DAYTON - The new leader of the Southeast Washington Economic Development Association, Marshall Doak, was introduced to business owners and comm unity membe r s at the Economic Development Steering Committee meeting in Dayton on Friday. Doak will also lead the Palouse Regional Transportation Planning Organization.
The board interviewed five final candidates for the top job and Board Member Jennie Dickinson said Doak was chosen unanimously because he had experience in a small business development center and had worked on a transportation commission.
"He had by far the best qualifications," Dickinson said.
According to the association's website, it focuses on "promoting economic vitality by creating and retaining jobs through business, tourism, and community development while preserving the culture and environment of the region." That region includes Columbia, Asotin, Garfield and Whitman counties.
Doak started his new job in mid-September. He has a strong background in rural economic development, small business development and is familiar with regional transportation planning. He previously worked as the executive director of a community economic development organization in Sunnyside, Ore., and for the Economic Development Council and Small Business Development Center in Tillamook County in Oregon.
Doak has a master's degree from Pacific Lutheran University and completed a training program called " Nor thwest Economi c Games," sponsored by the Washington State Department of Commerce. He holds a bachelor's degree from Colorado State University.
"I'm looking forward to joining the team and working in the Southeast Washington region," Doak said. "I believe strongly that having a viable and growing private sector is key to our future prosperity."
Doak said the largest community he ever lived in was about 14,000 people and rural life is really where he feels at home.
"I've lived in rural environments my entire life," Doak said.
In Columbia County, he is looking forward to continuing projects that are already underway and supporting Claudia Nysoe, the association's managing director, in her work.
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