DAYTON - The contract for the fairgrounds has been signed, the chuck wagons have been lined up, the judges have been booked, a title sponsor has been found and the schedule for four days of activities has been set.
Get ready for Mule Mania. The show "is a go," the event's initiator says.
Bobbi Chambers of the Coyote Mule Company in Cottonwood, Idaho, was in Dayton Monday to meet with local organizers, government agencies and businesses in preparation of this first-ofits kind summer festival for Dayton.
Mule Mania will hit town July 14-17 at the Columbia County Fairgrounds and elsewhere, bringing about 200 mules and as many as 300 competitors and enthusiasts to Columbia County.
But although Mule maniacs are expected to travel here from far and wide, the show is as much an opportunity for local families to enjoy some authentic cowboy culture around a much-loved but misunderstood animal. Mule Mania will also feature competition, classes and dressage for its close relative, the donkey.
Chambers said Mule Mania was started in 1998 for riders of all ages and abilities. The show took place elsewhere in the Northwest until she decided last year to move it to the receptive community of Dayton. It will be the sixth annual gathering.
"It is a show to educate the public about the great qualities and versatility of the mule," Chambers said.
Mule Mania starts Thursday, July 14, with a golf tournament at 9 a.m. That same afternoon, English riding, jumping and dressage will follow. On Friday, competitors will enter pole, barrel and keyhole activities in the morning followed by draft, fitting, obstacle driving and ranch sorting in the afternoon and evening.
On Saturday, mules and donkeys will participate in the annual alumni parade on Main Street, followed by trail classes, western competition, races and other arena events.
Sunday starts with cowboy church and moves to steer daubing and finals. The afternoon will see musical sacks, free-style reining, dress and undress, working ranch, egg and spoon, ride a buck, boot race and water melon races among others.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, there will be cattle events. For two nights, hungry maniacs can get their grub at one of five chuck wagons contracted for the event, each serving chickenfried steak, beans, potatoes and biscuits, and peach cobbler .
To highlight this gringo fare, the American Chuck Wagon Association will present one of its cook-off competitions.
Chambers said Mule Mania will need volunteers to help set up, handle admissions and clean up. The Columbia County 4H club has already been lined up as a backbone for many of the chores.
Mule Mania's title sponsor will be the Dayton-based rural electric cooperative Columbia REA.
"Les has seen how much these mule events have drawn to other communities," company spokesman Scott Peters said about Columbia REA CEO Les Teel. "He thinks it will bring a lot of value to Dayton and it's the kind of event many of our members really enjoy."
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