Ten Years Ago April 19, 2002
Waitsburg is first in the county to propose 695 special levy. Property tax rates could exceed $19 per $1,000 of assessed valuation with approval of an eleventh item in the taxing structure, giving Waitsburg the highest taxes in Walla Walla County.
Twenty-Five Years Ago April 23, 1987
The huge flat house in Prescott is getting some alterations. Last year, wheat popped out a panel on the south side of the building, causing some loss of stored wheat and some question as to the structural integrity of the building. The walls have been removed, and concrete panels are being poured.
Fifty Years Ago April 20, 1962
A number of Waitsburg employees were called to work at the Dayton Green Giant Co. cannery this week for the first run of the 1962 asparagus season.
Joy Broom and Bob Abbey were crowned royalty of the Waitsburg High School Junior Prom Saturday night where the theme was the "Roaring Twenties."
Seventy-Five Years Ago April 23, 1937
The local Safeway Store, Kenneth Gohlman manager, is the first store this spring to have a shiny, freshly painted store front.
Miss Laura Land, graduate of the Northwestern Business College, Spokane, has accepted a position as bookkeeper at the Hirsh Feed, Seed and Lumber Co. Miss Land is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Land of this city.
One Hundred Years Ago April 19, 1912
The Modern Woodmen of America Camp 522, Dayton have decided to have a two-day picnic and log rolling on June 7 and 8. There will be something going all the time, opening with a Bingville Dance on the pavement on June 6.
G.G. Bickelhaupt has a handsome 48 horse power "Baby Six" Mitchell touring car, which he drove down from Spokane last week.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago April 15, 1887
At a meeting of the committee appointed to select grounds for Waitsburg Academy building last Friday evening, it was decided to recommend a lot of six acres at 50 per acre, in W.P. Bruce's field between Coppei Avenue and Waitsburg Cemetery.
The site will be selected or rejected by stockholders at their next regular meeting. In our opinion the site selected is not a suitable one, and we trust a majority of the stockholders will view it in the same light as we do. Fronting the south end of Main Street is far preferable.
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