington Inc to Breier Michael,Breier Frei­edhide A recon 09-05558 U.S Bank Trust Co to Unterseher Barbara J recon 05-02648

Ojcius Matthew de est to Ojcius Mathew, Ojcius Nich­ole L qc deed land in wwco Ojcius Mathew, Ojcius Nichole L to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 65,000.00

Pioneer Title Co of Walla Walla, First American Title Co to Meadowbrook Plaza LLC p recon Leischner Virginia de est to Tucker Valona qc deed land in wwco S R Homes LLC to JILG Ronald, JILG Deborah w deed land in wwco

08/03/10 Kimball Stephen Grant II to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 86,000.00 First American Title Co to Foss Ronald recon 08-00099 Trustee Services Inc to Kiefel Michael, Kiefel Kris­tine L recon 05-15672 Northwest Financial Corp to Housing Authority of the City of Walla Walla p recon 06-14965 08-00701 Northwest Financial Corp to Housing Authority of the City of Walla Walla p recon 07-02120

Northwest Financial Corp to McGarvey Kenneth J re­con 04-08039 Citicrop Trust Bank to Porter Tom D recon 01-07631

First American Title Ins Co to Hawkins Bruce, Hawkins Roxanne recon 07-09836 Nationwide Title Clearing Inc to Waytenick Robin D recon 05-07087 First American Title Ins Co to Hawkins Bruce, Hawkins Bruce H, Hawkins Roxanne recon 07-09837 Ray Marian Trust de est to Whitman College Board of Trustees w deed land in wwco

Ray Martin B Trust de est to Whitman College Board of Trustee w deed land in wwco

Elia Dominick J to Ameri­canwest Holding Inc d of t $ 30,000.00

State of WA Empl Sec Dept against Creektown Café LLC, Creektown Café

Silva Stephan A to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Mann Mortgage LLC Bene, Driect Home Loans Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 90,000.00 Bowen Kristopher, Miele Elizabeth, Bowen Kristopher R, Miele Elizabeth M de est to Posey Rayce Barrett, Posey Jody Erin w deed land in wwco Posey Rayce Barrett, Posey Jody Erin to Pioneer Title Trustee, Cobal Mort­gage

Inc Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 342,000.00

08/04/10 State of WA DSHS against Fowler Marquelle lien $ 263.97 State of WA DSHS against Bradley Stephaine A, Baxter Stephaine A lien $ 877.70 State of WA DSHS against Thompson Jeremy Dean lien $ 690.00 Cruz Elias J de est to Cruz Erendira C qc deed land in wwco

Roberts Michael J, Rob­erts Margo K to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Banner Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 200,000.00

Pavish-Paradiso Teresa L Pavish Paradiso Teresa L to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 82,000.00

Ernst Charles L, Aus­tin Debra I to Walla Walla Title Trustee Banner Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 278,000.00

Austin Robert C, Aus­tin Debra I to Walla Wal­la Title Trustee, Jpmorgan Chase Bank Bene d of t $ 140,550.00

Stiles Mike A Stiles Meda L to Prlap Inc Trustee, Bank of America Bene d of t $ 50,000.00

Hetrick Laura L to North­west Trustee Services LLC Trustee, Well Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 72,751.00 Johnson Family Trust, Johnson Trust de est to John­son Ronald E, Johnson Shar­line G qc deed land wwco Kimball J Eric to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 179,000.00 Jones Robert E to Land Title of Walla Walla Coun­ty Trustee, Banner Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t 194,000.00

Robinson Kendal A , Rob­inson Anne G to Stewart Title Trustee, Banner Bank Bene d of t $ 412,000.00

Land Title of Walla Walla County Inc to Ojcius Mat­thew recon 10-03739

08/05/10 Hayden Homes LLC deest to Clark Jeffery R w deed

Clark Jeffery R to Pioneer Title Co Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Netmore America Inc Bene, Home Loan Center of WA Bene d of t $ 207,465.00 State of WA DSHS against Dunleavy Jared Thomas, Manning Jarrod lien $ 700.00 State of WA DSHS against Rivera Fausto Soto, Soto Fausto Rivera lien $ 978.39

