Ten Years Ago May 3, 2000
Farewell to a good and faithful servant-a photo essay tribute to the elevator at the Waits Mill. Built in the 1870s, a final record of the structure before it meets the wrecking ball, for the part it played in our town's history was not trivial and is worth being remembered.
Waitsburg's American Legion Post No. 38 hosted the 12th District Spring Celebration at Ye Towne Hall.
Nichole and Rhonda Eastwood proudly display the medals they won in the 2001 Special Olympics Regional Finals held in Spokane. The girls are the daughters of Kathy and Jr. Eastwood.
Twenty-Five Years Ago April 24, 1986
Noting that "agriculture is Washington's most valuable industry," Gov. Booth Gardner proclaimed this week State Grange Week, recognizing the Grange as the state's oldest and largest organization representing farmers and rural residents.
Berger Chase received the ultimate door prize at the Lions meeting-a rooster. Berger's luck this year has garnered him a door prize at every meeting.
Fifty Years Ago April 25, 1961
Members of the Presbyterian Church have remodeled the church chancel under the direction of Sam Hall, contractor. Lee Mantz Jr. and Jack McCaw have assisted with the refinishing of the choir pews.
Waitsburg Assembly No. 68, Rainbow Girls are planning a public reception this Saturday evening April 29, in observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the local assembly.
Susan Lawrence of Waitsburg and Pamela Hofer of Prescott have been chosen as delegates to Girls State sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary.
Seventy-Five Years Ago May 1, 1936
The City Council at their last meeting decided to prohibit cars from parking all night on Main from Third Street to Main Street bridge and on Preston Avenue to Coppei Avenue. The principal reason for the ruling is the difficulty of the street department in flushing the streets.
Miss Bonnie Grinstead, senior high school pupil, has been chosen by her classmates as Queen of the May. She, with her court of twenty-three other charming young ladies, will rule over the annual May Day Festival this week.
Clyde Macomber and Herb Martin, who have been doing business for several months under the name of Martin & Macomber, have dissolved partnership and Mr. Martin has left town.
One Hundred Years Ago April 28, 1911
The Pacific Paving Company of Seattle, which has the contract for paving Main Street between the south line of Third Street and the south line of Third Street and the Main Street bridge, commenced work on Thursday morning with a considerable force of men.
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Dickinson, Mrs. J.L. Harper and Miss Tina Cox were among the Waitsburgers who witnessed the performance of "The Merry Widow" at Walla Walla Monday evening.
Rev. Chas. McCaughey of the Methodist Church has shown his deep interest in "Tuberculosis Sunday" by getting some of our local physicians to deliver short addresses at the evening service Sunday, on the modern methods of treating this preventable disease.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago April 30, 1886
L.B. Sanders received a fine new buggy direct from Chicago this week. He now has about the handsomest rig in town. His Bellflower mare is a fine stepper.
Easter was observed by the M.E. church Sunday school, this city, in a very interesting manner. Their responsive exercises were excellent, the music fine, and the address by N.E. Parsons was by far the best that we have yet heard that gentleman make. "Little Jewel" by a dozen little girls dressed in white, with crowns of roses was perfectly lovely. A dozen eggs, the breaking of which created much levity, contained aggregated coin value of $19.37.
A young hoodlum of this city who has been for some time practicing the sneaking business of peeking through girls' bedroom windows to see the inmate undress was discovered in his infamous business last Friday night, when the contents of two barrels of a shotgun were fired at him, barely failing to fix his peekers so that they would peek no more. Should he attempt such a thing again, that attempt will be his last.
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