Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago March 24, 2001

In an almost unheard of event, Bill Barnett's Katahdin ewe gave birth to six lambs recently. The ewe had two of the lambs last week, then four days later gave birth to the other four. Only three remain with the ewe. The other three are being bottle fed by Barnett's daughter. In an attempt to help the mayor, a council approved a provisional plan to allow the city attorney and city clerk to attend some of the daytime meetings usually handled by the mayor. The matter will be revisited in one year to evaluate its effectiveness.

Twenty-Five Years Ago March 28, 1986

Over 100 quilts, wall hangings, pillows and novelties were on display in Ye Towne Hall at the DeNova Club's fist quilt show. Old and new quilts from Oroville and Yakima as well as southeastern Washington were showcased.

Fifty Years Ago March 24, 1961

Sally Chase was named valedictorian of the 1961 graduating class, and Walter Hodgen will be salutatorian. Dan Jones was elected young delegate from the local Future Farmers of America chapter to the State FFA Convention in Pullman this week. In observance of the 50th anniversary of the Commercial Club, attended by four charter members, R.D. Roberts, Oscar Porter, Emory McCown and Chester Keiser, a short history of the organization was read at the regular Tuesday night meeting by Larry Broom.

Seventy-Five Years Ago March 27, 1936

Miss Elmo Kendall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kendall of Dayton and Hollis Hawks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawks, were quietly married Saturday evening at Walla Walla at the Central Christian Church. George Long created some excitement Monday morning when he came staggering up the street from the direction of the river with two large steelhead. One fish weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and the other 5 lbs. George caught them a short distance below the Main Street bridge. Farmers in this district are getting along with their spring seeding despite that earlier in the week the ground froze a little each night.

One Hundred Years Ago March 24, 1911

At a special meeting of the Improvement Club Saturday night, the committee on membership reported the signatures of 106 "boosters" to the new club. The name Improvement Club is to be changed to Waitsburg Commercial Club and the new organization will be incorporated under that name. Council ordered street sprinklers out Tuesday. It has been some years since it was necessary to sprinkle by 21st of March. "But such is our climate." W.H. Shaffer has received his new 1911 Wintonsix 48 horsepower touring car. The handsome car is painted in the new color this season-golden brown.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago March 26, 1886

Waitsburg has an ordinance which makes it unlawful for chickens to run at large from the first day of September. Will our city authorities inform us why the ordinance is not enforced? The Walla Walla papers speak of the wind blowing at the rate of six miles an hour last Monday. Pooh! It made at least 600 here, and it wasn't a good day for wind either. Remember it is now a law of Washington Territory that any person caught with a paper like the Police Gazette, or any of the same character, is subject to three years in the penitentiary and a fine of $2,000. The North British & Mercantile Insurance Company last Wednesday paid this school district $20 the amount of damage claimed against the school house by the fire which occurred on the 21st day of February. It's a good company that pays all the damages claimed. Mr. and Mrs. Otheo M. Conover will next week move on to their ranch in the Crab Creek country. May unlimited prosperity attend them! They deserve it.


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