Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago September 20, 2001

Local firefighters spent more than 12 hours Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning on a controlled burn that went out of control on the North Coppei. The fire fueled by brisk southwest winds, moved to Rocky Point-Jasper Mountain, across Whiskey Creek and was headed for the Bundy Hollow area.

While rescuers dug in perilous rubble 2,700 miles away, worshippers attending the service on the lawn of the Bruce House dug into their pockets and gave $1,350 for the victims of the terrorist attack on New York. These donations were matched by Albertsons, and submitted to the Red Cross.

Waitsburg Mayor Wayne Peterson cut the ribbon on the newly improved East 8th Street project in Waitsburg. The project repaved and widened East 8th Street form Coppei Avenue to the East City Limits.

Twenty-Five Years Ago September 18, 1986

Orin Walker, lifelong resident of the Waitsburg area, has been named Pioneer of the Year by the Waitsburg Historical Society. Walker will be the honored guest of the Pioneer Fall Festival this Sunday, Sept. 21.

Bill Jackson was elected county sheriff in the Tuesday election. Jan Bates takes over as county auditor.

The Prescott-Waitsburg Vandal's season opening game with DeSales last Friday was a less-than-spectacular showing as the Fighting Irish ripped six touchdowns for a 41-0 score on their home field.

Fifty Years Ago September 22, 1961

The Waitsburg School Board is studying places for a possible expansion of school facilities, Gerald Maib, superintendent announced.

Walt Vennum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vennum, recently returned home from Alaska where he was employed for six months as a surveyor.

Freda Kay Harris was presented an award by Bob Stevens of the Walla Walla County Wheat Growers Association for the best wheat fed steer at the Southeastern Washington Fair held earlier this month in Walla Walla.

Seventy-Five Years Ago September 25, 1936

Cattle from all over western Canada and Montana will be brought to Pasco for fattening in the next few years if plans made by W.R. Hales, manager of the Pasco Union Stockyard, come to completion. The first shipment will consist of 1000 cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawks returned home this week from their Eastern trip where they went to drive home new Plymouth cars from Detroit.

Several of the committees of the American Legion were contacted this week for details of the big Fall Frolic October 9 and 10. It is the general plan that merchants will take advantage of the carnival to arrange special bargains.

One Hundred Years Ago September 22, 1911

Waitsburg is now connected with the high power lines of the Pacific Power and Light Co., the lines just being completed and the juices turned on for the first time Wednesday.

D.H. Harris has leased the A.J. McCulloch farm near Smith Springs north of Prescott and is moving his family from the Whetstone this week. Will Harris will have charge of the entire old Harris place on the Whetstone.

Many Waitsburg people went to Pendleton last week to attend the "Round-Up." This entertainment was very unique and proved immensely interesting.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago September 17, 1886

Last Friday, a fire started by a rancher in the edge of the timber on Coppei Mountain got the best of him and has since been raging at its own sweet will doing untold damage to numerous individuals. The lumber yard of G.M. Thayer, containing several hundred thousand feet of lumber, was totally destroyed.

Waitsburg has had many fine grand balls in times past, but never one that quite equaled in every way the one given last night at the Opera House by the Masonic Lodge.

The potato crop is an almost entire failure in this country this season. For the first time in our history, the staple table article will have to be imported.

The contract for doing the janitor work in this school district was last Monday let to J.C. Arnold at $15 per month.


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