STARBUCK - November was a great month in Starbuck, and the Starbuck Stars have been busy! Students are hard at work learning and growing, and no student is working harder than McKenzie Dobbs, Elementary Student of the Month for November. McKenzie is a 3rd grade student in Mr. Edie's class, and she has been attending school in Starbuck for four years. In this last year she has graduated to chapter books and tackling multiplication. She also has a creative writing ability, helps other students and often receives "character rewards" on the playground for her good behavior. She is also a soccer and basketball player and participates in 4-H. Starbuck's other Student of the Month is Hayden Wooldridge. Hayden is a 5th grader this year and his teachers say he has great character, which has been the quality that Starbuck School has worked on this month. He is a courteous student and well liked. He is helpful to those around him, students and teachers. Hayden has also shown improvement in several of his studies, especially reading. He likes adventure and survival books. His favorite is Brian's Winter. Science is another subject of choice, where we are studying the body. He really liked the energy bars his group made. When Hayden isn't busy working at school, he enjoys playing football, where he helped his team win their last game by catching a touchdown. Hayden can also be seen flying down the slopes at Bluewood, during the school's annual ski/PE program, which is right around the corner.
STARBUCK - November was a great month in Starbuck, and the Starbuck Stars have been busy! Students are hard at work learning and growing, and no student is working harder than McKenzie Dobbs, Elementary Student of the Month for November. McKenzie is a 3rd grade student in Mr. Edie's class, and she has been attending school in Starbuck for four years. In this last year she has graduated to chapter books and tackling multiplication. She also has a creative writing ability, helps other students and often receives "character rewards" on the playground for her good behavior. She is also a soccer and basketball player and participates in 4-H. Starbuck's other Student of the Month is Hayden Wooldridge. Hayden is a 5th grader this year and his teachers say he has great character, which has been the quality that Starbuck School has worked on this month. He is a courteous student and well liked. He is helpful to those around him, students and teachers. Hayden has also shown improvement in several of his studies, especially reading. He likes adventure and survival books. His favorite is Brian's Winter. Science is another subject of choice, where we are studying the body. He really liked the energy bars his group made. When Hayden isn't busy working at school, he enjoys playing football, where he helped his team win their last game by catching a touchdown. Hayden can also be seen flying down the slopes at Bluewood, during the school's annual ski/PE program, which is right around the corner.
STARBUCK - November was a great month in Starbuck, and the Starbuck Stars have been busy! Students are hard at work learning and growing, and no student is working harder than McKenzie Dobbs, Elementary Student of the Month for November. McKenzie is a 3rd grade student in Mr. Edie's class, and she has been attending school in Starbuck for four years. In this last year she has graduated to chapter books and tackling multiplication. She also has a creative writing ability, helps other students and often receives "character rewards" on the playground for her good behavior. She is also a soccer and basketball player and participates in 4-H. Starbuck's other Student of the Month is Hayden Wooldridge. Hayden is a 5th grader this year and his teachers say he has great character, which has been the quality that Starbuck School has worked on this month. He is a courteous student and well liked. He is helpful to those around him, students and teachers. Hayden has also shown improvement in several of his studies, especially reading. He likes adventure and survival books. His favorite is Brian's Winter. Science is another subject of choice, where we are studying the body. He really liked the energy bars his group made. When Hayden isn't busy working at school, he enjoys playing football, where he helped his team win their last game by catching a touchdown. Hayden can also be seen flying down the slopes at Bluewood, during the school's annual ski/PE program, which is right around the corner.
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