Darth Vader's Christmas In a galaxy far, far away Darth Vader was watching TV when Commander Cody walked in. Commander Cody said, "Time to open presents." Then Commander Cody left. When Darth Vader came to the hanger Cad Bane, R-2 Dee-two and Luke Skywalker yelled, "Merry Christmas." After everybody had opened their presents they went back to their room to play with their toys. Darth Vader got a new light saber, a new cape and a flat screen TV. Darth Vader went to his room, but before he knew it Commander Cody was telling him it was time to eat. Darth Vader asked, "What was there to eat?" Commander Cody said, "Ham and a light saber pie." Darth Vader said, "Mmmmm." During dinner Darth Vader said, "We should play Destroy the Clone." Cad Bane said, "Sure let's go." Before he knew it they were playing Destroy the Clone. When they walked around the corner and saw Ben Kenobi waiting for them. Ben Kenobi said, "Hello Darth may I join your game of Destroy the Clone?" Darth Vader said, "Ok." So they all went and played Destroy the Clone. When they were playing Destroy the Clone the battle started in space. So Darth Vader went back to the hanger and got his tie-fighter and escaped the huge mess. He flew right towards Corasont. When he got there Luke was already there. Luke convinced Darth Vader to turn back to the good side. Well, this is Darth Vader's Christmas. I told you about opening presents, eating ham and cake, playing Destroy the Clone and the battle in space. Cason Nichols
Santa Claus I have never seen Santa before but I have read stories about him. I Most of them say he has rosy checks and a red nose. On Christmas I always leave cookies and milk for him on the table. The stories also say that he wears a red suit and black boots. The coolest thing about Santa is his laugh. Also, Santa has a white beard. I think Santa is cool because he gives all the kids presents and I think that is really nice of him to take his time that, but he couldn't do that without his reindeer. Oh yea that reminds me this year I am going to put carrots on the plate for the reindeer. I always wonder what the sleigh looks like. Maybe this year I can write a note to Santa that says take a picture of the sleigh, so I can see what it looks like. Therefore have a merry Christmas HO! HO! HO! Kirsten Miller
Four Wheeling in the Snow I called my friends to see if they wanted to go to the mountains to four wheel on snow in their Toyotas. We got to Bluewood and then took the snowmobile trail #25. The trail goes around back to trail #26. We saw a cougar with two cubs and also two deer. I did a 360 off a really big snow jump on my snowmobile. We went back to our trucks and got the ramp and drove our snowmobiles up the ramps onto our trucks. We then four wheeled down to Waitsburg where our other friends were. Finally, after picking up my friends we went to Jasper Mountain and four wheeled the rest of the day. I took them down a dangerous fire road. We also played in the snow. We had a great time!! David Lewis
The Snow Puppy Hi, my name is Spike. I am a puppy. I am Carlos' pet. We like to take lots of walks. It was Christmas evening when we built a snow puppy. It came alive. "It looks like I have two pets," said Carlos. So we went inside and the snow puppy melted into a real puppy! I said, "I will not forget that Christmas." The next day the snow puppy got a name it was Carlos, Jr. Carlos, Jr .and I had a good Christmas! In closing, I have told you about Carlos' pet dog. He loves to play with Spike. Carlos Norris
Celebrate Christmas I like to celebrate Christmas in many ways. I like to open presents and play with my new toys. I enjoy eating good food and treats. I like eggnog and candy canes especially the blue ones with the red stripes. One of my favorite Christmas books to read is "A Bad Kitty Christmas" I like to make up stories too. I wrote a story about a Christmas Swan named Lewis. It's about how to have a good Christmas. On Christmas Eve in my family we all get to open one gift early if we want to. We go to church on Christmas Eve, I like to listen to Christmas music. On Christmas morning we open presents. Finally, Christmas is a very important day of the year. It is important because it is about the birth of Jesus. Huntyr Clarno
