Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 4, 2001

While the Booster Club is asking for the community's contributions of pictures and stories in their process of publishing a book on the last 100 years of football at Waitsburg High School, a Walla Walla man, Earl Roberge, has paired up with the retired former owner of Tidewater Barge Lines, Ray Hickey, to pen a book about dams.

While Washington's unemployment rate jumped four-tenths of one percent to a 4.9 percent for the fourth November in a row, a budgeted 6 percent increase on personal and property taxes for the 2001 year will be decreased to 2.61 percent during 2001.

Councilman Wayne Peterson reported that the Washington Commission on Trade and Economics Development will funnel $15,633 into city coffers within a year.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 18, 1985

Piano pupils of Mrs. Louse Jacquot were presented in recital on Dec. 12. Taking part were Todd Larsen, Jill Hatfield, Barbara Davis, Leanne Peterson, Nicki Shively, Mark Shively, Cathy Loften and Dorene Haase.

Cub Scouts and Webelos will have a combined Christmas party on Monday, Dec. 22, for Golden Agers at the grade school multi-purpose room.

For the past month, The Times has been kidding about "historical" duties at the newspaper. Since the paper was started in 1878 it has been printed from type and cuts - a process known as letterpress. So this is truly a historic edition, because this is the last one with hot type.

The Weller Public Library took an active part in the recent Hometown Christmas. Free Christmas movies were shown for the kids on Friday evening and again on Saturday with 35 youngsters enjoying the offering.

Sen. Jeannette Hayner, Rep. Doc Hastings and Rep. Pete Brooks held a town hall meeting here on Dec. 11 to listen to some citizens' concerns that should come before the legislature.

Fifty Years Ago

December 23, 1960

Waitsburg has taken on a festive holiday air as evidenced by the many outdoor Christmas trees and decorations that come to life every night.

Rainbow Girls went caroling Wednesday evening accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clodius and Mr. and Mrs. Berger Chase, The group enjoyed a thawingout party at the Lee Mantz Jr. home after the caroling.

Santa Claus and his many helpers in Waitsburg hosted a large crowd Saturday afternoon at the Legion Hall, where the annual community party attracted people of all ages for carols, a Christmas film and the arrival of Santa Claus who gave a bag of treats to everyone.

The influx of workers in the area due to the construction of Lower Monumental Dam has seen a dramatic increase in the number of mobile homes in Waitsburg. It is projected there will be 2,500 workers from 1961 to 1963 on the project; with a continued labor supply needed for Little Goose Dam-which is projected to be appropriated in 1964.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 20, 1935

Colleen Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins, was the guest of honor at a surprise party at their home on Saturday afternoon, December 14. The occasion was the celebration of her ninth birthday anniversary.

A group of thirty young people enjoyed a dancing party at the E.R. Porter home on Friday evening, when Cowin Porter and George Shuford entertained some of their friends. Mrs. Evangeline Baxter furnished the music for dancing.

Mr. Olin Florea, from one of the Dayton barber shops, is working at one of the chairs in the Mitchell barber shop here during the absence of Martin Lewis. He still has a bad arm.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 23, 1910

The Gravelle-Jonas Co. piano contest came to a close Thursday evening at 6 o'clock. Miss Mildred Dickeson maintained her lead to the last and came out first with votes to spare She wins a handsome $350 piano.

I.D. Casey Son of this city are rejoicing over the receipt of a blue ribbon and cash prize won by their entry of a white leghorn cockerel in the show of the Seattle-King County Poultry Association held in Seattle recently.

The Waitsburg High School won the decision over the Palouse High School in the joint debate here last Friday evening, Dec. 16th. W.H.S was represented by


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