Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago February 14, 2002

Music students from Waitsburg Schools joined professional musicians from the Inland Northwest Orchestra, conducted by R. Lee Friese, in performing "Because" and "Finale" from the "Firebird Suite" by Igor Stravinsky. Nick Stroobants and Michael Bessey on saxophone, Haley Ingle on flute and WHS Band Director Brad Green playing clarinet in this two-hour performance are featured in this issue.

The Waitsburg City Council has approved a plan to install a pair of 8-inch pipes under Main Street to give floodwaters a way out of the basin formed by the Touchet River levee and Main Street.

Twenty-Five Years Ago February 19, 1987

Kenneth Beasley from the Waitsburg area experienced a world of science at Westinghouse Hanford Company during the site celebration of Thomas Edison's birthday, Feb. 11.

In a case heard in the Waitsburg Municipal court on Feb. 12, Judge Pro-tem Brent Potts found that a dog on the premises of Judith Dirks was a public nuisance. Potts set a fine of $300, suspending $200. The dog had previously been declared vicious and ordered kept out of town by the city council.

Hard work is an accumulation of easy things you didn't do when you should have.

Fifty Years Ago February 16, 1962

The marriage of Dollyjean Orchard of Walla Walla and Richard Timothy Pettyjohn of Prescott took place Fec. 10 at St. Patrick's Church in Walla Walla.

The engagement of Miss Norman Anderson and PFC Delbert Chapman of Dayton has been announced by her mother, Mrs. Virginia Anderson.

The Hi Lo Pinochle Club met at Clifford Hermanns' home Friday afternoon. High score was won by Mrs. Virgil Carpenter, Mrs. Carl Peck was second and Mrs. Pierre Ganquet, traveling prize.

Seventy-Five Years Ago February 19, 1937

Mrs. Chester Keiser was hostess to the No No Club at a 6:30 o'clock dinner Monday evening. During the evening bridge was played. Mrs. Wesley Lloyd receiving the monthly prize and the traveling prize went to Mrs. Fred Ogden.

W.H. Ingalls of Walla Walla was a visitor in the city Tuesday. Mr. Ingalls who is one of the few remaining members of the Naomi Rebekah Lodge, was in attendance at the meeting on Tuesday evening.

Townsend Club held its regular meeting Thursday evening. Elected officers as follows: Jake Schmitt, president; Ed Buroker, vice president; Tom Ellers, secretary; and Mrs. Hixon, treasurer.

One Hundred Years Ago February 16, 1912

The boy's basketball team from the local high school defeated the Prescott team Wednesday by a score of 22-9.

"Mammy" Brockman, of Shiloh, was in the city Tuesday to attend the Farmers' Union Annual Entertainment. Mrs. Brockman informed us that they were tapping the new Pacific Power & Light Co. this week and hereafter the Brockman home would be lighted by electricity; also motors were to be attached to "Pappy," James, John and Edna. She thought it would require a 4-horse motor to move "Pappy" at the desired speed.

There is a rapidly growing sentiment that the Commercial Club purchase and develop a commercial orchard and cut it up into small tracts for actual homebuilders.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago February 11, 1887

Died-At Olympia, W.T. , Feb. 3rd, 1887, woman suffrage, in its infancy. May it rest in peace.

The campfire at the Opera House last night was well attended and seemingly much enjoyed, but what was the matter with the music?

Much complaint is made about the numerosity of jackrabbits and the depredation they are committing. Let the county commissioners offer a bounty for jackrabbit scalps and thus clean out the vermin, for when numerous they are a first-class nuisance.

Our small close of winter, commenced last week, is still with us, though the weather is not nor has it been, very cold - zero being the lowest yet indicated. Some snow has fallen nearly every day this week, and at this writing, Friday morning, the snow is about 10 inches deep and the temperature is 20 degrees above zero.


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