Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

February 21, 2002

Proving your vote counts, the Waitsburg School District Maintenance and Operations levy was approved by voters by just two votes.

Eighteen-year old Carla Nordheim of Waitsburg hand-stitched more than 2,000 Czechoslovakian beads to dark green Pendleton wool to make a full-length evening gown with train and bolero jacket to win fourth place in the National Make It With Wool contest. Carla won a sewing machine, electric scissor sharpener, college scholarship and a book on fabrics for her efforts.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 20, 1987

St Mark's Parish is to sponsor a series of square dances to be held in the Parish Hall starting Friday evening, Feb. 17.

The DeNova Club met last Thursday at the home of Freda Lutz. On March 19, the club will have a rummage sale and will rent out flea market tables for $5.

Cheryl Hansen, who works at Cottey College, Nevada, Mo., spent the last weekend visiting her parents, Jim and Geraine Hansen.

Fifty Years Ago

February 23, 1962

The Waitsburg Cardinals ended the basketball season in a tie for first place with Anatone in the B League. Members of the team are Duane Gusse, Bill Donley, Jim Hofer, Rich White, Jim Wood, Jack Cyr, Bob Abbey, Ed Bird, Gary Thomas, Mike White, Wes Leid and Rick Davis.

Mr. and Mrs. Gail Griffen of Dayton announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret to Burce W. Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris of Waitsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Hawks and two children of Dayton have rented the Marvin Lloyd farm home. Mrs. Hawks is the daughter of Roalla McGill of Dayton, who leases asparagus acreage on the Lloyd place.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 26, 1937

Max Houtchens, son of Postmaster and RMs. G.C. Houotches, was named director of the Mental Health Clinic at Des Moines, Iowa, on Feb. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Weintrob, proprietors of the Ladies Fashion Shoppe, have decided to retire from business in this city, and to that end, announce this week, their entire stock of merchandise at close-out prices.

Donald Abbey, who has been in Seattle for the past several months, employed by a fur establishment, arrived home this week and will assist his father Oscar Abbey, on the farm.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 23, 1912

According to the Columbia County Dispatch, Sullivan & Eayerweather, late of Walla Walla, have arranged for the operation of a pickle factory at Long's Station, and have contracted with a number of neighboring farmers for a large acreage of cucumbers at 1 cent a pound, cauliflower at 2 cents, cabbage, tomatoes and onions 1 cent.

Mrs. O.B. Smith and Mrs. Milan Smith gave a delightful valentine party at the home of Milan Smith on Fourth Street, last Thursday evening, which proved to be one of the most enjoyable social events of the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Hawks went to Prescott Monday to be at the bedside of Mr. Hawks' brother who was badly injured in a runaway. He had carelessly left one tug hitched and his team mashed him against the barn.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 18, 1887

For the first time in three years, the Wallowa Lake is frozen over, and is now a delicate little skating pond.

Our old friend, Fred Hofer, has succeeded well since he went east. At last account he had succeeded in getting himself married to one woman.

The next meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be with Mrs. Platt Preston, Friday at 4 p.m., Feb. 25. A full attendance is requested as business of importance will be presented.

Frank Maxwell, of near Alto, had the misfortune to lose a valuable mare and colt a few days ago by a straw stack, on which they were feeding, fall on them.

A $1 million bridge is to be at once constructed across the Columbia River at Pasco.

The Militia of the nation is to be armed and equipped at the expense of Uncle Sam, Congress having recently passed a law appropriating $400,000 annually for that purpose.


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