Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

November 29, 2001

The Prescott Tigers celebrated a 44-6 win over Taholah to earn a berth in the Washington B-8 Football Championship Game at the Tacoma Dome.

The "Music Man" is a big hit at Liberty Theater in Dayton. Jack McCaw, Randy Pearson, Bob Patton, Chuck Reeves, Darla Anderson and Carolyn Walker; Waitsburg School's sixth grade band including: Isaac Heather, Nathan Moon, Colton Townsend, director Brad Green, Killen Greek and Wesley Hilton; Waits burg's leading lady Shelly Foresee and Music Man Dave Warrenton are featured in this issue.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 27, 1986

Waitsburg businesses will again be promoting "shop locally" with the 1986 version of "Our Home Christmas," which starts Friday, Nov. 28.

Returning Cardinal girls' basketball players this year are Judy Helm, Marci Lytle and Tammie Wareham. On the boys' team are Jack Otter son, Allan Adams, Jeff Jameson, Danny Murphy, Mark Hayward and Troy Larsen.

The Waitsburg School's music department will present its annual Christmas concert on Dec. 8, in the high school auditorium. Dan Counts directing. Performances will be by the sixth grade band, chorus and concert band.

Fifty Years Ago

December 1, 1961

The flow of the lower Snake River halted abruptly Monday for what may be the first time in history as Army Engineers captured the river to create a 32-mile long lake behind Ice Harbor Dam.

The first snow of the season fell during the Thanksgiving holidays when Jimmy Willis and his father Sammy Willis, made a huge Santa Claus on the front lawn of their home on West Seventh Street.

The Boise Cascade Mill at Wallowa is currently undergoing an expansion program that will double the capacity from 275 tons a day to 400 tons.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 4, 1936

Delta Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythiias, is sponsoring a dance party Saturday night of this week, honoring the Waitsburg High School football team.

Erma Jo Zuger and Maxine Conover of Waitsburg, are included in the Whitman College symphony orchestra. Both are members of the violin section of the ensemble.

Fred Zuger of this city obtained auto license No. 1 this year at the Walla Walla County auditor's office by being first in line when it opened at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 1, 1911

Wheat, which has been held since harvest, is beginning to move somewhat, in this locality, according to grain dealers. J.E. McAlpine of the Farmers Warehouse Company, has bought 100,000 sacks during the past two weeks.

Donald Neace, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Neace of Melstone, Mont., arrived in this city Tuesday and is visiting relatives and old friends. He will remain until after the holidays.

A.M. McCoy of the Waitsburg Lumber Yard, reports that Mr. Jacob Schmidt is remodeling his residence in the western part of town.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 26, 1886

If our city council would pass an ordinance requiring that all gates be hanged so as to swing inside, instead of out, a "feller" wouldn't run so many chances of "butting his daylights out" these dark nights.

Thanks to Hon. D.J. Storms for a bountiful pan of the finest sausage of the season.

R.H. Ormsbee and L.B. Sanders, Waitsburgs Disciples of Blackstone, are in Walla Walla this week.

Last Monday numerous among our gallant young men were busy building, repairing and overhauling sleighs. For the first time this fall mother earth in this locality had a light fall of the beautiful last Sunday morning.


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