Once again, I had a frosted bottle of California Vintner, Randall Grahm's, 2007 Le Cigare Volant on the table in front of me and a first of the season, cracked crab. I was in heaven and hoped no one noticed my drooling. A friend joined me on the Santa Cruz Municipal Pier for the feast. Wine Guy missed my surprise visit, but that was OK, as we mumbled out loud, "good, more for us," and poured Le Cigare and nibbled on fresh cracked crab, admiring the Monterey Bay.
This Grenache-styled wine with the funny name and label is a favorite of mine. Wine Guy first introduced me to Randall and his Bonny Doon Winery in 1988. I've been smitten ever since.
The Cigare is rosy to the nose, chopped tart cherries swoosh the cheeks, a swath of spicy geranium swirls into a fine-boned tongue of minerality -- a feminine wine for both guys and gals.
The Monterey Bay is one thing I truly miss with its living waters full of playful seals and otters. But then again, we have Izzy the camel just outside Waitsburg, who smiles for photos and kisses little children with his velvet lips. Don't deny that you look for Izzy and his side-kick Whinney the donkey, each time you drive in and out of Waitsburg.
It is only natural that we admire these mammals, they are resilient, something we can only hope to be through the New Year.
Speaking of resilience, Randall, because you have succeeded in keeping the original recipe for Le Cigare Volant and in wide distribution, yours truly, Judith (Jude) Henderson from Wine and Country Living, gives you 98 points for wine tasting perfection! Congratulations Randall and team!
Until next week, "Eat Art Drink Imagination!"
Tempered Jalapeno Pepper Honey
1-cup raw honey
1 jalapeno pepper and seeds sliced thin
In a sauce pan over medium heat warm ingredients just to a simmer, remove pan from heat and cool to room temperature. Cover and place pan in refrigerator overnight. Next day, reheat just to a simmer and strain honey mixture through a fine sieve, cool honey and place one fresh sliver of pepper in a jar, pour honey over and serve or refrigerate when not in use. Great smeared over grilled skewered giant prawns paired with a bottle of Bonny Doon Le Cigare Volant.
Judith's "Wine and Country Living Cookbook" now on sale in wine rooms across the nation: For sales and distribution: 509-520-8748.
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