Bob's Big Tree Mary went to the store she found me and she bought me. She carried me outside and put me in her truck. She drove me home. I am a big tree that gets to be a Christmas tree. Mary planned to use me for the best Christmas ever. She took me to her dad's house. They decorated me. It was exciting because I was happy. It felt good being decorated. I was really pretty. Snow was falling from the sky. I was so glad it was snowing. That meant it was almost Christmas. Ten days until Santa was coming. He was going to put presents under me. On Christmas morning, Bob and Mary ran down the stairs and they opened the presents that were under me. I was happy to watch them open presents and that I kinda helped give them their gifts. By AJ Knowles
The Little Kitty One day I was found on the street by Secret, Violets brother. He was so excited he had found me because he remembered his sister wanted a cat. I just became Violets gift for Christmas. The night before Secret found me his sister had said, "Christmas is coming and all I want is a cat for my present." Secret begged and begged his mom and dad if he could give me for a present to his sister. They said yes as long as he could help me get back to health. Violets brother quietly took me into his room so she wouldn't see me. He gave me a bottle of milk and soft cat food for four days. I feel so much better. Now secret and Violets mom and dad said I could be Violets present as Secret was able to show them he would help his sister take care of me. On Christmas morning before Violet woke up. Secret wrapped me with a red ribbon around my neck. He was glad that he was going to give me to his sister. After the ribbon he put me in a box. I was happy and not scared because I like playing in boxes. He poked one hole in the top so I could breathe. Then he put wrapping paper around the box. Secret walked to the tree and set me under the tree. Violet woke up and saw the box I was in. So she opened it first. She was so excited that she forgot about all the other presents. I thought it would be fun to explore Violets room so I could sleep with her every night. I was amazed to have a new friend. Violet and I became best friends. Whenever she came home I came straight to her so we could play. By Emma Williams
The Gift Jipiter, bought me for her brother Pattiner because he did not have a Christmas tree. Jipiter bought ornaments for his brother and packed them into a box. Jipiter put me and the box of ornaments in their 2011 Chevy Camaro carefully. The next day she drove me from Seattle to Spokane. Pattiner came out and said, "Thanks I love it Jipiter!" They both took me out and carried me into Pattiner's house. They found a great spot in the living room to put me. It took all day to put the ornaments on me. After the long day both of them went to bed because the next morning was Christmas. Everyone opened the presents and it was a good time. I felt awesome because they opened all the gifts carefully. It was fun to watch them because they were both having a good time. Jipiter and Pattiner went to start cooking so the food would be ready for dinner. They threw the box that I came in away. Then they ate, played war and went to bed. Jipiter left early the next morning. I was taken down the next morning. By Koby Harris
The Unknown Toy One frosty day in Christmas town Santa saw something horrible, beyond belief! He saw a present and he didn't know what it was. I was that present you see! Santa knows what all presents are all but me. He asked me, "What are you?" I said, "I don't know." Santa gasped in disbeliefhellip; "A talking toy," he said. "I have my own free will too" I said. "I showed him by moving arms" You see there were a lot of toy scraps this year so the elves decided to put them altogether and see what happened. Each piece fit together perfectly. But an elf accidentally dropped me into the fire. When the fire went out I used my jet packs to get on table. But that's another story. Santa said, "I will give you to the child on the top of the nice list. He wrapped me up. After what seemed like a few days. I felt a bump and I heard Santa say, "Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!" After what seemed like 1 hour. I felt a jolt and gravity left me. Then gravity returned to me. I heard the tearing of paper and a child yell, "Santa finally came!" a beam of light hit me. "But he never comes." I heard someone say, "We will take turns playing with it," someone else said and I lived happily ever after. By Otto Alexander
Jibbly's Present One day on Christmas Jibbley got in his car and drove to K Mart. He wanted to find the perfect present. And then there I was! He bought me. "Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3". He got some wrapping paper too. I thought it was exciting because I was only $10.35 and it made me happy that Jibbely could afford me. I was going to be a present for Fred, Jibbely's friend. He took me in the house right by the tree and wrapped me. The next morning Fred got up and unwrapped me. He was so happy cause he had wanted me, the Call of Duty game for a long time. Jibbley was excited because he got to play me with Fred . They played on Fred's PS3 all day. When it was time to go to bed Fred plugged his PS3 into his little TV in his room and played me for a while longer. He got to the first level of Act 3 and feel asleep while playing. I felt great because I finally got to go to someone's house. That way I could get played with instead of being in a store. By Wyatt Mathews