State of WA DSHS against Black Jeffery Dwayne Sr lien $ 5,170.00

Wells Fargo Financial Na­tional Bank to Woiblet Adam C, Woiblet Amy E recon 02-11189 Northwest Financial Corp to Rea Lance R, Rea Wendi F recon 10-05628

Sumner Lesilie A, Sum­ner Roger E to Northwest Trustee Services LLC Trust­ee, Well Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 184,050.00 Swopes Roland, Swopes Roland L de est to Swopes Ronald L qc deed land in wwco Swopes Ronald L, Swopes Margie to First American Title Trustee, Mers Inc Bene d of t $132,516.00

Albro Thomas W, Al­bro Tina C to Pioneer Title Co Trustee, Washington Trust Bank Bene d of t $ 190,000.00

Rude Brad, Rude Lore de est to Rude Brad qc deed land in wwco Rude Brad to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trust­ee, Banner Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 220,000.00


Middeton Jody A, Mid­dleton Sarah E to Northwest Trustee Services LLC Trust­ee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 211,365.00 Nelson Monica L de est to Nelson Monica L, Strother Rhonda L qc deed land in wwco

Nelson Monica L, Stroth­er Rhonda L to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 345,000.00 State of WA DSHS against Wright Robert Orville lien $ 504.00 State of WA DSHS against Walmsley Andrea Dawn lien $ 1,193.88 State of WA DSHS against Roop Stephen Robert lien $ 525.00 Unterseher Barbar J to US Bank Trust Co Trustee, US Bank NationalAssoc Bene First American Title Co to Stewart Donald, Stewart Diane Recon 09-11198 Martin Lana to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Banner Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 208,000.00 UPF Washington Inc to Johnson Walter D Jr, Johnson Laura Lee recon 05-08615 Hodge Marie K, Haines Marie K, Hodge James de est to Hodge Marie K, Hodge James qc deed land in wwco

Hodge Marie K, Hodge James to LSI- Lender's Service Inc Trustee, LSI Lenders Service Inc Trustee, Nationstar Mortgage LLC Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 108,400.00 Brickey Lee Jr, Brickey Holly A to Recontrust Co

Bank of America Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 120,000.00

Suaceda Rosa M, Suace­da Armando to Northwest Trustee Services LLC Trust­ee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 49,878.00 Menino Rosa M de est to Wilson Rebecca S Wilson James B qc deed land in wwco Wilson James B de est to Wilson James B, Wilson Rebecca S qc deed land in wwco

US Bank de est to Secre­tary of Housing And Urban Development w deed land in wwco

Hayden Homes L L Cde est to Mitchell Frank,MitchellEvelynwdeedland

Mitchell Frank E, Mitch­ell Evelyn C, Pioneer Title Co of Walla Walla Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Pinnacle Capital Mortgage Corp Bene d of t $ 148,990.00

Schnabel Harold Trust, Schnabel Junis A trust de est to w deed land in wwco

Gehring Angela M to Pio­neer Title Co of Walla Walla Turstee, Mers Inc Bene, Pin­nacle Capital Mortgage Corp Bene d of t $ 74,003.00

08/09/10 ReedLeoneKathleenDecEst de est to Kirby Cristina,Kirby Benjamin J w deed

