Ten Years Ago
April 12, 2002
City Council approves M&O levy for the city. The voters in Waitsburg will decide whether they will raise property taxes through a maintenance and operation levy in a May 21 vote-by-mail election.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 16, 1987
Research shows director district voter population varies greatly. As a school board candidate a few years ago, Bill Wolford noticed that some of Waitsburg School District's five directors districts seemed to have more voters than others.
Fifty Years Ago
April 13, 1962
Construction of the freezing plant building at the Green Giant plant in Waitsburg has been completed. The freezing equipment is in the process of being installed and will be used for the 1962 pea crop.
Duane Gusse, a Waitsburg High School senior, placed fourth in the fifth annual Inland Empire Spelling Bee held in Spokane on April 5.
Pictures of a recent bear hunt will be shown next Tuesday night at Commercial Club. The slides, taken by Vaughn Hubbard and Gerald Vollmer in the Alaskan country, will show scenes of the rugged country which they successfully returned with a polar bear for each of the hunters.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
April 16, 1937
Waitsburg Grange is sponsoring the finger-printing of all school and pre-school children in three rural school districts in the locality. Mrs. Henry Roberts has the undertaking in charge.
Ed and Pete Hermanns arrived home on Wednesday of last week from a business trip to Seattle. Ed says they ran into a snowstorm coming over Snoqualmie Pass so wet and heavy the windshield wipers could not function and they had to stop and clean off the glass occasionally.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 12, 1912
O.O. Ingalls gave an entertainment event with his violin at the John Miller place Sunday night. John Neace and Lewis Neace Jr. arrived Monday from their cattle ranch near Melstone, Mont., and are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Neace, and other relatives and friends.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 8, 1887
Born- in this city April 7, 1887 to P.A. and Laura Preston, a daughter. Dr. Simmons. Another voter for women suffrage and prohibition. Slowly but surely these causes are gaining ground. At the meeting of the Waitsburg Farmers Union last Saturday, the following officers were elected.
Driving too fast several times over Main Street bridge last Sunday cost Fred Stencel of Dayton $6.
By great odds, the most quiet city election ever held in Waitsburg was the one last Monday. Nobody seemed to care anything whatever about how it went, and but few even took the trouble to go to the polls and cast a ballot. Fifty-seven votes were cast resulting in the election of the following officers: mayor, P.A. Preston; councilmen, Frank Parton, J.N. Morrow, Geo. Brow, S. G. Marvin and E.S. Burgan; Treasurer, J.W. Morgan.
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