Ten Years Ago
August 30, 2001
The Times are changing - After years of reading a 13"x22.75" papers, readers are getting their news in a paper measuring 12"x22.75".
Students and community members descended on the new Waitsburg High School last Saturday to help move furniture and equipment into the refurbished school. Students and construction workers will mix in the coming weeks to finish construction in the vo-ag building and the gym.
Logging of diseased trees from the Waitsburg Watershed continued this week. Logs are being lifted by helicopter to minimize damage to the ground caused by conventional logging.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 25, 1986
Randy Halley of Halley's Auto Repair and 76, will return to demo derby driving at the SEW fair driving his 1965 Cadillac. Lory Duckworth will be in the derby as well. His wife, Helen, is also planning to drive in the Powder Puff race.
Forming the nucleus of the 1986 Prescott-Waitsburg Vandal's football team this fall we be Rob Jacobseon, Henderson Orchard, Troy Larsen, Jeff Jameson, Leo Akes, Lyle Harshman, Cory Carter , Marti Powers, Allan Adams and Mark Aylward.
Larry Weir will be broadcasting the high school "Game of the Week" on Spokane's independent station, KAYU, Channel 28.
Fifty Years Ago
September 1, 1961
Starting yesterday, Thursday, Lyon's Ferry on the Snake River will operate every day for one week. After next Thursday, the ferry will resume its schedule of Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday.
The Waitsburg Commercial Club will kick off its year Sept. 19 with the third annual Salmon Bake at the race track.
Faculty members this year include Gerald Maib, Lloyd Perry, Tryphena Fisher, George Fisher, Jim Swanger, Nadine Gerkey, James Stowe, Aleta Combs, Tom Severson, Gary Frederick, Gladys Keve, Allen Wills, Ernest Rohde, Laura Mae Bowles, Gladys Betty, Chloris Ponce, Margaret Jensen and Glynn Davis.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
Sept. 4, 1936
Dr. R.W. Loundagin, this week sold his farm of 160 acres on the Hog-eye, 4 miles east of this city, to Geoge McClure.
J.W. Sweazy, C.E. Shaffer, Bob Collins, Ernest Mikkelson, Harlan Mills, Will Harris, John Danielson in Estes, officers of the Touchet Valley Grain Growers, Inc. returned Wednesday from Spokane, where they attended a meeting of the North Pacific Grain Growers, Inc. Monday and Tuesday.
Blain Pasley, proprietor of Pasley's Service Station at the Corner of Coppei and Preston Avenues, has a very neat show window of Mobil products, which is attracting considerable attention.
One Hundred Years Ago
September 1, 1911
Miss Mazie Penrose, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S.B.L. Penrose of Walla Walla, has returned home after a few days visit with Miss Elvira Southard, of this city.
The public schools will not open at Huntsville until Sept. 11. Professor Frank Cobb, Mrs. Blanch Artz and Miss Ruth Arnold are engaged to teach.
N.B. Atkinson has rented the Frank Hoops residence on Preston Avenue and has moved his family in from the ranch on Whiskey Creek, for the winter at least, hoping the change will prove beneficial to Mrs. Atkinson health.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 27, 1886
The following item in a circular of the Waitsburg Academy under the heading of government, certainly speaks well of the good sense of management: "It is the aim of the faculty to secure order and diligence in study by force of morals and religious principles rather than by direct exercise of authority. Those who persist in neglecting their studies or pursuing disorderly courses, or exerting evil influences will not be permitted to stay at the academy."
An advertisement appearing in the paper reads: "Whitman College Fifth year begins Sept. 1, 1886. Courses of study -classical, scientific, literary, normal and commercial. Also teacher education, surveying, French, German, drawing, painting, instrumental and vocal music including voice culture. Last year 179 students. Has 12 professors and teachers, large library, suitable apparatus and boarding hall.
Wall Walla is lighted by electricity. Most inland towns are lighted by gas but Waitsburg revels in moonlight.
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