DAYTON - WOO Crew members Blake Morasche, 14 of Walla Walla and Jaymin Morgan, 16 of Kennewick finished well ahead of their pre-race ranking and their fellow competitors from across the nation at the 2011 United States of American Snowboard Association Nationals at Copper Mountain, Colorado, April 2 - 12.
Dayton's Alex Naylor, ranked 6th nationally in the men's 16-18 age group was preparing during one of several training runs on Saturday before his race on Monday. Naylor was running the course with teammate BreAnna Morgan at a high speed and was launched off one of the main jumps. He landed on his left heel and crashed. He suffered a compression contusion, but no broken bones in his heel.
Naylor withdrew from competition (and skiing for this season) the following day and has been told by medical professionals to wear a walking cast while he heals, at least six weeks.
Morasche skied consistently all season in the Inland Northwest series, qualifiying for Nationals ranked 29th. During the competition, he competes with confidence and was eliminated during the quarterfinal round. He finished 20th nationally overall, racing against 60 skiers in the boys 13-15 age group.
Morgan qualified in snowboard slalom, snowboard giant slalom and boardercross. Seventy-five competitors faced him in each event, and he was ranked 44, 46 and 66, respectively for each. Morgan raced with great control and finesse. As a result, he finished 25th in the snowboard slalom, 27th in snowboard giant slalom and 37th in boardercross. He was pleased with his finish - his sixth trip to the USASA Nationals.
Bre Anna Morgan, 18, and Sarah Koehler, 23, both of Kennewick, finished in the Open Class Women's ski cross and women's 16-18 year old ski cross respectively.
Morgan's start was strong, but as the course became steeper, she fell, losing one ski. Relying on her experience, training and sheer grit, she completed the remainder of the course, all jumps, bumps and rollers on one ski. At the finish, the crowd gave her a thundering reception.
Koehler competed against a very strong group of women in the Women's Open Class 19 and over. But she too fell and finished a respectable third nationally.
The WOO Crew appreciates the support of their communities while they have traveled and raced in the Inland Northwest and at the USASA Nationals. The following sponsors deserve recognition for their support this season to the WOO Crew: Koehler Construction, Isaacs & Associates, Ski Bluewood and Patrick Lumber Company.
Th e WOO Cr ew i s coached by Nick Morgan, a certified coach who currently serves as the director of the Inland Northwest Series of the USASA. He lives with his family in Kennewick. If you are interested in joining the Woo Crew, please visit Inland Northwest Series or visit the team on Facebook. The team trains at Ski Bluewood south of Dayton.
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