Dear Editor and Mr. Paul McCaw,
I just read your latest letter to the editor in last week's edition of the Times. While I cannot possibly argue with your theory, since you have obviously
devoted much time and study to your thesis, my lingering question to you is WHY? What is the point of your diatribe disparaging the merits of high school sports? What could your motivation be? The kids that participate in football, basketball, track, soccer, baseball, softball, cheerleading, etc., are-if nothing else-making a commitment to something that's not on TV, Wii, or enclosed in a text message. They are not only making a commitment of time, energy and skill, but I think the deeper meaning is that in today's faceless
society, it's the bond they build with each other, figuring out how to get along with differing personalities and working as a team for a common goal. That is the real benefit.
Who cares if all or none of them move onto a professional team someday or even participate
at a college level? That is neither the motivation nor the point for the majority of these kids! My suggestion to you is that instead of attending the sporting event itself, you attend the awards banquet at the end of the season and see just how many of these kids are scholar athletes. I think even you may be impressed because I know I am every time. In a day and age where kids are sidetracked with texting, Facebook and something from Jersey called a "Snookie," it's nice to see a group of kids not chattering about the next episode of Jersey Shore but how they can hardly wait for the softball/baseball season to start. Look, you're obviously quite the intellect and I respect that. You have a point of view, and I respect that, too. Your Cro Magnon man theory may even be spot on, I dunno. But I can't help but question your motivation and why you felt your thesis needed to be displayed
in such a public way. As you stated yourself, you're not going to change it, so why?
Dana Moon,Waitsburg
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