Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago March 7, 2002

Randy Halley is caucus choice for mayor; Marty Dunn only incumbent on ticket. Randy Halley was nominated to succeed retiring Mayor Wayne Peterson in the city caucus.

Restoration of rare car was a great experience and helped grades, too. Nineteen- year-old Bret Wilde logged uncounted hours in restoring a 1958 Desoto Fireflite, which he rescued from rusty oblivion with $150. It is now quite a showpiece for the 19-year-old auto mechanics student.

Twenty-Five Years Ago March 12, 1987

Safer guard railings are being put on the Coppei bridge on Highway 12's south approach to Waitsburg. Crews are widening he approach a bit to accommodate the railing and have put in a new culvert.

Chapter 12 may affect financing of farmers. A new facet of bankruptcy law, designed for the stressed farm economy, gives the farmer some "breathing room," and temporarily protection from creditors while reorganizing under court scrutiny.

Fifty Years Ago March 16, 1962

Johnny Kenney and Ricky Harper tried a diet of treated seed wheat Wednesday afternoon, which resulted in some high excitement up Whoop-Em-Up Hollow. After trying a number of antidotes and remedies, a call to the Deaconess poison center, advised that the boys be taken to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. They were feeling fine Thursday but don't like wheat anymore.

Albert Land was elected mayor at the city election Tuesday. Councilmen are Harold Bloor, Donald Harris, A.S. Pearson, Roy Leid and Roy Reed. Julia Davis was elected treasurer. A total of 64 ballots were cast.

Seventy-Five Years Ago March 19, 1937

H.V. Grubbe, our honored and last surviving G.A.R. veteran, reached his 89th milestone Tuesday, March 16. The "Judge" is getting pretty frail both mentally and physically, but is able to be up and around the house.

Craig Tull was in town from his farm near Prescott on Monday. Tull finished seeding this week and is out now looking up some new bucking horses. It is his intention to have the first spring rodeo at Prescott about April 11, weather permitting.

The Dry Creek Telephone Company of Dixie has been incorporated with a capitalization of $1,000. Directors are P.S. Aldrich, George Cochran, James Stonecipher, Arthur Kershaw and J.C. Melger.

One Hundred Years Ago March 18, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Abbey after spending the winter visiting relatives in this city. They left Saturday to return to their farm near Sunnyslope, Alberta.

Miss Elta Campbell, teacher of the third grade at Central School, is quite ill this week with what is thought possibly to be typhoid fever. Mrs. M.O. Pickett is teaching in her stead.

Wormy children are unhappy, puny and sickly. They can't be otherwise while worms eat away their strength and vitality. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge performs a marvelous transformation, cheerfulness, strength and the rosy bloom of health speedily return. Price 25 cents a bottle at Carpenter & Son.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago March 4, 1887

Frank McKinney, finding the close confines of a store did not agree with him, resigned his position with Bayer & Morrow and will return to his first love-farming and stock raising. He will probably be succeeded by W. E. Gailey, a young man from Wallow who has been attending Waitsburg Academy.

Fred Hofer returned from Illinois last Wednesday bringing with him a bride. They will at once begin housekeeping on Mr. H's ranch in the Fields Gulch country. He was in town last night purchasing necessary household goods.

Last Thursday was truly a charming day; warm enough for a May-day; bright, clear and calm, and sidewalks were thronged with pedestrians - men, women and children - enjoying the lovely sunshine and balmy atmosphere, The evening was also lovely and lovers tarried late at the gate and the front door cooing and baying.


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