Oh Christmas Tree I see a familyhellip;they are walking towards me. They are going to cut me down. I heard them say I am going to be their Christmas tree. When they were cutting me down I felt really, really, really happy. The little girl wanted to be in the back of the pick-up with me. I was so glad that she loved me already. I knew that she would hang ornaments on me and lights because she wanted to make me look pretty. Her name was Sarah, her family along with her grandma will love and take care for me. I hope they have fun with me while I am their Christmas tree until the end of Christmas. That will be in two weeks. On Christmas Eve Santa will see a beautiful tree. This year it will be me. He will smile big because he will see Sarah's ornament she hung on me. The ornament had a list on it. The list was everything she wanted for Christmas. After putting the gifts under me Santa put a sign near me to tell her to go to the left of me and head outside. I was excited because I knew it was something special that wouldn't fit underneath my branches. Outside there was another sign telling Sarah to go around to the right of the porch. Her parents were following her because they wanted to see what was outside also. Sarah was running around the porch now. She saw a pony that Santa had left for her. There was a big red bow around the pony's neck. Sarah was excited because she has always wanted a pony. Sarah's parents and her named the pony Snow White. They all came back into the house by me and opened their presents then had a big breakfast. The family left me up until the day after Christmas. Then they took all of the decorations that made me so beautiful off and carried me outside. I was put in their pick up. It was a short ride back up to the woods where they stopped and just threw me in the snow. I felt ok because Christmas was over and I had been the best Christmas tree they had ever had. By Ashley Eliertson
The Magic Tree My name is Grant and I am a Pine Tree. I live in the forest. Otto and his family wanted me for Christmas. When they found me they cut me down, I said ouch because I hit my face when I landed on the ground. They drove me to their house. I was put up a week before Christmas. They put me by the wall on a green stand with four legs without steps. It was plastic. I felt kinda good about being in the house on the stand. Otto, his mom and dad put decorations all over me. When they started to put decorations on me I felt fabulous because some of the decorations were sparkly and shiny. Day after day they decorated me. The whole family went in to another room to watch TV. Otto's dad was walking by me on his way to the living room. He heard a noise it was the sled ornament. It had been in the middle of me. My branches were turning down and the ornament almost fell off. Dad rushed to tie the sled back onto my branches. He used my prikley part to tie them together. That way it wouldn't fall off. When they were all together again watching TV the snow storm outside interfered with the Satellite. So again dad had to take care of things. He ran down to the basement stairs. The stairs were right beside me. I couldn't get any sleep because of the noise he was making. He was getting the ladder to fix the Satellite. He came up the stairs and went outside. He was very careful of the storm so the ladder wouldn't fall. He used a snow shovel to move snow away from the Satellite. It made me frustrated because I was still awake and tomorrow was Christmas morning. I was so excited to see what the presents were under me. Santa knew that Otto's family was going to throw me out the day after Christmas because I was getting old. My branches were running out of water and my green stand was tired of holding me. So Santa brought me two presents to make me feel better. The first present was a big gigantic water can. The second one was one he invented just for me! PLANTING GROWTH SPROUT! Yep, Otto poured them both in my stand to make me stay alive for thousands and thousands of years. Three days after Christmas they took me to my old stump and put me on top of it. When I got on, the magic growth sprout connected me and the stump together. I lived in the forest with all of my friends again and I was glad. I was thankful for one year I got to be Otto's family Christmas tree. But if you asked me what one I like better it would be living with my friends in the forest on my stump. By Grant Teal
Hot Wheels Sara went to the store to get TJ a present. She found me. I was very happy because I had been sitting on the shelves for a long time. TJ always wanted Hot Wheels. Lucky for him I was a fast racing car that he would be glad to have. So Sara brought me home and wrapped me in wrapping paper that had cars and trucks on the outside of it. She put me under the tree. The next day was Christmas. I was so excited for TJ to see me. He opened me first because he saw me first. He loved me and was glad I was his cause he has always wanted a car. He played with me every day after school for maybe an hour. It made me feel awesome because he would take me places too. By Makenzie Clifton
The Christmas Pine Tree I was sitting up in the mountains as I saw the sun go down. I immediately turned to the sound of footsteps. What did I see? None other than 2 parents and a little girl. She walked up to me and said, perfect! Her father walked up to me and cut me down. They put me next to the girl on a sled. They pulled me and the girl to their log cabin. After arriving they put me in a pot of soil. They gave me fresh water and hung beautiful decorations on my branches. Last but not least the little girl put a beautiful golden star on the tippy top of my head. I think I made them very happy. Especially, the little girl. By Suzy Moser
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