Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

To the Editor:

As a contender for Dayton General Hospital board commissioner in the recent primary, I was very impressed with the answers given by my fellow challenger Colleen Sproul to the questions posed by the Dayton Chronicle. Your readers might easily have assumed that she, rather than the incumbent, was the one with six years of DGH board experience. Prior to the election I didn't know Ms. Sproul. Since then I have met with her several times and have found her to be very concerned with the direction of DGH, very knowledgeable, caring and forthcoming and without any agenda other than wanting the best for the hospital district and its employees.

Mr. Bickelhaupt, in contrast, responded to the Chronicle's questions stating his concern about his personal agenda, and well he should be concerned. During his six years, first as board president and currently as a board member, his real estate company has handled all home purchases by new hires at DGH, including the current and past CEOs. The personal integrity of the holder of an elective position should steer him away from conflict of interest and monetary gain. When the president of the board that hired you is also your realtor, a voter might well be concerned about who is beholden to whom.

I am also concerned about the factuality of Mr. Bickelhaupt's statement to The Chronicle that the hospital district has operated in the black during his tenure. I don't think the DGH district is operating in the black nor do I think that, if it were, credit would be due him alone but rather to the whole board, and principally, to the CEO.

With six years on the board, Mr. Bickelhaupt's monetary gain and his lack of knowledge on important questions make this writer think personal agenda.

Change is due. The good folks of Dayton and the staff at DGH need and deserve board members who have working knowledge of the operation, successful business experience, common sense and a heartbeat for the employees of DGH, the few who are left. With Colleen Sproul on the board we can have a voice of experience and a voice for the employees. No more personal agenda!

Garry Snyder Dayton


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