Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

To the Editor,

I'm writing to express my concern about Washington Fish and Wildlife's consideration of a proposal by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) to reintroduce hatchery spring chinook salmon in the Touchet River. I own a home in Dayton and fish in the Touchet River often.

I was not able to make it to that recent public meeting, but I did send WDFW email comments on March 15. One of my comments stated that I would support the reintroduction proposal as long as that action does not, under any circumstances, reduce or restrict any fishing opportunities residents currently enjoy on the Touchet River. I received the following email response from Mr. Glen Mendel (WDFW District Fish Biologist) on March 20, 2012:

" I don't anticipate any changes to current fishing regulations or further restrictions, unless we have too much disturbance or poaching of salmon on the spawning grounds. Salmon are be (sic) protected under current regulations until we determine that we have enough returning adults to open a fishery. So, for now, no changes are planned but we will have to see if a problem develops that might necessitate a change in regulations upstream of Dayton."

Based on that response I am concerned that the reintroduction of Chinook Salmon could restrict fishing opportunities in the future. Additionally, WDFW's public meeting notice states reintroduction programs in the Walla Walla River and Mill Creek have been a success. I asked WDFW in my March 15 email comments what "success" means? Mr. Mendel responded by email stating "The comment regard- ing success of the Walla Walla salmon program should be clarified. It has shown interim level success" and he referred me to the CTUIR regarding success on Mill Creek. Chinook Salmon fishing opportunities have not opened up on either river. I fear the same level of success on the Touchet River, but accompanied by additional fishing restrictions.

If other area residents are similarly concerned I encourage them to send comments to WDFW (teamspokane@dfw. to Mr. Mendel (glen. Thank you.

Robert Eskildsen

Dayton Homeowner/



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