Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Field Fixes Behind Schedule

WAITSBURG - The Waits- burg School District board members and staff had hoped a large project that tore up the track and field to put in a new light system and press box would be completed before track season began this spring.

But the project is not close to being done and the first foot- ball game of the season is just six weeks away.

The school board approved the new lighting project in February, hoping to get it done before the beginning of track season so the track team wouldn't have to bear a torn up track and field.

However, rainy weather and less volunteer help than antici- pated has slowed the project down, said Colter Mohney, the facilities, transportation and maintenance supervisor for the district, last Wednesday at the school board meeting.

In early February, Mohney had alerted the board members the old electrical system on the football field and the poles, all of which are almost 40 years old, are not only insufficient, but were a fire hazard as well. He said not only did the system run so hot the wires vibrated, but the poles had cracks the size of quarters running their length that could have come down in a wind storm.

Later that month, the board decided unanimously to approve $15,000 for the purchase of new poles and lights for the field, and about $24,000 for Doyle Electric to install the new system. The project is being funded by Associated Student Body money and do- nations.

The press box, donated by the Booster Club and the Lion's Club, is far behind schedule as well, Mohney said. There have been few volun- teers working on the press box to get it built and ready for the season. Mohney said he has been doing a lot of the work himself in addition to a few rock star volunteers - Andy Winnett, Louis Gagnon and Jim Davison. A big crew came out and worked on July 7 and Mohney said he hopes the progress continues so it can be ready for the first home foot- ball game on Aug. 31.

"Get it done," said board member Greg Zuger. "Football starts in a month."

As for the new lighting system, it's not yet ready to go either and the board will even be making an addition that may add a couple of days to the project.

Mohney believes he will have all of the new lights on the poles in about a week or two. There have been some problems with the lighting plan that need to be fixed, he added. Also, Mohney said Board Chairman Ross Hamann asked that an extra light not needed for the field be put to use to brighten up the parking area. Also, another light was suggested for the conces- sions area, but the board would have to buy another for this purpose. With the extra materi- als and light, this would come out to be an extra $1,500 extra. The additional materials would also accommodate a speaker system update in the future.

Dr. Carol Clarke said last Wednesday night she is con- cerned about the necessity and cost of the extra light and materials because a change in personnel on the project has already cost the district an ex- tra $1,500.

"That was a bit of a sur- prise," Clarke said.

She said the extra lighting may not be necessary to install now.

"It's not a critical piece to the puzzle," she added.

The board members eventu- ally agreed unanimously that while the track is dug up to put in the extra wires, materials and lighting now, for fear that it would cost more in the future or that there would never be another opportunity.

"It's one of those things that you'll never get it done if you don't do it now," said Board Member Dr. Randy Pearson.


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