WAITSBURG - The city of Waitsburg would like to let the citizens know the fuel surcharge approved as a part of the new solid waste agreement with Basin Disposal will be present on the utility bills that will be arriving in January. For more information about your bill, call 509-337-6371.
DAYTON - The Christian Women's Connection (CWC) Luncheon will be held at the Seneca Activity Center in Dayton on Wednesday, Jan. 11 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The cost is $10.00 and will be catered by Dayton General Hospital. The speaker/special feature for this month is Cathy Rasley, the energetic owner of the unique Hot Mama's Espresso in Walla Walla. She has been a cheer coach for 17 years at Walla Walla High School and has worked as a special education teacher's assistant.
Paige Wood will sweeten the air with her music. She is a 14-year-old homeschooler living in Waitsburg, who keeps busy with a multitude of activities. Please RSVP and childcare is provided. Call Judy Jackson at 399-2005 to reserve your lunch and also to let her know if you need a babysitter for the luncheon. Please honor your reservation; "gift" it to a friend, or call Judy by noon on Friday, Jan. 6 to cancel if your plans change; otherwise, we are obligated to pay for your meal if you are unable to attend.
WALLA WALLA - The Walla Walla Conservation District said the Washington State Department of Ecology will increase its field burning fees this coming July. Fees will increase to $3.75 per acre. This will allow ecology to take burn calls seven days a week. Those interested in the topic can learn more at the Walla Walla Conservation District's annual meeting on Thursday, Jan. 26.
WALLA WALLA -- An opening on the Walla Walla County Rural Library Board of Trustees is being readvertised. Applications can be obtained from the county website (www.co.wallawalla. wa.us), or the Walla Walla County Commissioners' Offi ce (physical: Public Health and Legislative Building, Room 203, 314 W Main / mail: P.O. Box 1506, Walla Walla), or by calling the commissioners' office at (509) 524-2505. Completed applications packets must be returned to the county commissioners' office by 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 20, via mail, fax, or emailed to wwcocommissioners@co.walla-walla.wa.us.
WALLA WALLA -- The Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership board is considering expanding the Policy Advisory Group beyond its current membership, and is seeking to identify interested and eligible local stakeholders who could serve as an appointed member of the Policy Advisory Group for a two-year term. To be considered for Policy Advisory Group appointment, please contact the Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership at 509.524.5216 or visit the Partnership's website at www.wallawallawatershed.org. Community members are also invited to attend the Partnership's monthly public meetings to learn more about the pilot local water management program and opportunities for involvement. Public meetings of the Partnership Board are held at the Walla Walla Community College Water & Environmental Center on the first Tuesdays of the month, beginning at 7 p.m. For more information, visit the Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership website at www.wallawallawatershed.org.
WALLA WALLA -- Fort Walla Walla Museum, as well as the Museum Store, Headquarters Art Gallery and Research Library are open weekdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. through March 31. Admission: $7 adults; $6 seniors 62 and up and students; $3 children 6-12; free for children under 6. Information: 509-525- 7703, info@fortwallawallamuseum.org, www.fortwallawallamuseum.org. Facebook: Fortwalla Wallamuseum
WALLA WALLA -- The Dance Center presents a performance of "Pinocchio" on Jan. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Cordiner Hall on the Whitman College campus. There are 120 dancers and performers on stage for an entertainment to delight the young and the young at heart. Tickets can be purchased at Earthlight Books or at the door for $10 to $15, depending on whether you are a student or want a reserved seat.
WALLA WALLA - The Walla Walla Chapter No. 12 of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington annually offers a $500 scholarship to students in local schools. The deadline for those interested in applying is May 15, 2012. To qualify, an applicant must be a descendant of a person who established residence in Washington prior to 1871, Oregon prior to 1853, Idaho prior to 1864 and Montana, west of the crest of the Rocky Montana, prior to 1864. Please contact your school counselor for an application packet, or address your request to Scholarship Chairman DPW, No. 12, Francis Ave., Walla Walla.
WALLA WALLA -- The First Thursday concert, Jan. 5, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
323 Catherine Street, Walla Walla, from 12:15 to 12:50 p.m., will feature music performed by Debra Bakland (formerly Richter) of Canadian University College, LaCombe, Alberta, playing piano; Amy Dodds of Whitman College, violin, and Lyn Ritz of Walla Walla University, violin and viola. The music of Mozart, Beach, Clarke and Tchaikovsky will be on the program. The performers have asked that contributions be given to the Red Cross. Bring a friend, your lunch and enjoy the music. For more information contact Tanya at 529-1083.
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