Ten Years Ago March 15, 2001
The 2001 Days of Real Sport Queen Chelsey Murdock of Waitsburg is the 16-year-old daughter of 1980 queen Corinne Wood. Princess Corrine McKinley, 15, follows not only a sister but her mother and grandmother as DRS royalty as well. Rounding out the court are Princess Trista Flores of Waitsburg and Amy Smith of Walla Walla.
The Commercial Club marks its 90th year at an annual meeting on March 20th in Ye Towne Hall. The Club has always been supportive of town projects, sponsoring baseball and basketball teams, the races, community picnics, the May Day festivities, flower and fruit shows and any other event where it can lend a helping hand.
Twenty-Five Years Ago March 13, 1986
Waitsburg's City Hall received new insulated windows last week, installed by the crew of B. Chapman and Sons.
The Bill Stonecipher ranch lost a barn in a Friday morning fire, but only three out of a new litter of 21 piglets were lost.
Seven Waitsburg High School math whiz kids combined talents to win a first place trophy in a contest held in Kahlous on Wednesday. Members of the team were Margaret Hagerman, Raymond Clayton, Robert Stokes, Judy Helm, Angela Hopkins and Bob Mc- Cammon.
Fifty Years Ago March 10, 1961
Mrs. Floa Hillis' resignation as cook following 17 years of chefing was accepted by the school board at a meeting Tuesday morning. Mrs. Jay Weeks was selected by the board to assist Mrs. Marvin Langdon with cafeteria duties.
A citizen's committee has been formed and has approved the erection of a community building for the City of Waitsburg to be constructed near the Days of Real Sport fairgrounds southeast of this city.
Linda Carpenter and Frank Horney have roles in the University of Washington production of "Romeo and Juliet," which was presented for the first time this season.
Seventy-Five Years Ago March 13, 1936
Contract for construction of a 30,000 gallon-capacity, three-compartment gasoline tank has been awarded by the cooperative unit of the Moscow Grange to the Waitsburg Welding Works.
Charles B. Richardson of Seattle and Marvin Lloyd have just purchased the Wesley A. Lloyd farm located just west of this city on the Touchet. This place of 230 acres adjoins the holdings of Marvin Lloyd, who will operate the farm.
Mrs. John Clodius, Mrs. D. P. Bailey and Mrs. Glenn Conover drove to Pullman last Friday to visit Margaret Clodius, Paul Bailey and Claire Conover.
One Hundred Years Ago March 19, 1911
M.H. Land, the photographer, has a force of men tearing down the old frame gallery near the Main Street Bridge which was so badly damaged by fire a few evenings ago. Mrs. Land has recently purchased a lot on Preston Ave. and may decide to erect a one-story brick house there on this spring.
H.W. Beckley of Huntsville shipped a car load of hay from his alfalfa farm at Lowden Station, Walla Walla Co., to Huntsville for James Fudge. It was delivered Friday.
If three months free pressing means anything to you, order your suit from Butler, K of P Block.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago March 12, 1886
Married in Walla Walla County March 7, at the residence of the bride's parents on Dry Creek by Rev. H.W. Eagan, C.S. Robinson to Miss Laura F Cornwall.
The directors of this school district have wisely forbidden teachers to admit into school any child black or white, male or female, native or foreign, under the age of 6 years. So parents keep your babies at home where they belong.
The penitentiary commissioners, Gen. M.M. Bane of Spokane; O.C. White of Dayton and H.E. Johnson of Walla Walla, appointed under the provisions of an act of the last legislature to superintendent the erection of a penitentiary met at Walla Walla last Monday. The secretary (Mr. Johnson) was instructed to provide books and stationery and inform the parties who donated land for the site that they were ready to receive the same.
Last Saturday Dennis Lynch had Niggerwood Lewis arraigned before W.S. Mineer on charge of aiding and abetting one Leo Smith in stealing 100 posts. The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. L.B. Sanders prosecuted and Col George defended Lewis.
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