The Starbuck School District has named its January 2012 students of the month.
Braedyn White was the honored student for the Elementary School. Braedyn has been in Starbuck for three years, and is a second grader this year.
Braedyn is an excellent student. He is constantly trying hard to learn and grow in every subject. He is diligent with his math work, recently learning early multiplication facts and calculating the area of a square. He is a bright young student.
In the school Accelerated Reader competition Braedyn has been working hard and reading as many books as possible. He is earning points and saving them up for one of the big prizes at the end of the year assembly. Braedyn is a great reader who is improving every day.
In class, Braedyn is well behaved and attentive. Even when writing multiple sentence paragraphs and practicing his handwriting he concentrates on his task and gets his work done. Outside of class he is courteous to all students.
He plays well at recess and helps clean up afterward. He has great character, and has earned a few "character corner" pendants for respect and responsibility.
In the intermediate class, Erin Wharton is January's Student of the Month.
Erin is a hard worker, enjoys many activities and is excelling at Starbuck.
Erin is doing a great job in her studies. While she is in the 5th grade, she is above grade level in several subjects. Her favorite is math and science. She is excited to see her model ecosystem "eco-column" excel and how pollution will affect it. She understands world problems and strives to solve them.
Erin works hard at everything she does, whether in or out of the classroom. She is involved in soccer, basketball and her favorite, wakeboarding. She is really enjoying skiing at Bluewood in our annual ski program and is seen swooshing down the slopes.
Erin likes spending time with friends and family, playing sports and working on the computer. She does a great job balancing work and play. She is helpful and hardworking.
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