Kirby Cristina, Kirby Benjamin J to Pioneer Title Co of Walla Walla Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Hyperion Capital Group LLC Bene d of t $ 88,704.00 State of WA DSHS against Gonzalez Jeremy Anthony lien $ 2,066.00 State of WA DSHS against Gaines Robert Glenwood lien $ 33,740.81 Americanwest Holding Inc to Garica Linda recon 04-01688 Wells Fargo Financial Bank to Musia Michelle Ann recon 09-02100 Bishop White Marshal Weibel P S to Carlisle Daniel Bishop White Marshal Weibel P S to Blickenstaff recon 05-05979 Bishop White Marshal Weibel P S to Town RossA, Town Lacey D recon 07- Edelman Gilbert Scott, Edelman Lora Diane to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee Baker Boyer Na­tional

bank Bene d of t $ 124,000.00

Kendall William O, Ken­dall Gerorgina A to Pioneer Title Co Trustee, Commu­nity Bank Bene d of t $ 101,500.00 Foster Duane R, Foster V Jayne to Pioneer Title Co Walla Walla Trustee, Gesa Credit Union Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 55,000.00 Jenes Paul A, Jenes Tifany S to Pioneer Title of Walla Walla Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 417,000.00

Walker David S, Walker Alcia S to Pioneer Title Trustee, Gesa Credit Union Bene d of t $ 49,590.35

Broberg Norine B to Wal­la Walla Title Trustee, Ban­ner Bank Bene, Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 80,000.00 Hickerson Denise de est to Hickerson Peter, Hicker­son Denise qc deed land in wwco

08/10/10 Grudkinski Randall C, Grudzinski to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Carpenter Michael C Trust Bene, Carpenter Carol E Trust Bene d of t $ 40,000.00

Evans Kathleen A to Wal­la Walla Title Trustee d of t $ 106,800.00

Stride Edwin D, Stride Constance M de est to Stride Trust qc deed land in wwco

Cornelus Jo Ann R, Rob­inson Jo Ann de est to Cor­nelius Emily Jean Robison Trust w deed land wwco

Cornelus Jo Ann R, Rob­inson Jo Ann de est to Cor­nelius Emily Jean Robison Trust w deed land wwco Whatley Barbara J de est to Davisson Paul D, Davis­son Janice L w deed land inwwco

Wells Fargo Financial Na­tional Bank to Schwehr Don P recon 03-16899

Bloom Jeffery H, Bloom Cheryl to Pioneer Title Co of Walla Walla Trustee, Gesa Credit Union Bene d of t $ 95,000.00

Blue Trust de est to Medi­cal Pavilon LLC w deed land in wwco

Lingo Trust de est to Southpoint LLC w deed land in wwco

Klara Walthew L L C de est to Estes Susanne G wdeedlandinwwco

Sonja Ramussen Hen­derson L L C de est to EstesSusanne G w deed land in


Berney William G, Ber­ney Virginia W de est to Board of Trustee of Whitman College w deed land in wwco

Trustee Services Inc to Dean Tommy Lee, Dean Ta­mara D recon 07-02657 Trustee Service Inc to White Michael B, White Honey A recon 08-01740

K-Farms Inc, K FarmsInc de est to Kimball J Eric,Kimball Solan W, Kimball

Kimball Alfred Judd, Kimball J Eric, Sloan W, Kimball Todd de est to Brushwood Inc w deed land in wwco Wright George C, Write Barbara J to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee Jpmorgan Chase Bank Bene d of t $ 75,700.00

Branscum Bob W, Brans­cum Phyllis J to Northwest Trustee Services LLC Trust­ee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 178,500.00

Tribbett Tracy J to Pio­neer Title Co Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Bank of Whitman Bene d of t $ 224,700.00

Riley Timothy W Est de est to Gingell Guy E, Davis-Gingell Allison Davis Gingell Allison w deed land wwco Gingell Guy E, Davis-Gingell Allison Davis Gin­gell Allison to Northwest Trustee Services LLC Trust­ee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 179,400.00

08/12/10 Walla Walla Title Co to Jones Geoffrey C, Jones Ta­mara J recon 07-10114 State of WA DSHS against Haggin Eric Allen lien $ 8,179.86 State of WA DSHS against Welch Robert James lien $ 1,204.00 Parks Vic, Parks Wanda to Prlap Inc Trustee , Bank of America Bene d of t $ 75,000.00 Smith Chrome Plating Inc to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 100,000.00

