Fraudulent check reported on West Second Street.
Vehicle versus mailbox collision on Seventh Street.
Aggressive dog reported on Wheatland Drive.
Vehicle prowl on May Street.
Civil dispute on East Main Street. Sick animal reported on South
Second Street. 911 call on East Clay Street, investigation found child
was playing with phone. Criminal mischief reported on North Third
Street. Warrant service. Residential burglary reported on East Washington
Avenue. Civil dispute over property line on West Second Avenue. Suspicious person/activity reported on East Patit Avenue. Child abuse reported
on North First Street, unfounded. Suspicious person or circumstance
reported on South Third Street. Fire alarm.
Runaway reported on South Fourth Street. Accident without injuries
on North Touchet Road.
Stoplight downtown not working at Main and Second streets, the Department of Transportation advised. Non-injury accident on Valley View,
vehicle slid into ditch. Non-injury accident on Highway 12. Non-injury
accident on Highway 12. Suspicious circumstances reported on South
Fourth Street, unfounded. Suspicious person reported on East Brooklyn
Avenue, unable to locate. Suspicious circumstances reports on East
Washington Avenue, will patrol area.
Suspicious person reported on East Washington Avenue. Suspicious
person seen in alley on North Third Street, deputies unable to locate.
Abandoned vehicle reported on Lower Hogeye. Found dog on South
Fourth Street. Theft of FedEx delivery items reported on North First
Street. Line down on South Touchet Road, Pacific Power and Light and
TVTV advised. Power line down on Harlem Road. Power line down
on South Sixth Street. Phone line down on West Cameron Street, CenturyLink advised. Assisted Garfield County Sheriff's Office. Branches
down in roadway on North Second Street. Vehicle slid off roadway on
Highway 12. Traffic control for downed tree on East Main Street. Phone
lines down on South Sixth Street. Branches down on West Main Street.
Deputy assisted resident on West Main Street, branches went through
bedroom window. Noise complaint on South Second Street. Utility problem reported on East Tremont Street. Utility problem reported on West
Main Street. Utility problem on South Cottonwood. Tree down blocking
roadway at East Richmond Avenue. Utility line hanging low on Cameron
Street, cones used to detour traffic. Tree down partially blocking northbound lane on bridge on Front Street.
Civil assist on East Dayton Avenue, tree down on cars parked in the
street, cars owned by homeowner. Deputy removed limbs from roadway
on West Dayton Avenue. Fender bender on West Main Street, no injuries.
Property damage to fence on a private drive, investigation ongoing. Limb
down on East Patit Avenue, deputy removed it from roadway. Child custody dispute on East Main Street. Found Australian Shepherd on South
Third Street, taken to pound. Possible transformer blew at North Pine
Street, deputy checked, no transformer on pole, power to local business.
Report of line down in alley on South Third Street, deputies responded.
Child custody dispute on West Main Street. Possible prowler reported on
South Second Street. Suspicious person reported on West Main Street.
Suspicious noise heard on South Fifth Street.
Welfare check on East Commercial Avenue. Suspicious activity reported on Bruce Road.
Overdue traveler reported on North Touchet Road, eventually returned
home. Suspicious person or circumstance reported on South Second
Street. Tracks found in snow next to house on South Fourth Street, possible prowler. Domestic violence reported on North First Street.
Internet harassment reported on West Cameron Street. Jail work crew
at Dayton City Hall. Kitchen fire on East Jackson Street.
Boat stopped for inspection on
Main Street.
Vehicle versus power pole collision on Biscuit Ridge Road, no
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