The First Christmas One day an angel visited Mary and Joseph. They wear told that they would have a son. The king of the country told everyone they had to go back to their cities to pay their taxes. Mary and Joseph came from Bethlehem it was a long trip back. The king wanted to know how mine people were going to pay their taxes. When Mary and Joseph made it to Bethlehem, Mary was very pregnant. She was read to have the baby. They went to the inn to get a room but there was no more room. The innkeeper sad you can sleep in my barn tonight they had their baby and put him in a manger. They named him Jesus, like god told them too, long before Jesus was born, god promised a king would be born. Three wise men saw and followed a star SO BRIGHT you would need sunglass, which was shiner than all the other stars. They followed that star because they knew under that star was the new king, king Jesus . They brought him gifts of gold frankincense myrrh All in all, I have told you of the first Christmas, win Jesus was born, where he was born and the gifts he was brought when he was 8 years old Timothy Daves
The Christmas Jewel Hi, my name is Grace. I am 10 years old. There was a Christmas I will never forget with my trusty horse, Willa by my side. This story is about love, hope, Meanness and sacredness. It all started the day before Christmas. Willa and I where just minding our own business galloping around the arena when we heard someone scream, "The Christmas Jewel is gone!" Ok, wait a minute the Christmas Jewel every year brings Christmas to good boys and girls of Wac-omon-to-do. Where were we, Oh the Christmas jewel is gone. Someone get the thief. Who could have stolen it? Could it be Dr. Good Job? Then the woman asked me to get the Christmas jewel back in time for Christmas. We all know where Dr. Good Job lives. One mile out of town and tack a right then you will be there. So I started out to Dr Good Job's house on Willa. But when I got there Dr Good Job was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw him. I galloped after him on Willa. Then I finally cut him off and he was still. Sure enough he had the Christmas jewel. Right then I called the police. When they came and got him and took the jewel back to where it belongs. They said." you are the best horse rider, criminal catcher I have ever seen. So all in all, I saved Christmas and put Dr. Good Job in jail. Have a merry Christmas. Grace Coulston
Luke's Stunning Day Christmas was today and Luke a Jedi was inviting some friends. Here are there name's Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Master Yoda. They had presents and everything. When everybody was there, they ate cookies and had milk. After that they played a nice game of Destroy the battle droids. Af ter a whi le someone knocked at the door. Luke said, "Now who could that be?" He went to the door and opened it. Then he almost got stunned. At the door was Darth Vader. "Is this some type of trick?" Luke said. Darth Vader came inside threw his light saber on the table and told Luke that he was his father. Luke's eyes nearly popped out when he heard that he said "impossible," as he listened he learned that Darth Vader name is Anakin Skywalker and Luke knew that his name is Luke Skywalker. Luke got stunned when he learned that they were son and father. After that they opened presents and went home. In closing, Luke had his stunning moment. The force can hold on to your spirits. The secret of Luke and Darth Vader has been told. The game of battle droids is to help defeat the dark side. Light Sabers are your life and you can't afford to loose it Seamus House
The Christmas Tree Hi, my name is Alexis and I'm going to tell you a little story. On one cold snowy afternoon I decided to go to my friend's house, his name is Carlos. We asked his parents if they could take us to the mountains to go sliding. So they did when we got there we ran outside and headed for the hill. Then Carlo's mom said, Be careful!" When we got to the top of the hill Carlos said, "Last one down has to eat snow and make snow angels. "So we raced down the hill. It looked like a tie but then I hit a rook and flew up and past Carlos. I won! Carlos grabbed a handful of snow and ate it. Then he made a snow angel. We both saw two huge trees and we asked Carlos's parents if we could use those for Christmas tree. They said yes so we went back and got a saw and a truck to hold it we went back up and cut it down. A week went past and it was finally Christmas Eve. We finished decorating our house and our tree. I saw so many presents I couldn't wait I was so excited I couldn't sleep when I woke up. I ran to my living room I and I tried to find presents with my name on them. I found ten presents with my name I got an x-box, games for it, jacket, new snow shoes, a toy helicopter, gloves toy cars, pants, a bathrobe, and shirt. Finally, we all ate ginger bread cookies with milk. I didn't want Christmas to end but it was time to go to sleep. My sister and I were sad. Alexis Espana
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