Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Let ' s set the recor d straight. Mayor Walt Gobel has always, his entire adult life, been involved in youth activities. His idea of having a student representative on the city council was an idea that he has worked on developing since his election in 2010. He contacted the school officials and has worked on this idea, setting policy and researching it since 2010. His idea has not been pushed forward because Mr. Baxter wanted to get more youth involved in our community. The swearing in of a student representative last Wednesday evening was just an accomplishment of Mayor Walt Gobel's work on this project since 2010.

I am disappointed that the editor of "The Times" didn't take the time to ask Mayor Gobel about his youth involvements. So, I will attempt to share with you and get the record straighthellip;

While living in Naselle between 1968-1973, Walt was a Lion and worked with many youth programs there. While living in Vancouver, 1974- 1975, he was the leader of a YMCA project called Y Indian Guides and was involved with boys in that program.

We lived in Dayton from 1975-1979, and Walt was the Cubmaster for over eight different dens in that community for several years. Many of the men of Dayton now in leadership roles were Cub Scouts while Walt served in that role. He was also involved in 4-H and snowmobile youth projects while we lived there. The Cub Scout project really was an impressive program while he was assigned to Dayton, and he was the driving force of that program.

While we lived in Shelton, he served on the Mason County Little League Board of Directors and performed duties as the equipment and uniform manager and as a team coach. There were over 500 girl and boy players in that program in Shelton. Major building projects were done during his time spent volunteering on that program including adding twice as many fields that were made available for the program.

After being assigned to Walla Walla, he served on the Big Blue Board of Directors and spent hundreds of hours serving that program, including snack bar duties. He worked on sponsoring bicycle rodeos and an intern scouting program for youth interested in law enforcement.

After his first retirement, Walt was very active with the Pasco School District and volunteered hours supporting the band, track, and Boys and Girls Club in that area.

Since his second retirement and when we moved to Waitsburg, he has been involved in Lions projects, especially those for youth in our city and also other community events with youth, including the Waitsburg Boosters. He tries to be supportive of our youth by also being a substitute bus driver for both Waitsburg and Prescott School Districts. Bottom line is: he loves kids and being around kids, and he tries to make a difference in the youth that he comes in contact with.

So please, let's get the record straight. Mayor Walt Gobel has his own ideas and personal commitments regarding the youth of our city, and he does not need Mr. Baxter to guide him in this direction. For the record, he has already committed over 40 years being involved in youth in the different communities that he has lived in.

Thanks for this opportunity to let you know the truth.

Gwen Gobel, Waitsburg


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