Collection Bureau of Wal­la Walla against Paul Casey lien $ 666.62

Collection Bureau of Wal­la Walla against Peterson Steven D lien $ 949.95

Collection Bureau of Wal­la Walla against Lamb Erik R lien $ 1,180.62

Collection Bureau of Wal­la Walla against Flores Eliza­beth, Gonzalez Elizabeth lien $ 2,953.46

Collection Bureau of Wal­la Walla against Gonzalez Antonio, Gonzalez Grace­lia, Gonzalez Grace lien $ 2,845.10 Brannon Frank de est to Klingenstein Rachel w deed land in wwco

Klingenstein Rachel to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Netmore America Inc Bene, Home Loan Center of WA Bene Mers Inc Bene d of t $ 165,989.00

Toc Holdings Co, Time Oil Co de est to Sahota LLC w deed land in wwco Sahota LLC to Chicago Title Insurance Co Trust­ee, Toc Holding Co Bene, Time Oil Co Bene d of t $ 175,000.00 Medlar Deborah L de estto Spinks Mark R w deed Medlar Deborah L de estto Spinks Mark R w deed

Spinks Mark R to Pio­neeer Title Co of Walla Walla Trustee, Mers Inc Bene, Hy­perion Capital Group LLC Bene d of t $ 160,000.00 Carlson Terry A, Carlson Constance de est to Carlson Terry A Trustee, Carlson Madel Carmen qc deed land in wwco

08/13/10 Sword Victor E, Sword Mark K de est to Preciado Franciso M, Preciado Madel Carmen w deed land in wwco

Preciado Franciso M, Preciado Madel Carmen to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 85,500.00 Keatts Andrew J,Keatts Heather L to Northwest Trustee Services Inc Trustee, Wells Fargo Bank Bene d of t $ 100,000.00 Perkins Maric Ann to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 111,000.00 Ingle Keith James, Donna Jo to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 184,000.00

Kelly Frank Lee to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Baker Boyer National Bank Bene d of t $ 110,000.00

Bates Michael, Bates Bar­bara to Walla Walla Title Trustee, Banner Bank Bene d of t $ 212,000.00

Hagen Stephen T, HagenSusanne de est to HusseyLawrence L, Hussey CarolA

Rawson Eugenie M Est de est to Kleinbach Dennis Reed w deed land in wwco

Carneval Richard T, Car­neval Deborah D to Baker Boyer National Bank Bene, Land Title of Walla Wal­la County Trustee d of t $ 350,000.00 Mehlenbacher Brian J, Mehlenbacher Michelle D de est to Mehlenvacher Brian J, Mehlenbacher Michelle D qc deed land wwco

Mehlenvacher Brian J, Mehlenbacher Michelle D to Mers Inc Bene, Mortgage Investors Corp Bene, First American Title Trustee d of t $ 131,417.00

Conn Truman W Trust, Conn Nina K Trust to Land Title of Walla Walla County Trustee, Banner Bank Bene d of t $ 163,500.00 Osgood Janie Jo to Routh Crabtree Olson`James Miers­ma Trustee, US Bank Bene d of t $ 88,000.00 Murphy Dennis P de est to Thad Sirmon Real Estate LLC, Sirmon Thad Real Estate LLC w deed land in wwco

Grant John, Grant Pat­rica J de est to McCarty Real Proberty LLC w deed land in wwco Grant Daniel J de est to McCarty Real Proberty LLC w deed land in wwco Fackenthall John A de est to Fackenthall Johannes, Fackenthall Chelane qc deed in wwco Gordon Daniel T, Gordon Carin A to Feraro Edward L PC Trustee, First Tech Credit Union Bene d of t $ 161,000.00


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