Ten Years Ago March 1, 2001
Edna Thomas was named Most Inspirational Citizen by the City of Prescott at a dinner in the Prescott School this week. About 190 friends gathered to participate in the recognition.
Citizens of Waitsburg gear up for the annual City Caucus.
While Columbia County Hospital District strives to hold costs and provide the highest service possible, their tax levy would compensate for tax and Medicare shortfalls.
Twenty-Five Years Ago Feb. 27, 1986
Waitsburg City Council meeting Feb. 19 heard concerns of some local teenagers, talked about dangerous buildings and agreed to get the trash containers on Main Street at the earliest possible convenient time. Six teenagers came to council to request a place to be set up for young people to go in the evenings. Talking to the council were Wendy Brown, Nancy Moody, Travis Weedman, Don and Ron Harshman.
Butch Peck presided over the annual firemen's crab feed held Saturday night with a good crowd in attendance.
Carl Henze and Sam Wills will be retiring next month after serving 34 and 33 years respectively. Honorary guests present were Gus Lybecker, Bryon Gusse, Richard Donnelly and Berger Chase.
Fifty Years Ago February 24, 1911
First Lieutenant Erwin C. Ely, one of two helicopter pilots who rescued an F-101 pilot from a mountain top during foggy weather in Germany, was awarded a trophy and a scroll in the name of the USAFE commander in-chief General Frederic H. Smith Jr.
The men of the Baptist association held a work day Saturday when 20 men assisted in the building of the new Baptist Church being erected on Second Street in Waitsburg. They hope to complete the building by Easter.
Kay Witt, president of FFA, has been chosen Future Farmer of the month. His projects consist of swine, sheep and beef.
Seventy-Five Years Ago February 28, 1936
Wayne Wright, the jockey who rode Top Row to victory in the rich Santa Anita handicap years ago, rode in Waitsburg four years ago; it was recalled by Frank Ennis today.
Helen Hawks and Erma Jo Zuger were members of competing choral groups in the annual Whitman choral contest February 21.
Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Kinder entertained at cards Saturday night. At contract, Mrs. Gene Ray won high score and Mrs. John Clodius second. Refreshments were served later.
Darrel Mock blows Taps for flag salute each Wednesday at the high school.
One Hundred Years Ago February 24, 1911
Fire about 6 o'clock Wednesday practically destroyed the frame building on Main Street near the bridge, owned by M.H. Land, and which has been used for many years as a photographic gallery.
The City Council has ordered some 1,200 feet of 8-inch iron pipe to replace mains between Third Street and the Touchet Bridge. This water main has been down something like 18 years and it was thought advisable to replace this pipe before the street is paved.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bailey were in Dayton Tuesday. Mr. Bailey, as undertaker, accompanied the remains of the late Mrs. Mary A. Turner, which were shipped there for burial, and Mrs. Bailey went up for a brief visit with her mother, Mrs. W.C. Davis.
The marriage of Orrin Carpenter of this city and May Evans was solemnized at the court house at Dayton Wednesday afternoon. Justice of the Peace Holman officiating. Several friends of the young couple were present. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter will live on the bridegroom's ranch in McKay Hollow. The bride recently came to this section from Minnesota.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago February 26, 1886
Chas. Sapp and Miss Cove of Spring Valley last week conceived the idea of eloping with matrimonial intent. Their plan was executed with ultimate success, a-way and a general smash-up on their way to Lewiston .
Ad. Fudge has this week made some substantial improvements to his residence on Main Street. The improvements include a gate that will latch and shut.
A good half-mile race track is being made in the southeast part of the city, on D.W. Small's land.
A large number of our citizens are ornamenting and improving their homes this spring by putting out trees. Good.
This war in passenger rates across the continent continues. First class from points on the Missouri river to San Francisco is now only $30.
Waitsburg Driving Park Association was organized Wednesday evening. Frank Parton is president, L. Otten, secretary and H.G. Shuham, treasurer.
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