I n response to the letter to the editor submitted last week by Darver Tackle owner Verna Foley, I would like to point out a few important facts that she does not appear to fully understand.
I am aware the city council approved an RV park built on McNeil Street, but the RV dump on this property is what is in question. It was not approved by city council, and we have found no documentation in the city minutes that it was ever discussed.
The dump was put in after the RV Park was built and, to my knowledge, was not inspected by any approved officials. As for the Columbia County Planner that Foley states was contacted, he has no authority over the Starbuck septic system; it is regulated by the Washington State Health Department and managed by the City of Starbuck.
I, as a council member, do not think it is fair for the citizens of Starbuck to pay for the waste of travelers from other cities being dumped into the Starbuck city-owned sewer system while a business capitalizes on it.
This is a real problem, which could potentially present a town with minimal assets with a financial burden, passed down to citizens in the form of a rate increase. What would we do if every citizen in Starbuck decided to make a business for RV dumping in their tanks?
As for the other businesses that Verna Foley brought into this matter, they are not specifically making a commercial business off a city service with no extra cost. I had proposed in a city council meeting that if Darver Tackle would like to provide the service to travelers and give the city a portion of the money for potential maintenance, we could come to a compromise, but Verna Foley states that their RV dump makes no moneyhellip;..and I ask you the question, why would a business provide a service that makes no money for itself and just burdens the city with potential financial risk? Not a win-win situation.
Verna Foley stated this topic out-and-out targets Darver Tackle. Well, truthfully, Darver Tackle is the only business in town to put in an RV dump without official approval.
I welcome any of our surrounding city officials and citizens to share their opinion on this matter, and I ask them: would you allow an RV dump to be put in without any council approval and no additional rate increase to the business?
I uphold the best interest of our city and all its citizens and do not single out anyone. However, business is business, and I hold my seat on council to take care of it fairly. Sincerely,
Fred White Starbuck City Council
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