Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago June 14, 2001

After 50 years of serving the heating oil, fuel and petroleum product needs of Touchet Valley, the Roy Leid family announced the merging of Leid-Ford Distributing Co. with R.E. Powell Distributing of Grandview.

The first Lavender Fair in the Waitsburg valley is this weekend, June 16-17 at The Cottage, 864 Preston Ave. This event has been five years in the making-because the flood of 1996 ran rampant through the area that is now festooned with lavender and killdeer.

Twenty-Five Years Ago June 12, 1986

Denise Winnett reported that the council meeting that Sesquicenntial day being planned by Commercial Club will mark the arrival of the 59ers stagecoach on its historic trip through town on June 14.

Sorotus Club gathered for a no-host luncheon at the Homestead Restaurant in Walla Walla Tuesday to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Six charter members still remain in the club: Evelyn Harris, Dorothy Gohlman, Inez Jacquot, Marle Leonard, Naomi Patton and Frances Smith.

Jim and Geraine Hansen were hosts of a family picnic Sunday on the Coppei. All six children of Albert and Margaret Hansen and some of their families attended.

Fifty Years Ago June 16, 1961

E.B. Lee and Gary Osborn of the Waitsburg Barber Shop are finding they just can't clip fast enough to keep up with all the seasonal workers that need to have their ears lowered. Consequently, the barbershop will be open Thursday and Friday nights, until 9 p.m.

The Twins Convention in Walla Walla this weekend will find several people in attendance. Among them will be Margaret, Marie and Charles Zuger, Janice and Jim Bloor, Susan and Jack Bond and Mrs. Al Watson and her twin brother, Alfred Gallinalti of Seattle.

Seventy-Five Years Ago June 19, 1936

The Hersch Feed & Lumber Company Feed Mill is now ready for the installation of the machinery and as soon as it arrives it will be installed.

A hail storm in the foothills Friday night is reported to have seriously damaged several hundred acres of peas.

Mrs. Oceania Beechinor, son Everett, daughters Beverly and Shirley, and Donald Baerd of Prescott spent Sunday at the house of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Vining.

Talohi Camp Fire group were the guest of their advisor, Mrs. Glen Phillips Monday afternoon. Those present were Sarah Jane Hastings, Erma Crall, Evelyn Mills, Vivian Bachmann and Laura Lee Small, a guest.

One Hundred Years Ago June 16, 1911

The Waitsburg volunteer Fire Department is preparing to enter the racing tournament at the Walla Walla Celebration, July 4th. The racing cart has been repaired and a racing team is now being tried out.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago June 11, 1886

About 20 old timers of Eastern Washington met at the Court House in Walla Walla last Saturday for the purpose of organizing an "Eastern Washington Pioneer Society." Nineweh Ford, F.W. Paine, Chas Russel, Joseph Bauer, Wm. Hammond, Orley Hull and P.P. Goodhue were appointed a committee on constitution and by-laws.

The new R.R. survey runs through A.L. Kinnear's residence and Rev. Cheetham's pig pen.

Misses Anna and Bertie Cox, Lissie and Jennie Cannon made a trip to Dayton yesterday. They went in a hack handling the reins themselves. Woman's rights!

The contract for sprinkling the streets of Waitsburg went to George Marsh at $52 per month for four months-8 hours a day.


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