I can't believe what I'm hearing and reading about turning off water service for "nuisance violations" and water bill outstanding balances. The two issues are unrelated and the business about unpaid bills seems to have appeared as an afterthought to justify the water shut off threats.
First of all, denying water is a health and safety violation to the surrounding neighbors. No water means no toilet to flush.
Second, when a bill isn't paid and no token money is received for 90 days, the city can place a lien on the property for monies owed. That lien will compound interest so the city will collect the money due plus the interest generated. It's a win-win for city coffers.
As to nuisance violations - i.e. too many yard sales in a month. In this economy, I find it intolerant behavior that lacks compassion and empathy for those having a financial struggle. At least a yard sale is a far cry above stealing or dealing drugs.
The city council appears to not have given much thought to the issue. Seems "Somebody" should exercise putting their brain in gear before engaging mouth. Why? Because it appears to this outsider, the city council has singled out one resident and ignoring three or four other violators in a much more visible area. Either be fair or move on to more important issues like finishing the flood control problem, or supervised after school activities for the youth not involved in sports.
There's a building that's been vacant near the park for three plus years that would be a great Boys & Girls Club Center.
Let's focus on something more productive and stop the petty childish antics that come across as a power play. Big city politics in our little town? When did we lose the United States Constitution inWaitsburg?
Marie Zenk Waitsburg
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