WAITSBURG - Weller Public Library in downtown Waitsburg is looking for a donation of a previously owned digital camera to use for its Summer Reading Program and Children's Storytime.
DAYTON - Prescott singers/songwriters Nevada Slim and Cimarron Sue will present "Cowboy and Cowgirl Songs," on Friday, April 1, in the Delany Room of the Dayton Memorial Library from 6:30-8 p.m. All are welcome to this free event.
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg High School Knowledge Bowl team one finished their 2011 season on Saturday, March 26, with a strong effort at the State Knowledge Bowl meet at Spokane Valley High School. They placed 12th out of 18 2B teams. Local rival DeSales went on to win first place for the State 2B Championship. The WHS team comprised seniors Austin Beasley, Nick Carpenter and Jen Lyden, with underclassmen Fletcher Baker, Zac Brown, Alex Leathers, and Damien Johnson. The team is coached by Brad Green.
WAITSBURG - The community's chance to hear performances by Waitsburg School's musical groups, just returned from band and choir festivals last week, is coming. The Spring Concert will take place on May 10 at 7 p.m. in the Waitsburg High School auditorium. Preston Hall's 7-8th grade band performed on March 17 at Lincoln Middle School in Clarkston and came back with a II, or "Excellent" rating. The WHS Band played for judges at Clarkston High School on March 24 and also received a II for their performance of "The Entertainer" and "1812 Overture." The WHS Chorus surprised everyone with energetic versions of "Under the Boardwalk" and "Don't Stop Believin'," earning a I-, or "Superior" rating. The three groups are directed by Brad Green.
WALLA WALLA - The Walla Walla Valley Youth Baseball and Softball Association invites the public to join them on Saturday, May 21, for their annual dinner and auction with former San Francisco Giant Marvin Benard as keynote speaker. Cocktail hour and silent auction begin at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. The event will take place at the Community Building at the Walla Walla Fairgrounds off Chase Street. Tickets are $30 though local Babe Ruth and American Legion teams, Black Sox & Merchants teams, the Walla Walla Cubs and Blue Mountain Girl's Softball Association teams. Tickets may also be procured by calling Steve Jordan at 509- 525-0371 or Michael Mettler at 509-529-5525. For businesses wishing to make donations toward the auction contact Michael Mettler at 509-529-5525 or via email at michael@achievamarketing.com.
WALLA WALLA - Registrations are being accepted for a community-wide Green Travel to Work, School & Meetings Competition that will take place in the Walla Walla area during Earth Week, April 17-23. Sustainable Walla Walla will award the businesses, agencies, schools, and organizations with the most members or highest percentage of members using one or more green travel modes during the week. In-person registration will take place on Monday, April 4, at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church at the corner of Palouse & Alder Streets, where report forms, "I Travel Green" buttons and other information will be available. A registration form and other information is also available online at www.sustainableww.org. For more information on the competition and the benefits of traveling green, email sustainableww@charter.net, call 509-522-0399, visit the Sustainable Walla Walla website, or attend the April 4 Green Travel meeting.
WALLA WALLA - This Friday and Saturday, April 1-2, is WallaDance, a full dance weekend in Walla Walla featuring contra dances Friday and Saturday evening and workshops Saturday morning and afternoon, sponsored by local folklore society Walla Walla Friends of Acoustic Music. Cost for the full weekend, including two dances and four workshops, is $35. Individual events are $10 each. Lunch and dinner are also available on Saturday. All events will take place at the Unity Church of Peace, 810 C Street, at the Walla Walla airport. For more information, including a complete schedule and registration information, visit www.wallawalladance.blogspot.com, call 509-522-0399, or email clarkdb@charter.net.
WALLA WALLA - The Blue Mountain Chapter of Pheasants Forever reported a successful annual banquet in late February. The chapter reports it can now adopt an entire pheasant enclosure at the Pioneer Park Aviary for $1,000, including a personalized plaque on the enclosure with the organization's mission statement, an invitation to all special aviary events and a listing on the aviary website as a donor. Pheasants Forever also seeks private donations to be used to adopt a second pheasant enclosure. Send donations to Jim Sonne, President, at 1109 Ruth St. Walla Walla, WA 99362. All funds collected will be used by Walla Walla Parks and Recreations for the Aviary.
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