Ten Years Ago
September 2, 2000
Corrie Gagnon, the 18-year-old daughter of Joe and JoAnn Gagnon of Waitsburg, received word that the "Western Duster" she stitched won her first prize in the "Everyone Loves Sulky" Challenge 2000 contest. A new sewing machine and about $1,000 in merchandise were among the prizes Corrie received for her creation.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
September 12, 1985
The Pioneer Fall Festival will be held on the 15th of Sept. with a beef barbecue instead of the popular buffalo. Cost of buffalo is up this year. Free liver and onions will be served on Saturday.
The city is faced with the problem of cleaning the drain through Preston Park into the Touchet River. Grady Nix reported that the drain is plumb full of debris and he fears it may cause some damage to the street if it isn't corrected.
The Prescott-Waitsburg Vandals open their football season this Friday night under the guidance of new head coach Dave Lukens.
Fifty Years Ago
September 16, 1960
The school safety patrol this year is composed of Janice Bloor, Stanley Biggons, Karne Peters, Maria Rankin, Danny Butler, Jill Cyr, Charlotte Gibbons, Joan Land and Terry Schaeffer. The senior class enjoyed a barbecue at the Emory Kruchek home Wednesday night prior to the pep rally. Walt Hodgen will head the W Club froup at Wait-Hi this year, with Rick Davis elected vice president at their meeting last week. Other officersare Kay Witt, secretary; Dan Lytle, treasurer.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
September 11, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Shaffer who were married 48 years ago, were very pleasantly surprised last Sunday, Sept. 8, the anniveary date. Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Hart of McCloud, Ca. is spending the week visiting J.E. Hart and family. Mrs. Hart is a sister of Mrs. J.E. Hart. In fact three Hart brothers married three sisters.
Preliminary plans have been concluded and application to the PWA for assistance in remodeling and puttinginto the best condition the Weller Library on the cornerof Main and Fourth Streets. It is proposed to remove the
One Hundred Years Ago
September 16, 1910
The John Smith Hardware Company and the Pioneer Harness and Saddlery owned by H.G. Shuham suffered a complete loss of both their buildings and stocks of goods at an early-hourSaturday morning fire. Nothing was saved but the safes which had books and papers intact.
M.E. Arnold arrived home Saturday from Deweyk, Wash. where he has had charge of a bunch of prisoners in installing a state rock quarry under the supervision of the State Highway Commission. Don't fail to see my $18 suits and overcoats before ordering. lt;Made to measure only. Three months free pressing with each order. W.C. Bateman, K of P Block.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
September 25, 1885
Dr. T.F. Smith carried a lame arm this week, the result of a runaway last Saturday. His span of colts became frisky and an application of the whip caused them to straddle the tugs and get up and dust, the Dr. being thrown from the buggy in the course of the run.
Lots of hiyu cultas siwashes in town, the bucks watching for an opportunity to pick up old clothes while the faithful squaws are willing to wash, dig potatoes, clean houses, etc. for tenas chickamum. T.P. Kinder's thrity acre wheat field adjoining A.L. Kinnear's ranch in the famous Fields' Gulch country, yielded an average of 52 bushel to the acre.
Miss Nellie Towsley, sister of Mrs. C.B. Richardson, arrived from Battle Creek, Michigan last Monday.
Thirty-six Walla Walla experts examined Small's Opera House, and pronounce it a perfectly safe structure in every particular.
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