Dear Editor,
With the recent elections finished, and after reading a few articles posted in local papers about the hospital board's race and the desire from some to see change in the hospital district, I felt compelled to write a letter in support of the hospital, and the positive changes that I have witnessed over the last several years.
I have worked at the hospital over the last 15 years, currently as an employee (for the last year and half) but prior as a consultant for 13 years. I have seen many changes, many of which have transpired over the last several years as a direct result from the board's and leaders' direction to develop a strategic plan for our hospital district.
The most significant change I have seen is the desire to create ownership from the most critical people to our organization: patients and workers. As a business and especially for a "public" hospital district, citizens of our voting district truly own and influence decisions. The hospital has taken a strong stand to find out what the citizens want from community surveys, patient discharge surveys and nursing manager rounds. The hospital's sloganhellip; "We are Listening, Be Heard" is having a direct influence on the direction of the hospital district.
The district's desire for employee ownership has started at the fundamental levels of listening and recognition. It is the ideal of transparent communication that fosters improved partnership and collaboration. This type of communication has been set as a priority through strategic internal outreach, customer service training, educating on cultural values, and through campaigns to recognize employees and department for jobs well done.
I feel the hospital district is taking steps to achieve a culture that is patient centered and supportive of staff, however with any change, especially ones that affect a culture, it may take time. Come and visit the hospital and visit with us regarding your concerns if you have any. We truly are interested.
Respectfully, Jody Martin, Registered Dietitian - Food Service Director
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