Voters living in Dayton have been keenly aware of the important role public education plays in the life of a community since its founding. Historical records indicate Dayton was among the first of Washington's communities to support public education and has continued to do so by supporting local school levy measures. There exists in the community an understanding that a strong and vibrant school system is a key part of a strong and vibrant community.
I am passionately encouraging voters to continue their support for education by voting "YES" on the two school measures appearing on the ballot that will soon be mailed to all registered voters. While my remarks are directed at the M&O Levy, the Capital Project Levy is equally important. Funds raised through the capital levy will provide financial support needed to continue our efforts to integrate technology into our educational programs and will provide an added measure of safety to our facilities.
The Maintenance and Operations Levy provides nearly 25 percent of the district's budget. Local funds provide programming that touches each of our students from pre-schoolers to seniors. The school board acknowledges that asking local tax payers for this level of support is diffi cult, but it is an investment that is necessary to meet the needs of the children and the needs of our community. A gap currently exists between the cost of basic education and state funding. Without the support of local taxpayers, Dayton's children will not receive the education necessary for their future.
Local levy dollars provide funding for:
*Small class sizes
*Curriculum materials and supplies
* Administration and teachers needed to provide a comprehensive educational program
*Co-curricular programs and clubs ( FFA, FBLA, Youth and Government)
*Athletics for grades 7-12
*Clean and safe facilities
*Community use of the facilities
*Supervision of students
*Office support staff
*School nurse hours
*Library materials and staf f
Many of us moved to Dayton because of its geographic location and its keen sense of community. We work hard to take of care of themselves and others. Local businesses meet our needs by providing goods and services at competitive prices. A health care system provides a clinic, hospital, nursing home, pharmacy and dental care. Civic organizations strive to meet the various needs of children and families though fund raising and service projects. City and county employees and volunteers also create safe streets, parks and highways for us to use. Our fire department relies on enthusiastic volunteers to meet our needs.
Like an intricate and beautiful spider web, all of us here in Dayton are connected and interdependent. Dayton is a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. Local support for all parts of our community is what sets us apart from other places where people live. Dayton is not somewhere we just live, it is our home. I urge you to support our local schools by voting "Yes" as we continue to support our community in the work we do with children each and every day.
Doug Johnson
Dayton School
District Superintendent
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